Submitted by IdyllicOleander t3_yzawau in OldSchoolCool
IdyllicOleander OP t1_iwywcha wrote
I watched it in class for the first time in elementary school (mid 90's) and for some reason I thought it went on for a lot longer than it did. Apparently it was only 13 episodes in 1984.
[deleted] t1_iwywd4k wrote
ReleventReferences t1_iwywe9k wrote
That’s exactly my experience with it.
Wissahickon t1_iwyxayq wrote
doo doo doooo doooo dooooo doo doo
edit: was missing an o
HighOnGoofballs t1_iwyxcur wrote
When the teacher would roll out that TV/VCR stand thing
TheZuckuss t1_iwyxyr3 wrote
I watched this in 6th grade science 85/86.
Of course we all snickered when dude had to strip down to his underwear almost catching hypothermia.
That was this show, right? I don't think I was high.
GrottyKnight t1_iwyypgk wrote
I can hear the theme song...
Mp3dee t1_iwyytht wrote
I’m humming it right now!!!
Mp3dee t1_iwyyvq9 wrote
ZSpectre t1_iwyzq8c wrote
To this day, I remember what I'd do to purify sea water via a lengthy process using nothing but two jars and some leaves
MissRockNerd t1_iwz02m7 wrote
I feel like I’ve looked for that episode on YouTube and the underwear scene was cut out.
mccannr1 t1_iwz10nx wrote
First-Fantasy t1_iwz1es6 wrote
The adult looks more like Ben than the kid
GabrielVonBabriel t1_iwz1jpj wrote
6th grade in 97 and I remember that scene and the snickering.
Weapon_X23 t1_iwz1mws wrote
There was a sequel in 1988 and that was my introduction to this series. I remember everyone else hating it in 5th grade, but I loved it because it was all about the Mayan empire.
[deleted] t1_iwz230i wrote
[deleted] t1_iwz2vdx wrote
tormunds_beard t1_iwz301u wrote
is THAT where that's from? I remembered both the show and the song but lost the connection.
Johnny_Venus t1_iwz4mah wrote
ASL Sally Ruth See Whale
[deleted] t1_iwz4xfr wrote
amazingsandwiches t1_iwz512n wrote
Well don't just leave us hanging; I'm on a raft in the middle of The Pacific!
DjScenester t1_iwz5bjw wrote
I don’t remember a damn thing about this series…
It was always nap time in class for me
andy1282 t1_iwz5lmo wrote
I thought one of the crew got hypothermia, so the guys stripped to their underwear and got in a big sleeping bag together to warm him up.
bustedbuddha t1_iwz62fj wrote
Holy crap he was on that, I remember that show!
TheZuckuss t1_iwz644k wrote
Yeah, something like that. It's been 36 years, so my memory is slipping. 😂
Ajspradbrow t1_iwz6qot wrote
So his head was in proportion once upon a time.
sleepyj910 t1_iwz6rfj wrote
That Mimi theme song still plays in the background of my mind.
Bender3455 t1_iwz7h0h wrote
No, that's definitely it. It was the captain, if I remember right, so the 2 guys stripped and snuggled up with him to warm him up. There was also the deaf girl that could read lips.
blue_pen_ink t1_iwz7k93 wrote
Had a whale crazy elementary school teacher that made us watch this and took us to a whaling museum, the most boring field trip for 9 year olds imaginable.
ryanleebmw t1_iwz7pj0 wrote
I do not appreciate this post for bringing the existence of this show back into my brain. The intro is like ear cancer for me after how boring it was watching this as a 13 year old lmao
ryanleebmw t1_iwz7rf4 wrote
I could listen to absolutely anything else other than the intro to this show. I’m afraid to look it up and play it on YouTube because it’s been so many years now it’s been out of my head, but I don’t want to take the chance.
Aaaand I scrolled down to someone basically typing out how it sounds, and now I’m humming it in my head again, fuck!
ImRonBurgandy_ t1_iwz83c8 wrote
I’ve been trying to remember what crazy show had this when I was in elementary school. You have solved the mystery. Thank you!
TheZuckuss t1_iwz88mv wrote
Ummando t1_iwz8cij wrote
Your teacher as well? Must've been a popular educational series in the 80s and early 90s. We had to watch it in middle school.
cursethedarkness t1_iwz8syg wrote
Yep, that was the hypothermia episode. You might even have been in my class, because I remember lots of snickering.
