Submitted by StreetTacoNamdDesire t3_12330pd in OldSchoolCool
HarlanCulpepper t1_jdt0ne1 wrote
He's giving me mixed signals. I'm conflicted.
[deleted] t1_jdt281p wrote
altruismandme t1_jdt32kl wrote
Yung Gravy?
Best-Two4264 t1_jdt37ob wrote
The man has cool hair and pulls off that Hawaiian shirt way better than me
Fritzo2162 t1_jdt3qgi wrote
This dude fucks...
SuperDuperDylan t1_jdt44u8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdt5ujb wrote
InspectorCreative166 t1_jdt6ma4 wrote
He wasn't born with it, much love ❤️
BuzzOnBuzzOff t1_jdt7ndb wrote
This is hilarious. There's a Maybelline ad right below your post in my feed.
silvervm t1_jdt8b5i wrote
Maybe it's Oglevee! Lmfao thats a throwback!!
murdermouf t1_jdt8tir wrote
Hubba bubba omlanta
Darth_Andeddeu t1_jdt9550 wrote
Are you ready to soft rock!
Weary_Cartographer_7 t1_jdt9xmq wrote
He does nice flow
Oryxhasnonuts t1_jdtbdyg wrote
This was before he sold fake plutonium to the Iranians.. is it?
LostDesigner9 t1_jdtcgpd wrote
He knows he's hot.
intheazsun t1_jdtdo34 wrote
I’m only getting one, and I’m taking a shower first
WG50 t1_jdteath wrote
He's got a cool shirt, He's got cool shoes, did I mention the shirt?
I think you misdated this by two years.
g_mac_93 t1_jdtg5xs wrote
Your dad got a phone? Can… can he call me?
Jk. But srsly - 10/10. Total dude.
nj_daddy t1_jdtguym wrote
He definitely listened to Van Halen on 8 track
zero2789 t1_jdthg0c wrote
Dad looks like Kevin Nash
nastynateraide t1_jdtj6a0 wrote
I would ride his back like Falkor, laughing with innocent glee. Not sexually. I'm not trying to take anyone's hot dad away. I want us to be friends.
TheBr0fessor t1_jdtj94k wrote
Yacht Rock Kevin Nash
Gingerbreadtenement t1_jdtjjee wrote
At least once, for sure
Kwyjibo68 t1_jdtlsox wrote
Let’s see more recent photo too!
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdtm5fe wrote
I wish I could. My father sadly passed away.
Kwyjibo68 t1_jdtougg wrote
Surely he had a picture taken since that photo though?
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdtp8ti wrote
I have a few others on my account. I thought you meant like around now.
MaybeSwedish t1_jdtt41j wrote
Please don’t let him be a MAGA boomer now. Edit: Sorry to be insensitive, I see above he has passed away. 😢 Amazing photo.
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdtt5sf wrote
Nah, he’s was a hippie.
MaybeSwedish t1_jdtt76a wrote
Pixilatedlemon t1_jdtw235 wrote
I wanna be my dad, I wanna be my dad in the 80’s
firefaery t1_jdtxzue wrote
That is very wind-flowy hair. Great pic.
drunkpilot2 t1_jdu0u6m wrote
1984 summer slam tag team champion
Sailordumass t1_jdu3a0z wrote
Young gravy’s your dad?!?!
[deleted] t1_jdu459q wrote
TostadaDeAguacate t1_jdu54sl wrote
I would love to see what this guy looks like now
isecore t1_jdu8e7b wrote
He looks like the saxophone-lead from Careless Whisper.
TitsMcGooo t1_jdu8z9r wrote
We all would’ve done him
Cheshire_Jester t1_jdudc0l wrote
Stupid sexy Seth Rogan.
MalibuHulaDuck t1_jduf6i2 wrote
Hippie beach bum surfer? He’s a good soul, I can tell. Good vibes.
exactoctopus t1_jduq8fv wrote
He looks like David Finlay, that is a compliment.
I'm sorry he passed, but I hope you had many good memories with him.
crimsonbub t1_jdv1br4 wrote
Peter Ustinov!
[deleted] t1_jdv2fgb wrote
DollyVarden2021 t1_jdv6h7t wrote
Good beard.
J3FRS0N t1_jdvavqv wrote
Sorry to hear that
Lionhearth_Anna t1_jdvawf7 wrote
So handsome! Lovely eyes!
[deleted] t1_jdvaz29 wrote
Kaiser93 t1_jdvfpke wrote
Your dad was a member of the Bee Gees?
ccReptilelord t1_jdvhjsk wrote
Probably more than a few that wanted to pull off that shirt.
GrumpyCatStevens t1_jdvtir8 wrote
I would have guessed he was a surfer.
GrumpyCatStevens t1_jdvtkj6 wrote
Dad had some great hair.
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdvtnvs wrote
At 6’9” tall my dad had zero balance. No sports for him, aside from fishing.
[deleted] t1_jdvyecz wrote
SeriouslyTho-Just-Y t1_jdwh2x3 wrote
Wow!! AND 6’9 !! 😍You have a lot of siblings right😎
SeriouslyTho-Just-Y t1_jdwhd37 wrote
😔OP states that he passed away long time ago 💐
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdwhptl wrote
I wish. Unfortunately, I am his only child.
SeriouslyTho-Just-Y t1_jdwipum wrote
That you know of…
StreetTacoNamdDesire OP t1_jdwkq5a wrote
Seriously, I actually hope I have more siblings if that makes sense.
SeriouslyTho-Just-Y t1_jdwlvq8 wrote
🤣😂 as handsome as he is Hunnay😍
There’s alway those swab DNA tests
Tylerdurden389 t1_jdwlxq2 wrote
Jim Hopper/David Harbour, season 3 of Stranger Things. I genuinely like how the shirt has a suit jacket style collar.
Shipwrecklou t1_jdwzcae wrote
I can hear the Yacht Rock, smell the Sex Panther cologne and taste the Miller High Life just by looking at this picture
Ryl0225 t1_jdsy509 wrote
Maybe its histoooooorryyyy