Submitted by smazetron t3_118cxgh in OldSchoolCool
maso3K t1_j9gfbm5 wrote
This looks like some FBI program where they trained Duck Spies and this is a famous duo that took down some cartel in Florida during the mid 80s….
[deleted] t1_j9gfu9f wrote
BusLandBoat t1_j9ggiai wrote
sweetvulgarity t1_j9ghrxu wrote
This deserves more upvotes. Your dad was cool.
camelzigzag t1_j9gj5nq wrote
Not op's dad. This is a repost and it's fucking weird.
sweetvulgarity t1_j9gj8hw wrote
Oh well that sucks.
predictingzepast t1_j9gjztg wrote
I'd watch that, Tom Shoot didn't want a new partner but he got one anyway, coming this fall 'Duck and Shoot'
MemorableVirus2 t1_j9gkm6p wrote
Starring Tom Hanks
grpagrati t1_j9gkzew wrote
Ok, this is different
-Jahsee- t1_j9gleex wrote
I did the same thing in the same year. Middle school science class project and lots of bargaining with mom.
psychecaleb t1_j9glfru wrote
One badass motherducker
gonzo8927 t1_j9glroa wrote
This should be on the subs header. He is the definition of old school cool
EnhancedIrrelevance t1_j9gmhhj wrote
Ziggy from The Wire (S2).
[deleted] t1_j9gnjoq wrote
Serfica_Salem t1_j9gqdt5 wrote
Isn't it the same duck that is staring in Friends? It looks like.
lapislazuly t1_j9gslsy wrote
My parrot is potty trained
Swedish_Centipede t1_j9gu4in wrote
I know quite a bit about ducks and that is not a real duck
Tha_Watcher t1_j9gwjvo wrote
He's like... Duck It!
wanking_to_got t1_j9gzt2m wrote
Ducks are great!
IncredibleBulk2 t1_j9h0din wrote
Just went for a casual photoshoot at JC Penney?
[deleted] t1_j9h37qy wrote
yok347 t1_j9h96pb wrote
Looks like an early to mid 90s straight to VHS movie plot line
keelanstuart t1_j9hcqwn wrote
Looks familiar...
Intern-Flat t1_j9himdd wrote
[deleted] t1_j9hjeua wrote
socalwilly1969 t1_j9hmg4j wrote
What was the ducks name, if you don't mind me asking?
Menown t1_j9hojmm wrote
soyboyconspiracy t1_j9hs6km wrote
As the duck?
Wishilikedhugs t1_j9huj75 wrote
My first doctor was a duck. Turned out to be a quack though.
natefreight t1_j9hxkix wrote
Ok guy. What are you? A duckologist or something?
lakilukez t1_j9hy5t7 wrote
marsan_95 t1_j9hy8ov wrote
The duck looks like a Dr. Ducksworth would look like.
vi0letdoll t1_j9hz2qi wrote
🏅Please take my poor man’s gold because I literally laughed out loud.
lymeisreal t1_j9hzder wrote
He really did that. He walked in, sat down, duck in lap, sunglasses on.. does the duck have a bow tie on?
lil_dovie t1_j9hzdpe wrote
This should be titled “Cool As Duck”.
found_goose t1_j9i03tw wrote
*Tom Honks
PossessivePronoun t1_j9i3utb wrote
Were you surprised when he sent you the bill?
jeobleo t1_j9i9tuz wrote
I see more Will Ferrell.
Fine-Weekend-3097 t1_j9iac1w wrote
Not cool
CSmith1986 t1_j9igxvy wrote
Otm Shank.
Alkeeel t1_j9ij37r wrote
A lot better film than Cocaine Bear
dont_shoot_jr t1_j9ila79 wrote
Excuse me, Agent, but I’ve heard reports that you sent unsolicited Duck pics
Is that not allowed?
No I want to see
dod2190 t1_j9ildpo wrote
I want a new duck
A mallard I think
One that won't make a mess of my house
Or build a nest in the bathroom sink
Cbasthevoice t1_j9imlg7 wrote
“Hey there JIM-BO”
TickletheEther t1_j9impze wrote
Those glasses are sick what are they
[deleted] t1_j9ipth1 wrote
Why do the 90's all of the sudden seem like the 80's? Damn it man.
somesketchykid t1_j9irp7e wrote
Damned duck deserved better than Ziggy
aManinTheHighCastle1 t1_j9ixhgx wrote
Duck is very handsome.
Biillypilgrim t1_j9ixy84 wrote
I want a new duck, one that won't try to bite...
boygriv t1_j9ixzkn wrote
There it is.
boygriv t1_j9iy0ed wrote
Ziggy was a legend of the docks.
smazetron OP t1_j9iy11w wrote
They’re biters?
Biillypilgrim t1_j9iyjhz wrote
Sorry kid, guess you're too young
HeebieMcJeeberson t1_j9izru8 wrote
Chandler and Joey have entered the chat.
HeebieMcJeeberson t1_j9izuve wrote
Duquette & Tubbs
henlingling t1_j9j2hcq wrote
Talk to me goose!
smazetron OP t1_j9j4ivd wrote
Or I might not remember the ref, where is it from?
Edit: lmao now I got it. Fkn Weird Al with the I want a new drug parody. Totally forgot it existed
genghiz-kant t1_j9j5dx8 wrote
Looks like I have the uncropped version of your "dad"!
Briso_ t1_j9j9tb1 wrote
There is too much coolness in a singol picture.
smazetron OP t1_j9jeni3 wrote
Very nice!
[deleted] t1_j9jfgzb wrote
AlarmingKangaroo7948 t1_j9jj5st wrote
Boss level 💯
OncomingStorm420 t1_j9jlnma wrote
Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!
TheOrgansAreRight t1_j9jvcdi wrote
that duck really needs some shades
TheOrgansAreRight t1_j9jvfjf wrote
Fowel of Duty
mrKoala18 t1_j9jwxa0 wrote
I will never be him...
crossmyheart97 t1_j9jy0zc wrote
Men in Black partners assigned to escorting high profile intergalactic ambassadors around NYC.
No_Seat8013 t1_j9k3a5h wrote
OldeFortran77 t1_j9k3mao wrote
My first thought was Sledge Hammer! (if you're old enough to remember that show)
jigglyjellly t1_j9k3z23 wrote
mhopkins1420 t1_j9k4xkh wrote
Was his name Howard?
emfrank t1_j9k8glh wrote
So is your dad u/fuckswithducks?
[deleted] t1_j9kfd4y wrote
smazetron OP t1_j9kgy77 wrote
I get the reference, but I found the old original post, and apparently the ducks name is Arnold
Gremnoir t1_j9ks7yf wrote
It sure as hell does
saffronpolygon t1_j9ktl7c wrote
The duck is proud the human turned out so well.
[deleted] t1_j9l297p wrote
GrumpyCatStevens t1_j9lecql wrote
What the duck is going on here?
swishswooshSwiss t1_j9lp6ud wrote
This has great meme potential
luckyscars t1_j9geq50 wrote
Keep thinking I’d like this, but getting the bird shit out of the carpet would wear thin