Submitted by So_Do_You_Like_Stuff t3_11daki3 in OldSchoolCool
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_ja8vfey wrote
what talking heads albums do you guys recommend?
TommyTuttle t1_ja8xhs0 wrote
The very first thing to know about the talking heads is Stop Making Sense. An epic live album covering a great deal of their material. You’ll notice it’s a movie soundtrack. Yep. Get hold of that movie. Play it where you have a really really good sound system and watch it as a movie, from start to finish. It’s one of the greatest concert movies ever made, like having front row seats at one hell of a concert. But cheaper 💁♂️
feedmesweat t1_ja9gtd9 wrote
Honestly one of my favorite movies ever, of any genre. It is so well directed, the set design and choreography are incredible and the feeling of intimacy you get with the band is unparalleled. Just pure joy and music coming through the whole time, it is magic to me.
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_ja8y3bl wrote
i know what i'm watching tonight, thank you
obfuscatorio t1_jab345g wrote
Let us know what you think!
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_jab48y6 wrote
Thanks! I watched it earlier, the whole concerts on youtube, I loved it, they're a really rhythmic/funky/groove type band, I love the talking/singing vibe he has, it's still a lot to take in first listen but I'm watching it again tomorrow. Oh the energy, amazing energy
obfuscatorio t1_jac20tx wrote
The amount of cocaine on that stage could’ve probably euthanized a family of elephants
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_jac55rp wrote
😄 I don't know much about them did they imbibe back then?
obfuscatorio t1_jac57nj wrote
Evidence points to yes. It was the 80s
[deleted] t1_ja9ezsm wrote
[deleted] t1_jac5w2u wrote
NateMayhem t1_ja8wyqf wrote
Normally I'd think this was an annoying answer, but actually all of them. They never released a bad or even mediocre record.
That said, Speaking in Tongues is probably their most accessible, or if you're into live performance Stop Making Sense is wonderful and gives a pretty decent overview of the band.
Master_Chef_Mayo t1_ja8y55g wrote
thanks! i've only ever heard their most played songs so it's time to check out the rest
ChessTiger t1_jaao114 wrote
All of them!
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