RogerCraigfortheHOF t1_iuj8gvd wrote
I can guarantee your dad has never been more cool!
Hell, that prolly the reason your mom went out with him in the first place!😁
Rock on 🤟😎🤟
RogerCraigfortheHOF t1_iuj8jg2 wrote
Rebel OG here..
the-ghost-of-me t1_iuja3ub wrote
I’m envious. That’s just so cool.
sledgehammer_77 t1_iujbgpj wrote
'And that's when the acid kicked in'
Danny_Mc_71 t1_iujcqc8 wrote
That is very cool!
fluentindothraki t1_iujdg53 wrote
I looked up the song (which I love) a d found the Anny Lennox version - which I also love. Thank you OP for giving me an extra song
mrflippant t1_iujiq5o wrote
Look up Morgan James' version while you're at it!
fluentindothraki t1_iujjlwc wrote
Nice one, thank you!
verynoisybirds t1_iuk6kvt wrote
And the Nina Simone one!
Plaster_Lion t1_iuka7am wrote
Half an hour before he left for the show, he sat on the edge of the bed holding blackface makeup, weighing his options.
Seriously though, this is a killer photograph. I'm a huge SJH fan and your dad is instantly several times cooler than I am.
Fifty-Cent-Words t1_iuj6xf8 wrote
I just heard that song on my radio. Yes, I listen to the radio. I like to live on the edge with no playlist. 🎃