Submitted by damonian_x t3_11c3kl9 in OldSchoolCool
Pollux95630 t1_ja1f6dq wrote
Can’t tell, but Skid Row poster on the left? If one of them look like Cousin It with a hat, I would’ve definitely said Guns N’ Roses.
savedbytheblood72 t1_ja1g4qr wrote
When the world went Bat crazy My mom took me to see that movie
Font_Snob t1_ja1go92 wrote
I think we all had the Burton bat-poster. The Frank Miller "Dark Knight" was way rarer.
Century22nd t1_ja1h9vh wrote
Batman was out in Summer 1989, so it must have been then or later.
my-final-bellyache t1_ja1hhvb wrote
I can not emphasize enough how big Batman movie was in the late 80’s
[deleted] t1_ja1i6v3 wrote
Substantial-Room-688 t1_ja1ietv wrote
Mom looks like grandma just walked in on her smoking a joint
topbunn t1_ja1ikgz wrote
I mean, when prince writes the batdance song for you. It’s pretty damn big.
damonian_x OP t1_ja1il9u wrote
My mom was a rebellious teen from what I hear lol
Substantial-Room-688 t1_ja1ilw5 wrote
Yep, it was EVERYWHERE summer of 89
torn-ainbow t1_ja1iqwb wrote
Every kid had to have the batman symbol shirt.
Obvious-Researcher27 t1_ja1ira4 wrote
Nice tie dye
reekingbunsofangels t1_ja1jspt wrote
I was thinking Skid Row on top. Looks like Sebastian Bach posture Bottom blonde looks like Duff In the hat
meat_thistle t1_ja1k2db wrote
It’s the tie-dye.
Oh, well, a touch of grey Kind of suits you anyway That was all I had to say, and It's alright
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_ja1lceq wrote
Definitely Skidrow under the batman poster, to the right I'm not sure maybe def Leppard? The poster under skidrow is great white
DiggingThisAir t1_ja1ld9n wrote
Has to be at least 89. I had that Batman poster, too. I wish I still had it!
Cool_Dark_Place t1_ja1ndg3 wrote
"go...go...go with a smile"
freshcoastghost t1_ja1ogqm wrote
89, the Michael Keaton batman! First movie I saw with him in it was Night Shift with Henry Winkler...funny as hell and kinda launched his career.
HawkmoonsCustoms t1_ja1qnnn wrote
Ah, a woman of culture.
New-Distribution3195 t1_ja1s32h wrote
the bug when I lift up the rock
New-Distribution3195 t1_ja1s53s wrote
The bug when I lift up the rock
formeraide t1_ja22ghx wrote
What were the trophies for?
damonian_x OP t1_ja22vtc wrote
school sports mostly softball.
stawigga_da_pigga t1_ja24yy9 wrote
Looks like Great White. The middle guy with the hat in that poster I think is their guitarist at the time, Mark Kendell. He wore black, flat-brim hats like that.
That and the Skid Row poster would date this about 1989. Skid Row's first album broke in early 1989, and they got big that summer.
KontraKode t1_ja28q4z wrote
Caught mid toke, waiting for the chance to exhale..
TheMadGeezer t1_ja2h6fj wrote
Guessing you mom is mid 50-ish now,?
[deleted] t1_ja2kb2f wrote
smooth-bro t1_ja2khft wrote
She was def hiding something
Heterochromio t1_ja2qt12 wrote
Is that Dalton in the back right?
Blue-cheese-dressing t1_ja2vyxd wrote
I think your right about GW, I think the small one next to the window is Def Leppard- Phil Collen had shorter hair like that late 80s-90s. With the TB Batman logo, 1989 is the earliest this pic was taken. I’d guess OPs mom is late 40s almost 50- Gen X HS era was a sweet time to be alive. We had no idea.
My wife says she thinks that guy on the right wall is Swayze.
Muffdvr_76 t1_ja2xx8j wrote
Skid Row and John Stamos
reckonthedead t1_ja2zbta wrote
I will get by. I will survive.
UNwanted_Dokken_Tape t1_ja3rwpz wrote
Skid Row and Richard Greico - this could only be the 80s
Johnyryal3 t1_ja46qoz wrote
Na dad was too cheap.
No_Maintenance_9608 t1_ja5rzns wrote
Ah the same time I was in my teens. Those were the days.
bruv-island t1_ja1ep5u wrote
Batman obsessed