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IDiggaPony t1_jedavfp wrote

Look at those fries. Wish they made them like that today.


WhisperingSideways t1_jedaw8f wrote

That was Willard Scott, probably best-known to more modern audiences as the folksy weather segment guy on NBC’s The Today Show for, like, a million years.


ConorCat60 t1_jedbydw wrote

If that doesn’t scare the Big Mac out of you, nothing will.


Sexybtch554 t1_jedcush wrote

Don't look behind you. The Ronald mcdonald is IN the HOUSE with you.


Jawwaad127 t1_jedn57k wrote

I know this is the 60s but come on now, they couldn’t use something better than a cup over his nose.


crillc t1_jednry2 wrote

Yeah lemme just kickback and eat a meal next to that guy. Like wtf!?


oikset t1_jednycc wrote

Great. Now my dreams will forever be nightmares. Thanks


bluemax_137 t1_jeds0rj wrote

Would instinctively unload entire mag into this clown if he popped in front of me


zealousreader t1_jedul28 wrote

And a happy 100th birthday to Gertrude Marywether


JayVig t1_jee6bnn wrote

Before right this second, I never understood why people were afraid of clowns


gellshayngel t1_jee6tc9 wrote

Worzel Gummidge trying to impress Aunt Sally again with his new job.


jhillengas3 t1_jee88t2 wrote

That's some nightmare fuel right there...


mclms1 t1_jeeajz3 wrote

He was the original Bozo the Clown too.


boot_laces t1_jeebkex wrote

Haha he’s got a cup for a nose! Hahaha! Thats ridiculous!


ikubaru t1_jeed8l4 wrote

Now they even removed all clown related stuff to the franchise


ozbodkins t1_jeedvvd wrote

Back when the fries were fried in beef tallow. T Much tastier!


lopedopenope t1_jeee87k wrote

Ask a kid back then if it’s scary. Some say no most yes I bet lol


cownd t1_jeeegir wrote

Was Beetlejuice busy?


NotOK1955 t1_jeej5y3 wrote

Another fine example why kids fear clowns.


Rare-Gap-4035 t1_jeejd5i wrote

Put old Leon in the dumpster and look what crawled out.


okiedog- t1_jeelhfs wrote

What the hell were people thinking in the old days? Anything they did for kids was horrifying.


shajan316 t1_jeeliem wrote

A cheeseburger made at that time still looks the same today


noeljrG t1_jeemylo wrote

Why isn't he holding a burger?


Scrivenerofmyth t1_jeeskug wrote

“It puts the hamburgers in its mouth or else it gets the hose again!”


paranoid_70 t1_jeey5oi wrote

Why do people find clowns scary? Look really goofy to me.


skovall t1_jeezsvn wrote

Oldschoolterrifying. How they lost sales. See this guy? He is waiting for you in your bedroom closet and wants to lure you in with a big mac and fries.


BProbe t1_jef3dhq wrote

*It's my dick in a McBox!*


GnarlieSheen123 t1_jef56mo wrote

Old school cool, though? He's a marketing mascot used by one of the largest companies in the world to sell incredibly unhealthy food to children


aaust84ct t1_jef74ef wrote

I have this urge to punch it in the face real hard.


vyprrgirl t1_jef75aw wrote

Wow. No wonder why some people are scared of clowns


GuyDeSmiley t1_jef9ijd wrote

“Whereas his brother was driven to despair by Kroc’s perfidy and rapacity, Ronald took refuge in madness.”


Aturnup12 t1_jef9zid wrote

According to Geoff, that’s Wilfred Brimley


Chameleon-2010 t1_jefa7nm wrote

Are we sure that isn’t the original penny wise or chucky? 🔪🔪🔪


Timstro59 t1_jefd4e9 wrote

I didn't know McDonald's sold nightmare fuel.


SJSharks33 t1_jefdguf wrote

Time to look into some cold cases from the 1960s.


Ok_Storm_8533 t1_jefh04f wrote

Terrifying, but in a different way than the Ronald we have come to know.


ccoates09 t1_jefzjb9 wrote

Can't sleep...clown will eat me...Can't sleep...clown will eat me...


Realistic_Run7318 t1_jeg1tz5 wrote


That explain why Boomers are fearless, imagine going to McDonalds and having to eat with that guy harrasing you


Lumaiire t1_jegf9rg wrote

I’ve seen this picture so many times but never knew it was Ronald. I honestly don’t know which one is scarier


MalibuHulaDuck t1_jegfaz2 wrote

I just got a flood of memories of the early-&-mid-‘90s. ‘70s culture was still so alive in general…elementary school me would go to McDonald’s with my mom and the Happy Meals would come with big reusable plastic cups to keep in your kitchen with the McDonald’s characters in bright colors on it, yellow background, Ronald, the Hamburgler, purple guy shaped like a shroom I don’t remember his name, duck looking gal with pigtails don’t remember her name either. People generally were so much friendlier then, hippie-ish strangers greeting & talking to each other kindly at McDonald’s. Now it’s psycho Karens & the worker screaming at you to pick up your food. The different TV commercials with the characters were always on but Ronald certainly did not look anything like THIS anymore, thank God.

Edit: Also I remember they gave glass cups with stone engraving for The Flintstones movie (1994)! And they used to provide a movie with your meal (VHS tape of course), they’d run a different one at a time. In ‘93 I got “Babes in Toyland” with Drew Barrymore and then “Wizard of Oz.” Fast food came with GLASS cups and MOVIES. My God, it was different times. Oh how I miss it.