Ummando t1_iwz8uwr wrote
Was his name Captain Ahab and did you live in New Bedford?
IdyllicOleander OP t1_iwz99u8 wrote
Yup! That's young Ben alright!
TazeredAngel t1_iwz9enu wrote
That thing would break all the time and I would fix it. Probably why I became a technician later in life and Voyage of the Mimi was definitely one of those videos that got thrown in the laser disk.
IdyllicOleander OP t1_iwz9osd wrote
Elementary school was the last and only time I saw it and I honestly don't remember if I liked it or not but it was nice watching educational shows every now and then.
pickausernamebitch t1_iwzaats wrote
Watched this in sixth grade in 2006. Doo doo do do da doo!
IdyllicOleander OP t1_iwzanv1 wrote
I watched it in the mid 90's when I was in elementary school!
You watched it in 2006?! I wonder if classes still show this?
SplendidPunkinButter t1_iwzauta wrote
Holy chickens!
BigIronSawyer t1_iwzavyj wrote
Oh my god, I watched this in 5th grade almost 30 years ago. Broken mast, hypothermia, desalinization et al. I still hum the theme song to this day. Also still haunted by that show about aliens learning to use the Dewey Decimal System on an abandoned Earth.
partytown_usa t1_iwzb3ed wrote
Remember that time they ran out of water and Ben was about to drink sea water!?! That sh*t was intense.
IdyllicOleander OP t1_iwzbiiw wrote
Honestly it's been almost 30 years since I watched this in school, I don't remember much other than the introduction... Lol
mayormcskeeze t1_iwzbkc3 wrote
That's a lot of peanut butter!
[deleted] t1_iwzc17d wrote
ViciousCurves t1_iwzctjx wrote
Wow.... I had no idea he was the kid in that.
Cantgoavay t1_iwzefww wrote
And be perplexed that the 'channel up' button wouldn't put it from channel 2 to channel 3, and the kids would be yelling to program the channels, to push 'step up' or push 0 3 Then to press 0 3 faster
[deleted] t1_iwzevw9 wrote
MifflerTripod t1_iwzfjcd wrote
Still can’t act.
[deleted] t1_iwzg516 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwzg8lp wrote
[deleted] t1_iwzgib6 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwzgqch wrote
Imajica0921 t1_iwzhbt8 wrote
I 'member! Also, they put him in a freezing wind tunnel with no jacket.
AgileMJOLNIR t1_iwzhwkf wrote
Man what a memory lol. That brings me back.
crystalsaladsandwich t1_iwzib08 wrote
I was just thinking about this series. Had to watch it in 6th grade ('99-2000-ish). Wasn't there a chick with a prosthetic leg?
Edit: That was the sequel. I remember it more than the OG series. Someone getting bitten by snake or a lizard too.
Crotch-jockey t1_iwzjq9h wrote
He couldn’t find a better wig? And that blue sweater, I mean…
BobanMarjonGo t1_iwzkt94 wrote
We watched this on laserdisc
Asherah111 t1_iwzl0oc wrote
Remember the giant tub of peanut butter?! My 11 year old brain could not compute.
zoobrix t1_iwzl7qf wrote
You must have been in a rich school district, in 84 around where I grew up you'd still be using 16 mm film projectors for the most part. The VCR/TV cart set up only mostly replaced film by 1990 and even then I can still remember watching a few films in the early 90's. The film of a woman giving birth we watched in health class was infamous as it did not shy away from showing what having a baby really looked like.
Dr_D-R-E t1_iwzl8zb wrote
You know, it hadn’t for about 25 years…until now
Klin24 t1_iwzlcp3 wrote
Electricalbigaloo7 t1_iwzn3sh wrote
Remember when Ben got high from a lack of oxygen? Weird I remember that more than anything...
Darwin_Finch t1_iwznalh wrote
InternalMovie t1_iwznw9h wrote
We were made to watch this in 6th grade
Then write an essay on it after every episode
DocRules t1_iwzoli6 wrote
Figured he might as well get used to it.
