lifemanualplease t1_iua6plr wrote
First woman of color to practice medicine in the Dominican Republic! This woman deserves a documentary
Booblicle t1_iuabeqr wrote
At least 4 foot tall. Probably shorter than 7 foot tall though
lifemanualplease t1_iuba6p5 wrote
Absolutely amazing. And she doesn’t look like she suffered fools much.
Hero_Charlatan t1_iubtsyr wrote
Kinda looks like Reggie Miller
Raptor_cs_Frerson t1_iucldxx wrote
He looks like plague doctor without bird mask
EyeImpossible5298 t1_iug2xgv wrote
😂😂 now that you mentioned it they kinda look alike
fs_cohs t1_iuhila4 wrote
Who was the first woman period? My quick googling shows this woman. Andrea Evangelina Rodríguez Perozo is mentioned, but she came after.
Cardioman t1_iui9eiu wrote
It’s because she is dominican and packing some serious booty
lifemanualplease t1_iuiq4wq wrote
Oh wow! Another amazing woman. What a rich story she also has. These women suffered hell and high water. I wish I had the strength of character these women surely had. Incredible
Growing up in the US, this kind of history goes largely unknown.
fs_cohs t1_iuiv8xr wrote
Seems Dr. Fraser was not just the first woman of color, but the first woman period to practice medicine in the Dominican Republic.
garnierofficial t1_iua65lo wrote
It is incredible what she was able to do back in the 1870s