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Gonzostewie t1_ja7jgrp wrote

Tina is my girl. She carries them songs. So funky. Her basslines are so fun to play.


myleftone t1_ja7jsiv wrote

Her bass playing is legendary not just because they’re pretty exacting and intricate, but they had full choreography at the same time.


benny-boy4 t1_ja7klll wrote

I love watching her play psycho killer on the old grey whistle test


ArghNooo t1_ja7nv39 wrote

I'm in heaven

With my boyfriend, my laughing boyfriend

There's no beginning and there is no end

Time isn't present in that dimension


misterspokes t1_ja7nwkc wrote

The band Talking Heads formed up in Providence, RI between a group of Visual Arts students going to the Rhode Island School Of Design. Choreography and costumes and set design is a big piece of the performance.

Weymouth picked up bass to fill a space, the bassist they had recruited dropped out. This is why the bass lines in '77 are a little less complex than going forward, she's moving from guitar to bass and still learning the instrument.


spork_off t1_ja7o0hb wrote

What you gonna do when you get out of jail?
I'm gonna have some fun!


Bonespurfoundation t1_ja7o937 wrote

Furthermore she refused to give in to pressure from record labels to vamp her looks. Looking at the cover art and promotional stuff you’d barely know she’s a beautiful woman.


mechmind t1_ja7rthz wrote

I'm feeling OK ,I'm feeling alright


Apprehensive_Gap_368 t1_ja7t71c wrote

You may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" You may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?" And you may ask yourself, "Am I right, am I wrong?" And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?"


youthofoldage t1_ja7v6h2 wrote

This! Think about all the truly awesome bass lines she came up with. Just about every song starts with her picking out something that gets you grooving. Bring back the funk!


MaxSupernova t1_ja7ysv4 wrote

And unique, style-wise.

I love watching her switch from using her thumb to using fingers in mid-bar.

She tends to play the lower strings with her thumb and the higher ones with fingers but that’s not always the case. It’s so fun to watch.


ThePencilRain t1_ja82f9t wrote

One of the best bassists of her era, constantly overlooked simply because she wasn't flashy or overstated. Rhymic intensity, metronomic precision, and a "I am not one to be fuxked with" attitude.


zertoman t1_ja89lmw wrote

I’m certain I master bated to her as a teenager, many time, Chris franz wasn’t good enough for her, she needed me.


professor_porn t1_ja8gq5r wrote

Wild. I hung out with her a few nights ago in Fairfield. She's lovely!


NateMayhem t1_ja8wyqf wrote

Normally I'd think this was an annoying answer, but actually all of them. They never released a bad or even mediocre record.

That said, Speaking in Tongues is probably their most accessible, or if you're into live performance Stop Making Sense is wonderful and gives a pretty decent overview of the band.


TommyTuttle t1_ja8xhs0 wrote

The very first thing to know about the talking heads is Stop Making Sense. An epic live album covering a great deal of their material. You’ll notice it’s a movie soundtrack. Yep. Get hold of that movie. Play it where you have a really really good sound system and watch it as a movie, from start to finish. It’s one of the greatest concert movies ever made, like having front row seats at one hell of a concert. But cheaper 💁‍♂️


wiffthecliff t1_ja95bgj wrote

The Found A Job bass line is one of my all time favorites


UselessTech t1_ja9bbs4 wrote

I want "Stop Making Sense" in 4K. C'mon Mr Byrne.


feedmesweat t1_ja9gtd9 wrote

Honestly one of my favorite movies ever, of any genre. It is so well directed, the set design and choreography are incredible and the feeling of intimacy you get with the band is unparalleled. Just pure joy and music coming through the whole time, it is magic to me.


growingby t1_ja9hs5q wrote

Just saw Jerry Harrison and Adrian Belew do Remain in Light 2 days ago.


NosferatuCalled t1_ja9mb6v wrote

The bass line for Born Under Punches alone is pure gold.


taitaofgallala t1_ja9rtvd wrote

Doesn't have to be "that much of a leap" to still be impressive and incredible. To play bass with such style and delivery, dropping stone cold funk like she did on Making Flippy Floppy, she's very unique. She's mostly if not entirely self-taught, so yeah I'd say going from diddling amateur to certified funky priest is a hell of a leap.


Tynoc_Fichan t1_ja9uqnv wrote

Good bass playing is a leap (I'm not saying up, but at least sideways) from guitar because it requires a fundamentally different approach to the instrument. Chugging out root notes isn't such a leap, but that's not what she was doing


JoelOttoKickedItIn t1_jaa0466 wrote

Tina Weymouth is an incredible musician and artist, and was hardly a “diddling amateur” prior to joining Talking Heads. She’d been playing and writing music for more than 10 years by the time she joined Talking Heads (then called Artistics) in ‘74. She was a ringer and everyone knew it. More so, she was an accomplished artist, so creative expression was literally her entire life. Chris Frantz repeatedly tried to convince her to join the band because he saw how incredibly talented and creative she was. She spent YEARS of hard work and dedication honing her skill and developing her creative voice before having the opportunity to showcase her talents with Talking Heads. In my opinion, the notion that she somehow came out of nowhere when she started with Talking Heads is not only inaccurate, but does a disservice to Weymouth’s artistic talents and discounts all the hard work she put in to develop those skills as a musician and as an artist prior to joining the band.


dchallenge t1_jaa7uci wrote

Some of her baselines groove so hard. For someone who learned in the job she overachieved.


phinbar t1_jaasfp9 wrote

The concert video of "Life During Wartime" shows her out in front playing the hell of that bass, all the while dancing in sync with the rest of the front row.


seemooreglass t1_jaazs3q wrote

Didn't David Byrne also lose his shit over the tomtom club success?


statictonality t1_jab3fqi wrote

She also did the vocals for Noodle on the original Gorillaz self-titled album.


Master_Chef_Mayo t1_jab48y6 wrote

Thanks! I watched it earlier, the whole concerts on youtube, I loved it, they're a really rhythmic/funky/groove type band, I love the talking/singing vibe he has, it's still a lot to take in first listen but I'm watching it again tomorrow. Oh the energy, amazing energy