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SpecialpOps t1_je1fczt wrote

She could answer a princess phone with her toes.


JOE96924 t1_je1gtq0 wrote

You were....the world was a much better place in my opinion


mortarman0341 t1_je1hdfc wrote

You were, they were all that hot! Bad news, we are getting old…


AlfredChocula t1_je1jgl4 wrote

Just make nice with an old eccentric dude with a time machine.


Zigoudala t1_je1o8um wrote

There are many people that are similar to her looks. Literally just leave your home


Drewlytics t1_je1oeet wrote

She was great until that weird incest movie.


Mutzart t1_je1rwuf wrote

Im pretty sure she can reject you just aswell now as she could back then


Busy_Poet6668 t1_je1sd5b wrote

My number one teenage crush. She supplanted Kristy McNichol.


msxzf8u3 t1_je1u4ut wrote

You can walk barefoot in a grass field in 2023, and Lea Thompson wouldn’t have fucked you in any decade.


Relaxedtiger330 t1_je1y5wt wrote

The 1980’s wasn’t nirvana,sure the women were more natural and plentiful but that era had it’s issues,now the peace love dove of earth mamas birkenstock earth shoe wearing free spirits now that was an era,doobie and boonesfarm yum!


onelittleworld t1_je29mrq wrote

I had to look it up... she's about a year and a half older than I am.

Also, All the Right Moves is peak Lea Thompson. That is all.


RunBanditRun t1_je2bj5l wrote

The eighty’s were pretty cool till the Reagan set in. Kinda sucked there at the end


dscottj t1_je2bwud wrote

The trick, of course, is to be in the right era AND the right league. I got the first one. The second one? Not so much.


SentorialH1 t1_je2cce2 wrote

If you went outside, you might even see a real woman.


EMAGNIKUFESIN t1_je2i85v wrote

"You're my Ma! You're my Ma!! But you're ahh you're so ahh! You're so... THIN!!!!"


Bmacku t1_je2iot0 wrote

that’s bc you were born in wrong era


TheOgSamichMkr01 t1_je2n6wi wrote

I got a teacher that looks like she could be Lea Thompson's sister


Itisd t1_je2ntzc wrote

If only you had some sort of time machine, you could go back in time to 1985 and hang out with Lea Thompson.


whatdhell t1_je2p4pi wrote

Ha my dad and I stand like that with one leg propped up when we are talking. Like it’s instinct.


myfrigginagates t1_je2qqsc wrote

The 80s were awesome. At least the parts I remember are - '85-'87 is a bit sketchy.


ATX_rider t1_je2rdbw wrote

Yeah. She was smoking hot. Made that duck movie worth watching.


Acidroots t1_je2rw3p wrote

She was smokin in Howard The Duck


bgplsa t1_je2t3dt wrote

I mean she’s still around 😍


Fark_ID t1_je2uguh wrote

Having experienced the 80s and 90s, even as a kid, I can tell you that anything up until 2016 was almost infinity better than it is now in America.


HiddenHolding t1_je2vv65 wrote

She was my first celebrity crush...BECAUSE SPACE CAMP.

It's been (mostly) cute brainy brunettes for me ever since.

Also, she was super cute in Howard the Duck, which Lordy. Hard movie to get through. Except for Lea. Tweet-tweeu.


dee_berg t1_je2xoh4 wrote

The 80s were a definitively not cool time.


WolfThick t1_je2zkn5 wrote

When I met her on the set of wolverines she was talking about another movie she was going to make about dating. She was a very nice girl she told me that she used to be a ballerina and did some excellent stretches.


FourOpposums t1_je324bz wrote

The '80s were such a great time. People were still optimistic, bands wrote their own songs, venereal diseases weren't fatal, people socialized face to face and conspiracy theory loving clowns were confined to basements, not the white house and supreme Court.


Chriskl1520 t1_je33ill wrote

Damn! She might have been born in the wrong era too with those prehistoric hangers coming out of those pants


darrellbear t1_je33kmu wrote

She was in Jaws 3 a year or two before Back to the Future. She was a saucy little thing, ran around in a little bikini, yum.


jrhooo t1_je354no wrote

You could buy a delorian


fiatfighter t1_je35pgb wrote

I’m a Gen Xer and man was she the bees knees.


