Submitted by R0osteryo t3_yg9tcu in OldSchoolCool
NedRyersonsHat t1_iu7ny0r wrote
Kurt: "But my car is new...I don't need an extended warranty"
extendedwarranty_bot t1_iu7nynx wrote
NedRyersonsHat, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty
NedRyersonsHat t1_iu7o3ig wrote
Ok bot...good one. Upvote but just this once.
donblacs17 t1_iu7olfw wrote
That phone was 6-12 years old when this photo was taken. He is smiling because he knows it is chesy - that’s the point of the photo.
R0osteryo OP t1_iu7ozgi wrote
Thank you for the background! I didn't know this.
sidewayscratch67 t1_iu7pfli wrote
You can say what you want about how clunky those phones were, but I never, ever had a dropped call with those guys and range went forever (of curse, I could have probably hard boiled an egg beside one - but that's a different story).
agoodfuckingcatholic t1_iu7qtmh wrote
My old man had one of these in the 80s and apparently they were heavy and loud. Probably radioactive as well 😂
bulletproofmanners t1_iu7rq0f wrote
Unfortunately not Kurt, it is a clone they sent out. Do some research, notice so many errors on the clone.
anybodyiwant2be t1_iu7u2st wrote
The Motorola brick. I had it and cellular one was my carrier in Seattle in 1991 too
Public_Juggernaut997 t1_iu7u84m wrote
Habatoozoo90z t1_iu7vb3t wrote
Cell Phones have been around since the 70s, and he looks like he's holding one from the 80s.
hmmsotriggered t1_iu7wrci wrote
So high
newMike3400 t1_iu7ydb7 wrote
The range wasn't that great it's just that with a 20 min talk time you couldnt go very far.
laopitaipei t1_iu80li5 wrote
Probably calling his dealer
davtruss t1_iu81bgo wrote
Yeah, that's about right. Wife bought me a "bag phone" in the early 90s. It was powered by the cigarette lighter, but tragically the receiver had a cord that connected to the base. Still, you could carry it around like lunch.
That's also about the time home phones began to have a mobile base with a receiver that had an antenna.
davtruss t1_iu81fyi wrote
I'd take those calls if I could be assured Rosario Dawson was on the other end. I mean, I might even listen to the recorded messages.
davtruss t1_iu81m4g wrote
Only for a certain subset of America.
davtruss t1_iu81xf0 wrote
I too appreciate the context, but a reverse image search on that picture suggests "kathmandu durbar square" as an alternative search. Is it possible this is where he was at the time?
B3eenthehedges t1_iu84dhr wrote
Definitely way less than 6 years, that was a Zach Morris cell phone, and it was a joke because no one else was rich enough to have them. We were still all on pagers then, so i I'm sure Kurt was just being ironic. It wasn't until the late 90s that they came out with cell phones you could actually fit in your pocket and afford the plan.
non-number-name t1_iu8c111 wrote
I am more curious about the model of his sunglasses.
LouDogsBalls t1_iu8evli wrote
No. (a denial)
Dermutt100 t1_iu8ex4r wrote
Americans were way behind in mobile phone adoption. every little kid in Britain had a Nokia style cellphone, even in the 90's when they were still a rarity among adults in the USA.
And due to a failure of American capitalism (or a success if you are one of the providers) Americans still pay 1990's prices to use them. Americans are still completely ripped off by their providers, they pay a fortune for calls and data compared to Europeans.
KitsuneDawnBlade t1_iu8f49x wrote
These were the absolute top back then. Expensive af but really nice
Ani_Solo t1_iu8ha33 wrote
I was just going to say, that's not a cell phone, that's a Zack Morris phone.
nitrohigito t1_iu8krpy wrote
Really? You need sources to debunk/confirm this?
Analyst_Cold t1_iu8luap wrote
This was definitely the vibe at the time.
JakkSplatt t1_iu8ngk5 wrote
Ha! My buddy came over in '95-'96 with a briefcase phone🤣
bear_sausage t1_iu8okjg wrote
Too soon. /s
[deleted] t1_iu8pshm wrote
SasquatchSloth88 t1_iu8qd73 wrote
In his spare time, Kurt moonlighted as an investment banker and would introduce himself over the phone as “Gerald Goldstein.”
