Submitted by factotum4stu t3_1272vp7 in OldSchoolCool
voodoolintman t1_jecae77 wrote
I feel like she just glared at that fish and it jumped in her boat.
Jawwaad127 t1_jecbktr wrote
That’s one big ass fish
Ok_Situation1171 t1_jeccly3 wrote
Let's see, rod... check, line... check, hooks... check, whalebone corset... check ✅
factotum4stu OP t1_jeccq3t wrote
Using the privy must have been a chore
moeriscus t1_jecekzw wrote
Seems a tad unsafe to be out on the water in that getup -- I imagine it would be difficult to swim if she accidentally went overboard. Yikes!
Edge_of_the_Wall t1_jecf5rd wrote
That fish is huge! Anyone know what it is?
Longjumping_Ad_6988 t1_jecfot7 wrote
Well I guess fishing hats haven't changed much.
factotum4stu OP t1_jecgcgw wrote
I believe that is a Sun Fish
another_awkward_brit t1_jecgqwy wrote
Reeled that sucker in while wearing a corset!
peanut--gallery t1_jecigct wrote
I think it’s a goliath grouper.
[deleted] t1_jeciqcx wrote
LurkysGoCart t1_jeckrkc wrote
Sweet Zombie Jesus! A Colossal Mouth Bass!
bigedthebad t1_jecky7b wrote
That's how my grandmother dressed when we went fishing.
Octavian_Exumbra t1_jecmsd3 wrote
It’s not, someone is just holding it right up against the camera lol
mslashandrajohnson t1_jecn2wo wrote
People used to have many fewer clothes than we do now.
[deleted] t1_jecrejw wrote
CapeWhiteTrash t1_jecugc1 wrote
Jesus christ. Wtf did they catch?
dxrey65 t1_jecv4cp wrote
Against that stern countenance and upright posture, the wriggly bastard of a fish had no chance.
PF4LFE t1_jecx0d7 wrote
Wait, wait, let me get my happy face on…..
Soup0rMan t1_jecxbrx wrote
Can't stand people who hold the fish up close to the camera to make it look big.
That lady shoulda used a banana. Smh
boboSleeps t1_jecxqlh wrote
I feel like maybe the fish thought that was another fish? Like, bro, you’re out there?
Uhmitsme123 t1_jed0mnt wrote
Electrical_Lie1684 t1_jed0zi4 wrote
Grouper can grow to be larger than 500lbs
Kona_Guy386 t1_jed1q7j wrote
Jew fish.
BigIron53s t1_jed3ti1 wrote
I’d have to second Goliath grouper.
Soup0rMan t1_jed5o2p wrote
Yes they can.
No_Pineapple_9818 t1_jed6wpm wrote
That would be a lot of good eatin.
No_Pineapple_9818 t1_jed74e8 wrote
Leave it to this guy to interject the anti-Semite slight…..s/
wisconsinwookie78 t1_jed9nhn wrote
Either a Goliath Grouper or its a staged pictured with forced perspective.
wunderduck t1_jeda0w8 wrote
She's got a ring buoy under her dress.
tmwwmgkbh t1_jedaoz3 wrote
So much skin visible on the hands and face… stop it or you’re gonna turn me on!
Xenolithium t1_jedaqt2 wrote
Definitely needs to make a comeback. She looking fierce.
Mbcb350 t1_jedb8jp wrote
Of corset did.
D34TH_5MURF__ t1_jedbf0d wrote
Well, it clearly worked. :D
edkowalski t1_jedbond wrote
It’s closer to the camera than the humans are, largely a trick of perspective
[deleted] t1_jedcu4s wrote
mistedtwister t1_jedd7pk wrote
Meh at that size just about every fish starts to taste like ass. Too many years on the top of the food chain and all of those environmental contamination issues stack up . All the little fish they eat get compiled into one animal and they add up to a whole bunch of nasty. Happens in all older carnivores in land lakes rivers or streams.
18114 t1_jedf5zl wrote
I thought the fish was the outfit.
Utnapishtimz t1_jedi1aj wrote
That's a rock cod.
[deleted] t1_jedlw08 wrote
Outrageous-Topic6597 t1_jedpg1n wrote
People used to have many fewer clothes than we do now.
criscrunk t1_jedwbc9 wrote
That’s a handsome lady.
austeninbosten t1_jedx0eo wrote
People hardly swam back in those days. If you fell overboard or your boat sank you would just do the proper thing and drown and not so as not to cause a fuss.
its_raining_scotch t1_jedxoob wrote
It looks like a black sea bass. They get enormous and it was common 100 years ago to catch ones like that. In CA they had to ban fishing them because they almost went extinct. They’ve made a major comeback though.
Greedy-Specific7723 t1_jedyjnd wrote
Makes you wonder how they had 18 kids back then don’t it
Unlikely-Ad6788 t1_jee2af4 wrote
Wonder if she had pockets.
Kona_Guy386 t1_jee6404 wrote
But that's what they call them
Tightlines68 t1_jee6uyw wrote
Wicked Witch of the Beast !
[deleted] t1_jee8f1x wrote
[deleted] t1_jee8pta wrote
Finnegan-05 t1_jeebwan wrote
Tasia528 t1_jeedf56 wrote
I feel like she could wear the fish and still have leftovers.
PandamoniumNO2 t1_jeedkqq wrote
You did not just say that...
Take my updoot and gtfo!
thx1138inator t1_jeeozex wrote
And you ain't gonna catch one like that these days thanks to overfishing.
dbausano t1_jeetmzo wrote
That’s actually not the case anymore. The population has recovered enough that the FWC is issuing a small number of permits that allow limited harvest. There may not be the numbers there once was, but that is improving and there are absolute giants swimming around.
Grantley34 t1_jef0f2i wrote
When you go fishing noon but have to investigate sightings of a witch at 1:30
ActivityEquivalent69 t1_jef0g1k wrote
Google lens says black sea bass. I'm going with that.
ActivityEquivalent69 t1_jef0kiq wrote
Google lens says it's a black sea bass. Looks about right on comparison.
enzo246 t1_jef2esr wrote
No makeup! I bet half the women today would look worse without makeup.
grip_n_Ripper t1_jef2ju8 wrote
Correct. You can still harvest them in Mexican waters.
goblu33 t1_jef4itp wrote
Definately some forced perspective going here.
thx1138inator t1_jefa51y wrote
Glad to hear it. But don't tell China!
Aerro77 t1_jefav68 wrote
All I see is Putin in a dress 😂
spookyscaryscouticus t1_jeffhlb wrote
Nope! The underwear in this era were split-crotch for easy access. Just spread the skirts out and squat.
kyarew t1_jeffv6q wrote
What do you mean, "in this era"? 122 years later and I'm still wearing the exact same underwear.
[deleted] t1_jefg166 wrote
TequilaCamper t1_jefpctg wrote
The wicked witch gets two weeks of vacation too
Takeonlyone t1_jefpo19 wrote
Don’t get uptight…it was a great line
Leicester68 t1_jefr7mc wrote
There are plenty of pics of similarly attired ladies standing at the summits of peaks in the Olympics and Cascades.
Minimum-Comedian-372 t1_jeghs92 wrote
The next-to-last coelacanth?
NotMyProblem2022 t1_jegzie9 wrote
YYCMTB68 t1_jeh0jzr wrote
I wonder that just about anytime I go to Walmart...
TurningTwo t1_jec9go6 wrote
Surrender Dorothy!!