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Donut_Whole t1_j9c9qd7 wrote

I was fresh out of college at a pet food QA lab in the ‘90s and they had a calendar on the wall of a topless Pamela Anderson.


BuyNo4013 t1_j9cozbr wrote

I inherited a locker in the Army which was tapestried with centerfolds. I was NOT allowed to take them off and was the only guy allowed to keep centerfolds “officially” and not need to take them down at any time - the others tried and every now and then they had to take them off. My locker was considered art.

When starting work, teams were working in either 4 or 5 shifts, 24/7, and women were not allowed by law to do night shifts in production. The team rooms had centerfolds, sexy post cards were sent from vacation and pinned for years to the pin-boards. Newspapers had a naked babe on the first page and on page three, later just on page three. And everything unmanly or team-averse was ogled and loudly condemned as first warning, called “gay” on second warning, while third warning could be up to physical confrontation.

There was no shop, wherever you went, changing tires, repairing electronics, where there was not at least a calendar with nude babes. Bosses had the Pirelli Calendar on the walls behind them, just above the pictures of wives and kids sometimes 😊.

Lady customers , lady employees were supposed to not take any offense. Sincerely so. It was inconceivable in the 1980s, after all what everybody had done in the 1970s to be offended by nude pics.

Ladies were in majority topless on the beach, mid 1980s mostly in thongs (thongs are back, but topless is as rare as in the early 1970s late 1960s). I had girlfriends, who did not even pack a top when going to vacation.

Unthinkable today.


LukashCartoon t1_j9ea6yv wrote

You must be European. By the late 70s early 80s topless women were considered tasteless in places of business. Hell, it was rare that college dorms had any pin ups.


muadib1974 t1_j9eat5y wrote

Not sure where in the U.S you grew up, but I grew up in California, and nudies and babe calendars were absolutely ubiquitous in repair shops and such, well into the eighties.


LukashCartoon t1_j9ebjex wrote

Midwest. In the 70s they were plentiful, but by early 80s, Right Wing Christians and Left Wing Feminists had began discouraging it.