[deleted] t1_iu8r31p wrote
SandboxEight t1_iu8slbo wrote
You must not live in Germany lol. At the time I left (5 years ago) it was way worse than the US
stratewylin t1_iu8vkck wrote
He threw it on the ground
ethnicfoodaisle t1_iu8wx8i wrote
By then, really small cell phones did exist but were crazy expensive.
0nSecondThought t1_iu8xy8s wrote
And the power was so high you could get a signal virtually anywhere.
wormholeweapons t1_iu8ycuv wrote
Uh. We had those starting in the 80s.
[deleted] t1_iu8yyrt wrote
[deleted] t1_iu905iu wrote
Gustopherus-the-2nd t1_iu91fjk wrote
That doesn’t stop them from being around.
bulletproofmanners t1_iu92mbq wrote
Just compare the photo with other KC photos, here he only has four fingers.
petroleumnasby t1_iu9cycu wrote
His Tik-Toks were absolute fire.
locootte90 t1_iu9hk3s wrote
I had a Motorola brick, albeit newer and smaller.
lord_of_worms t1_iu9ikq7 wrote
He looks so happy..
crudedrawer t1_iu9o8kk wrote
I guess it shows my age that I don't know who Zack MOrris is and always consider this the Gordon Gekko phone.
liftoff_oversteer t1_iu9patg wrote
Pocketable Mobile phones were available earlier than late '90s. I did get me a Nokia PT-11 in '96 and I was hardly the first to ever have one.
B3eenthehedges t1_iu9q60d wrote
Ok, later 90's, but Kurt died in '94.
CoraxTechnica t1_iu9v3uw wrote
Oh man you just made a bunch of people feel old as fuck
Gurthy_Lengthiness t1_iu9wacu wrote
Sporting Raybans no less
Salty_kernel t1_iu9z4se wrote
😂😂 what's with the questioning I swear I'm going to fight one of you youngins over this one day. That one is a little before my time but I remember seeing tons of them in pawn shops
turdferguson3891 t1_iua2i6b wrote
We had one of these in my mom's car in the early 90s in SoCal and it was also cellular one. Her plan only had a handful of minutes a month, it was really just in case we had car trouble and needed to call AAA. At the end of the month we got to use up the 15 minutes or whatever it was. I remember calling my grandma while were driving to her house and the entire conversation was just, "Grandma! I'm in a car and I'm talking to you!".
[deleted] t1_iua3o8u wrote
turdferguson3891 t1_iua4d5a wrote
We had one like this in my mom's car when I was in High School circa 1992. It probably wasn't the latest model but she had a budget plan that was just for emergencies so they likely gave her the absolute cheapest model they had.
turdferguson3891 t1_iua4njh wrote
They were analog, though. So instead of your call dropping it just got staticky. I got one to work when I was camping one time even though we were far away from any city. Reception was terrible but I got a call to go through. With modern gsm phones you probably just wouldn't have a signal at all.
RodCherokee t1_iua4wmf wrote
I had much worse earlier - a Motorola with a cord and old style mic and ear piece. The battery was the size of this one !
Chuckobochuck323 t1_iua7ykh wrote
Wait until Op realizes cell phones have been around since the 70’s
panti77 t1_iua829k wrote
Great Scott!
Dangerous-Dot-3745 t1_iua88mq wrote
Cell phones REALLY looked like that back then! Nirvana's "Nevermind (91) ' album is an instant CLASSIC! Rip!
Neveragainthanks t1_iuagrnt wrote
The 3310, which I’m guessing you’re referring to wasn’t released until 2000. It was the very late 90s when we started get phones. I didn’t have one when I left school in 98, I did get one in my second year of 6th form though
Latitude22 t1_iuajb2u wrote
Ha ha same. Cellular One, Seattle none the less. Then I got the slim brick. Oh boy was that bad boy nice!!! Very slim ha ha ha. Was like .35 off peak and like .55 during peak or something like that. PER MINUTE FOLKS.
newMike3400 t1_iucsl9n wrote
I had the same style motorola roamer in the UK in 88. Didnt work well in the centre of soho as too few circuits.
RussTGates t1_iu7mpm8 wrote
Gotta be careful with those, might cause brain damage