Rex-A-Vision t1_ja7j0wf wrote
There's two kinds of people in the world. Those who lean towards the sharp, erudite humor of them thar Marx brothers and those who lean towards the slapstick end of the spectrum represented by the 3 Stooges. Me...all I know is last night I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How it got in my pajamas I'll never know...
iamsce t1_ja7jekd wrote
What's up with their parents giving them such fucked up names?
Are they ethnic names from the old country?
Rob_T_Firefly t1_ja7kt8z wrote
Those are their stage names which stuck, they had standard names given them by their parents.
Groucho was born Julius, Chico was born Leonard, Zeppo was Herbert, and Harpo was born Adolph (which he later decided to change to Arthur.) Not seen in this photo is fifth Marx Brother Gummo, born Milton, who had left the act before they made the jump from Vaudeville to film.
isecore t1_ja7lwr3 wrote
Technically they're nicknames which became stage-names. Groucho was nicknamed that because he was often in charge of the "grouch bag" i.e. he took care of the money when they were doing vaudeville. Chicos nickname originates from often playing womanizing characters, i.e. Chicks. Harpos nickname comes from his obsession with playing the harp. There are at least two (unconfirmed) theories for Zeppos nickname, it was either derived from the word "Zeppelin" or from imitating a monkey named Mr Zippo.
_WretchedDoll_ t1_ja7qza2 wrote
Go! And never darken my towels again
vinnydaq t1_ja7tx36 wrote
It’s very weird seeing Groucho without the famous greasepaint moustache. 🥸
[deleted] t1_ja7v2fs wrote
wildddin t1_ja7wje4 wrote
Okay but where's Karl?
DavoTB t1_ja7wugf wrote
Clarifying: Chico “chased the chicks,” as he put it. He was known for this at a young age. It wasn’t given for the characters he played.
Zeppo’s nickname was an evolving story. Sometimes Groucho told the “zeppelin “ story, but sometimes they intimated he was called the name after “a circus freak” that they had seen. One website states that the nickname was based on the German word for “kid.”
Chico’s daughter stated on a documentary that they called him “Zeb” when they owned a farm. They would call each other “Zeke” or “Zeb.” and it later changed to Zeppo.
The other brother, (who was in the group before the films), was “Gummo,” named because he used to wear gumshoes.He left to enlist in the service, and later became a well-known agent in Hollywood.
DavoTB t1_ja7y1h6 wrote
The photo was from a visit to London, where they also played a performance at The Palace Theater. There were other photos from the time, dated 12/31/30, showing Chico at a piano, surrounded by brothers Zeppo, and Groucho, their wives, and Groucho’s kids (Arthur and Miriam).
As others noted, this showed the brothers without their makeup and wigs, for which they were most known.
Gryndyl t1_ja7yfvc wrote
Imagine being their parents during the teen years.
isecore t1_ja806px wrote
Thanks for adding that useful info!
maurice_moss_d20 t1_ja819ge wrote
Always love when Harpo gets that manic look on his face!
Pepper_Pines t1_ja84vcc wrote
Oh they are so beautiful. Have always loved them.
thurbersmicroscope t1_ja87nby wrote
I love both. They were all amazing entertainers.
Really_McNamington t1_ja8grzt wrote
I still think there'd be a market for reviving one of their classic stage shows. Need good impersonators, but I'd pay to see Duck Soup as it was originally staged.
whereyouatdesmondo t1_ja8h80l wrote
Will you marry me? Are you rich? Answer the second question first.
whereyouatdesmondo t1_ja8hecr wrote
You don’t always have to aggressively announce your pop culture illiteracy, you can always look up the simple answer.
Rex-A-Vision t1_ja8hje4 wrote
Not saying you can't love both. Just saying folks lean more towards one end of the spectrum than the other. I think it's legit impossible to love them both truly equally.
SkyhookCH-1 t1_ja8k62h wrote
Chico and Harpo look alike and Groucho and Zeppo look alike. I wonder who Gummo resembled?
[deleted] t1_ja8kyqt wrote
Kupcake_Inater t1_ja8m4ab wrote
I always loved the three stooges slapstick comedy I think it came from watching a lot of Roberto Gomez Bolaños as a kid lmaoo a lot of his shows had slapstick comedy
XanderVaper t1_ja8nhan wrote
Never realized how similar Groucho and Harpo look when not in costume. Chico looks the same of course.. just missin his little hat
GingerJarLamp t1_ja8nyhm wrote
"Unrelated" dead socialist. 1818-1883
DavoTB t1_ja8q94d wrote
In a documentary about the brothers, Chico’s daughter recalled that during a matinee show, Chico and Harpo traded roles.
whereyouatdesmondo t1_ja8s8ov wrote
I’m on the Marx end of the spectrum. Love the Stooges, but the Marx Bros hit all my sweet spots for comedy.
texicus2k15 t1_ja8sm31 wrote
Man, I miss Gilbert Gottfried. The first thing I thought of seeing this picture was “Chico needed the money”
Axolotlist t1_ja8zl7z wrote
I swing both ways. I like them both.
threekingsmisery t1_ja91j9d wrote
OMG, yes! And I heard it in his voice, doing the impression!
sacandbaby t1_ja9959q wrote
Comedy gods.
davey_mann t1_ja9a2t9 wrote
They could pass for quadruplets here.
[deleted] t1_ja9kaow wrote
homelessmusician t1_ja9s82k wrote
I get insanely granular about it. I think the Marx Brothers have funnier material, but that the general pathos of the Stooges is funnier to behold.
mtrash t1_jaae54w wrote
Where’s Carl?
[deleted] t1_jaai583 wrote
Evil_Bere t1_jaaoyeg wrote
I love both. But Groucho is my idol.
Evil_Bere t1_jaap1r8 wrote
"Why a duck?"
URTheCurrentResident t1_jaax5y9 wrote
And 4 hardboiled eggs
thurbersmicroscope t1_jaaxok8 wrote
I love them both with different parts of my brain. :)
CSmith1986 t1_jaazh3v wrote
Get your toosy froosy ice cream!
SnackFactory t1_jaazvq7 wrote
All four of them look like twins!
Noah_Pasternak t1_jabbnd3 wrote
Gummo was more on the Harpo/Chico side of family resemblance IMO
_drumtime_ t1_jabd8vc wrote
Why not a duck?
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