daksalansheperd t1_iu6s1oq wrote
Factual? Well, maybe when he started but he's certainly let his own political bias bleed into his reporting since.
L0st_in_the_Stars OP t1_iu6s6n1 wrote
Cronkite had the advantage of working in the era when the networks didn't look at their news divisions as profit centers.
Norwegian27 t1_iu6tild wrote
Can you imagine that? Factual reporting?
L0st_in_the_Stars OP t1_iu6usb8 wrote
Scientists are still debating whether the ozone hole was caused by the spray needed to maintain his hair helmet.
DarthDregan t1_iu6vpxr wrote
Definitely his real hair.
DarthDregan t1_iu6vvxv wrote
That problem cropped up beginning with Murrow, which is long before this dude. And Kronkite had no problem giving his opinion. His famous Vietnam episode for example.
[deleted] t1_iu6xgu9 wrote
DarthDregan t1_iu6xzui wrote
Goalpost moves to the type of bias now?
agoodyearforbrownies t1_iu6zozc wrote
So Trump got his hairstyle from Ted Koppel? Who knew?
sevenwheel t1_iu73l8z wrote
I remember that. We watched it every night. I also remember the day that he announced that the daily broadcast was being formalized into his new program called "Nightline."
It had the same sort of in-the-moment immediate vibe as the daily press conferences in the early days of the Covid shutdown.
AzLibDem t1_iu73tm2 wrote
It actually was. He talked about it in an interview that, early on, he didn't go to a barber; he used one of those combs that had a razor blade in it.
Following the "America Held Hostage" run, the network insisted that they bring in a real hair stylist.
[deleted] t1_iu747oq wrote
merkaba_462 t1_iu74l3s wrote
And now we get the opinions of randos on the internet who post thoughts instead of facts.
daveescaped t1_iu7gemz wrote
I’m Ted Koppel and this ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….is Nightline.
Mfsmitty t1_iu7hqzw wrote
It was a toupee. At least later in his career.. He adjusted it in public several times, once on TV, as a joke.
Takpusseh-yamp t1_iu7jli8 wrote
FoxNews: "But lying is so much easier and gets us what we want."
savedbytheblood72 t1_iu7n16o wrote
Al Campanis anyone?
Kitten_Team_Six t1_iu7o3b2 wrote
Yea they made sure that prisoner def aint seeing shit with a bedsheet wrapped on his head
wilberfarce t1_iu7tzhe wrote
It consumes nearly half his face real estate.
Whateveryousaydude7 t1_iu7u5b6 wrote
I trusted him. And I wish I could still hear his and Cronkite’s soothing voices.
boulevardpaleale t1_iu7ubhs wrote
i can hear this.
EnvironmentalDeal256 t1_iu7ysjv wrote
It’s Alfred E. Neuman
pardonmyignerance t1_iu80wgm wrote
No. I can't.
ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iu85euw wrote
This is how the BBC works.
A news presenter got in trouble last week for expressing an opinion that she was glad the PM got replaced. Supposed to be neutral and factual
mlperiwinkle t1_iu8jcmg wrote
Oh for the days of news reported instead of inflammatory rhetoric meant to heighten nervous systems everywhere
No-Monitor-5333 t1_iu8je75 wrote
The problem is that it doesn’t appeal to a large market. People like to hear news that confirms their worldview. Hard to make money selling facts
slater_just_slater t1_iu8ml7m wrote
Unwittingly, this countdown really helped Reagan get elected. It was a nightly reminder.
KnavishBoot t1_iu8tocq wrote
Not nearly as much as the complete incompetence of Carter.
milspecgsd t1_iu8u8ob wrote
Unheard of today w the loonie leftist MSM.
pbradley179 t1_iu8ygxi wrote
America thinks Britain's just the fictional country Hogwarts is in these days, man. Fox News don't tell them otherwise.
TheDerbySlasher t1_iu91ne4 wrote
The BBC is heavily biased towards one political party right now, the conservatives.
Little-Valuable779 t1_iu9by9m wrote
Is Biden turning orange??
_Bon_Vivant_ t1_iu9spt9 wrote
Nightline was the the catalyst that spawned the News for Profit, and thereby the Sensationalist fear mongering that we have in the news today. Nightline birthed Fox News and CNN.
Before Nightline, news was a loss leader in TV broadcasting. Networks lost money broadcasting news. Networks only ran news because the FCC required it in order to obtain and maintain a broadcast license. But the benefit for society was, since they weren't trying to attract eyeballs to the screen for ad revenue, they could keep the news to honest, boring news. They didn't need to sensationalize stories by appealing to viewers primal instincts of fear, sex and gossip.
Now, fear is the main driver of society, and bad actor adversarial governments have leveraged that fact to topple their adversaries from the inside, and social media has only amplified their ability to do that exponentially.
Democracy itself is threatened by what Nightline spawned.
ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iua2ioc wrote
You think? Not how Truss was reported.
Conservatives think they are biased to labour
The left think they are biased to conservatives
I know your political leanings
[deleted] t1_iuagjia wrote
[deleted] t1_iu6rt3e wrote