DocRules t1_iwzopgm wrote
Peanut butter had been my favorite up until that point. Had me re-thinking it.
nomadofwaves t1_iwzplbf wrote
I remember this series and having to plot the course of the ship on a map.
lhp220 t1_iwzpm83 wrote
Right!? This just unlocked a third grade memory I had no idea I had
Dandelosrados t1_iwzpzyi wrote
Which one is he?
HighOnGoofballs t1_iwzqwio wrote
Nope, standard public school. Maybe had two or three of these for the whole school so they got wheeled from classroom to classroom. We watched the challenger explode live on TV in the library too
mictlanian t1_iwzr4ij wrote
Oh man, I remember loving 3 2 1 Contact. I must have been 5 years old.
muldervinscully t1_iwzvl4l wrote
Sally motherfuckin Ruth!!!!!
muldervinscully t1_iwzwd40 wrote
Lmaooooo absolutely. My friends and I laughed about it for years.
muldervinscully t1_iwzwh5o wrote
Sally Ruth was deaf I think
JmePie t1_iwzwo07 wrote
Me too! I think about this a lot, it’s my go to Survival move.
crystalsaladsandwich t1_iwzwrj6 wrote
That's right.
Crimkam t1_iwzx639 wrote
>Didn't he later show up to the hungry crew with a dead rabbit in his backpack like it was no big deal?
Files44 t1_iwzxhxd wrote
I remember very little of the actual show, but I feel like we watched an episode every week in 6th grade (late 90’s 🤢).
Was there a woman with a missing arm in the show? For some reason I remember an amputee explaining “phantom feelings” in their arm; unless I am thinking of something completely different.
This was a very disjointed response to you but my mind is churning up all this nostalgia thanks to a single mention of the voyage of the Mimi. Whew.
ParkerBench t1_iwzxvhv wrote
Is he another Hollywood nepo baby? Or did he break through and get a job without parental connections?
redpeachtree t1_ix00oug wrote
That is the primary memory for me and this series
slim_scsi t1_ix01o81 wrote
Ah, that old Boy Scouts trick!
"Sorry if my beard is scratchy, Canteen Boy, but it gives good backrubs"
Hairy_Stinkeye t1_ix02lv6 wrote
Tell me you’re from New England without telling me you’re from New England
ZappyHeart t1_ix03cqg wrote
My kids watch this program. It was fantastic.
ZappyHeart t1_ix03hhs wrote
They had a second season where they go to South America.
ZappyHeart t1_ix03man wrote
Yeah, emperor 13 Rabbit.
DortDrueben t1_ix04ql1 wrote
True homies will remember that second season with South of the equator Mayan stuff going on with that one legged lady.
I remember with the shipwreck in season 1 our 4th grade teacher told us there was a demonstration of a serious life saving technique that involved people getting naked. Hypothermia/sharing body heat etc. He told the class anyone laughing or making jokes would be kicked out and sent to the office. I think one or two did and he was true to his word. One of my favorite teachers. He was retired US Coast Guard.
Bonus fun memory: Dude had so many live animals in his class. Including a Boa Constrictor. One day he was cleaning its pen and it had coiled around his full skeleton and he couldn't free it so he threw the whole thing back in as he was running out of time for the day to start. Us kids walk in and find the boa slithering through a human skeleton in its enclosure. WHAT HAPPENED?!
elidefoe t1_ix05aj8 wrote
I remember my science teacher giving us a heads up a man in underwear was about to happen. Was pretty anti climatic. Also I have always looked for a 5 gallon bucket of peanut butter.
Sgt3Way t1_ix06ue8 wrote
Y'all ready to bust some ass?!
GarmeerGirl t1_ix07bwt wrote
So all those stories how he got his first break with Good Will Hunting while living out of his car with Matt Damon is fake. I now see he had 8 movie credits before that film. It has already been proven they didn’t write the script they were credited for doing so.
stellalunawitchbaby t1_ix08jdg wrote
5th grade for us, around 2000/2002. Part of the science unit, then we had to demonstrate some of the things they did (like the water thing - thankfully not the hypothermia thing). It was also tied into a humpback whale-watching field trip.
ehxy t1_ix099m2 wrote
Hell I thought fleck was just a boston boy who didn't get his start until he gambled it all moving to L.A. but....there goes that belief
SammyLoops1 t1_ix09cfc wrote
I remember how in style those sweaters were that that woman is wearing. Everyone had them.
tyfromtheinternet t1_ix09k20 wrote
Yessss! Grew up in New England, we watched this in my fifth grade class throughout the year. Was definitely the highlight! That or Where The Red Fern Grows 😭
SwingJugend t1_ix0bg2v wrote
Last known photo taken where Ben Affleck's head is normal-sized and doesn't take up the whole fucking screen.
bombayofpigs t1_ix0bn7o wrote
We watched that on 5th grade. Our teacher, Mr. Whaley, loved teaching us about whales (surprise), but the whole class really got in to this show.
bombayofpigs t1_ix0bsv7 wrote
It’s the secret. It’s the moment.
TheZuckuss t1_ix0dexe wrote
That sounds like an awesome field trip! I grew up in the metro Atlanta area, so we were nowhere near anywhere a whale could be seen.
thesnuggyone t1_ix0g12j wrote
Dude what!? In my memory this is like, at least 20-25 episodes long!!
IdyllicOleander OP t1_ix0gb7z wrote
I know, right?! Lol
SoutheasternGothic t1_ix0gjas wrote
Holy Shit! I forgot about this and never realized it was Ben!
Wetscherpants t1_ix0hbjd wrote
Wasn’t there a scene where someone gets hyperthermia or something? That’s all my aging brain can think of when remembering this show from school
Stanley__Zbornak t1_ix0ht2c wrote
I freaking loved Voyage of the Mimi. We would watch it in school then play Oregon trail on the Apple 2E.
Voyage of the Mimi is how I learned all humpback whale flukes are different like a fingerprint.
dcooper315 t1_ix0j9cc wrote
Watched it in middle school in 2007. They had the show on laser disk. That was a fun history lesson in science class
Business-Cup-2978 t1_ix0k2gv wrote
Norwester77 t1_ix0l3tn wrote
Wow, we watched that in my 7th grade science class. I’d completely forgotten he was in it!
you_bastid t1_ix0o7ie wrote
The theme song instantly just popped in my head and feels like it will be there for a few weeks at least.
JohnnyAK907 t1_ix0qpl9 wrote
Doo doo doo doo doo dooooooooo, Dee deee deee dah deee dah deee!
Great, now that F'ing theme song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks, Reddit.
expernicus t1_ix0r5vx wrote
I still remember the theme song.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnn!
JohnnyAK907 t1_ix0rbbj wrote
We watched the 60's something version of Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade English class, and had to have our folks sign a waiver because Juliet shows boobie in one scene. We were all excited and the teacher let us know the moment was coming. It was like .5 second of boob and we were all disappointed after. She actually had to pause the film and lecture us because the entire class was murmuring about how lame and anti-climatic the whole thing was.
apple_cores t1_ix0regg wrote
Man this show taught me to sign the alphabet in 5th grade. I still remember how.
Disney_Princess_73 t1_ix0u6q8 wrote
I loved watching this in school! Couldn't ever for the life of me remember what it was called and then I forgot about it. Thank you for bringing the memory back!
[deleted] t1_ix0vakl wrote
LupeDyCazari t1_ix0vz0p wrote
I didn't know he had been doing movies for that long.
loudogtwotwentytwo t1_ix102kr wrote
We watched these in E.S. class in mid nineties and loved them! I never knew it was him though. F*cking Affleck!
TheZuckuss t1_ix14fvm wrote
I remember that. It was a fleeting moment under the sheets.
Interesting_Act1286 t1_ix14yum wrote
I always thought Good Will Hunting was his first movie.
Kangermu t1_ix15b2s wrote
Holy chickens! That's all peanut butter?!
burtoncummings t1_ix17vs4 wrote
No shit! I got to take a special week long course at a different school where we watched this!
Baranjula t1_ix19hkr wrote
Hahahaha pretty sure it was a deaf woman who felt vibrations in the ship to know what was happening.
MatthewMMorrow t1_ix1fd3n wrote
It was her leg! And it was The Second Voyage of the Mimi when they did archeology.
Files44 t1_ix1fqzf wrote
There were multiple Mimis?! Mimi? Mimi (pronounced me-my)? Mimis? How many Mimi were there?!
My, my.
MatthewMMorrow t1_ix1g8p8 wrote
Just the two. One year we did oceanography and the next we did archeology so we watched both. I liked the science interviews after the episodes. They seem to be on YouTube.
SleepylaReef t1_ix1nr8d wrote
I watched that in middle school
WorldsGreatestPoop t1_ix1o9dh wrote
Not Slim Goodbody.
i-hate-most-people t1_ix1obqc wrote
“You’re a dead man freshman!…” -FAH-Q
Bethymania t1_ix1q3p3 wrote
The kids in my class were not snickering, they were laughing their asses off. The teacher had to stop the laser disc player for a moment in order to yell at everyone.
TheZuckuss t1_ix1qqwj wrote
Lol. That dude was wild.
Bethymania t1_ix1r2bd wrote
The thing I remember most about that episode is the behind-the-scenes segment where little Ben Affleck went to the house of the guy who played the captain of the Mimi to see his home desalination experiments. I remember it because I thought the captain looked like he was high.
Bentstrings84 t1_ix1r4kk wrote
Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.
thelibrarianchick t1_ix1r9f3 wrote
I loved that show!
pcpartthrowaway11 t1_ix21nxh wrote
That's it? It was literally long enough for Ben to live around Mexico and become fluent in spanish, dude is fluent to this day
PressinPckl t1_ix28kpq wrote
I got a secret for ya...
sp00ksh0wbarbie t1_ix2a4u5 wrote
Wow I remember Watching this in the gifted program, in elementary school.
GoldenGrlz t1_ix2dsuf wrote
The giant peanut butter vat is the only thing I remember from Mimi!
10110011100021 t1_ix2dubz wrote
I still hear that theme song in my head often
mynewnameonhere t1_ix2eebx wrote
We went on a field trip to see the boat. Hands down the worst field trip of my life.
mynewnameonhere t1_ix2eiuf wrote
Why is the the only thing I remember from the entire show? I couldn’t tell you a single other thing that happened.
Your_Daddy_ t1_ix2k9gw wrote
I had to watch that shizz in 7th grade.
The only thing I learned from the show is if you want to make new clothes look old and worn, stain them in tea..
And also how to get fresh drinking water from condensation. It’s totally come in handy as an adult, as I have never used a trash bag for drinking water.
Your_Daddy_ t1_ix2kkr1 wrote
In 84?
I watched it in 7th grade, that would have been around 1988-89…
Makes sense, it did feel kind of old dated at the time.
Your_Daddy_ t1_ix2kofw wrote
Deonhollins58ucla t1_ix2n9s1 wrote
Hollywood grooms these ppl since they’re young. Truly demonic
JohannesOliver t1_ix2opw6 wrote
I don’t remember anything about this other than the name, but I think I enjoyed it.
VetteBuilder t1_ix2r317 wrote
Taco flavored kisses
Whiskey-Particular t1_ix2ucmj wrote
We watched part of it it in 3rd or 4th grade, on LaserDisc. And I’m not even sure why because it’s the only LaserDisc I’ve ever seen and this would’ve been like 1997-98ish?
kickler t1_ix2ujvt wrote
me too! Sixth grade science i think. Laser disc was wild
GentleSaidTheRaven t1_ix2up2i wrote
Who knew you had to go this far back to see a rare picture of Ben Affleck…smiling.
Laggindragon86 t1_ix2z3t2 wrote
I remember watching this on laser disc in middle school, mid 90s
Asherah111 t1_ix4br52 wrote
I was telling my husband about the “oil barrel full of peanut butter” and just made him watch a YouTube video of this HUGE tub of peanut butter. It is only a 5 gallon pickle tub! My young brain couldn’t fathom 5 gallons of peanut butter??
Yamatoman9 t1_ix96rfs wrote
There was a big controversy at my school in 5th grade because a teacher let us watch Twister and they swear in it a couple times. We also watched Apollo 13 and a different teacher tried to fast forward past the swear words.
[deleted] t1_ixtqjdp wrote
I think you're thinking of the girl who got stung by a scorpion in the sequel.
crystalsaladsandwich t1_ixtsdvb wrote
You're right! I remember the sequel moreso than the original series, but it's been over 20 years since middle school lol.
ReleventReferences t1_iwyvzyf wrote
For the longest time I thought I was hallucinating that thing’s existence.