Heliumvoices t1_je384yz wrote

Every Penthouse magazine from the 70s ive ever seen made me realize i was born in the wrong time…and dont get me started with the music/films i love. Add the early 80s 83 being the cutoff and thats where i want to be. 70-83. Let me find the time machine.


JSONJSONJSON t1_je38hkw wrote

I love that movie she’s in where the creepy guy goes back in time to bone his mom.


Jenetyk t1_je391ge wrote

Better get my suit pressed for the Fish Under the Sea Dance.


Fabznz t1_je395d5 wrote

Yeah you'd have pulled that look off better OP.


Ruffler125 t1_je39a9u wrote

What's in this picture that we don't have now?


bebop603 t1_je39ot2 wrote

Before low rise jeans, halter tops, thongs, belly button rings, and massive amounts of makeup were a big thing. Very natural and with a girl next door vibe. I also liked the 1980s.


thinkmoreharder t1_je39tz0 wrote

You’re gonna wanna watch All the Right Moves, where she plays Tom cruise’s girlfriend.


JayArrgh t1_je3eh0b wrote

Not gonna lie. The eighties were badass.


7empestOGT92 t1_je3ffvx wrote

If you get up to 88 mph you might be able to go see her in the 80s


jnnad t1_je3fhan wrote

She represented an age of innocence, cliche, that personified the 80's when I grew up. Fond memories!


Audio_Track_01 t1_je3j93f wrote

Did no-one here watch Caroline In The City ? Hubba hubba.


RussMan104 t1_je3k4nm wrote

Howard the Duck’s love interest. Quack! 🚀


12thFlr t1_je3mjl9 wrote

The flat booty Judy era is a No for me dawg….can’t believe dudes were jerking off to ironing boards back in the day.


Baptor t1_je3nnaa wrote

Ah Space Camp! I wonder how many have actually seen that film? Most ridiculous premise I've ever heard, but as a space kid I ate it up. Looking back, Lea really showed her acting chops in that one because she totally sold the idea she was some kind of nerdy space-obsessed kid.


oa9589 t1_je3nstj wrote

No Caroline in the City fans on here?


themikeswitch t1_je3qton wrote

if you were born in that era you'd be closer to death


Amazinks t1_je3twuo wrote

Looking inwardly, I'm not cool today. I probably wouldn't have been cool back then either.


Foktu t1_je3uiom wrote

It was a good time to be teenaging.


MurderDoneRight t1_je47ec0 wrote

Imagine how many nerds will go back in time and try to sleep with her if time machines would be invented.


NormanRB t1_je492am wrote

Growing up in the 80's I always felt like Lea was 'that girl next door'. She always seemed sweet and kind in any role she played. I married a girl like that when I got older.


KiwiPrimal t1_je494s0 wrote

Why did she just fade away? She was in everything the 80’s and then it was just Caroline in the City in the 90’s and goneburger…


zero2tool t1_je4erqy wrote

She's also very kind. Met her at a convention where she talked to me for a really long time about BTF and Howard the Duck. She's a class act.


mhern72 t1_je4lemo wrote

Her and Diane Lane…wow wee wee wa!


Breklin76 t1_je4oge0 wrote

She was a total BABE back then. I was not even hitting puberty when I first saw her and I was in love. Her and Drew Barrymore. Yowza!


1m_Just_Visiting t1_je4u0j0 wrote

You’re contemplating your entire existence because some random woman leaned on a tree and took a picture?

Wow, are standards are real low these days, huh?


drewbles82 t1_je5pak4 wrote

they were far more natural, not caked in make up, no fake slug size eyebrows, orange skin first girlfriend...her style was more Joey Potter, not a shred of make up and easily the most beautiful girl I ever dated


Horbigast t1_je6hekp wrote

Was absolutely smitten with her in the mid eighties. Glad I never met her though. I would have been a jibbering idiot.


realanceps t1_je7mxtt wrote

the girl next door that never lived next door to you


egonsepididymitis t1_je8dlr6 wrote

When it 1st came out and over the next couple years, I watched Space Camp 30-40 times. It made me want to be an astronaut so asked parents if they could find a Space Camp in Southern CA. that i could go to (we had the money & lived 3 hours from LA, drove there all the time to visit relatives). They said no & kept saying no every time I asked (: