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AlwaysHappy4Kitties t1_iy7vznv wrote

Some people forgot that the beastie boys started out as a Punk band


Gargenville t1_iy82evk wrote

Honestly in 2022 there's probably a sizeable chunk of people who only really know them for Fight for your Right and Sabotage.


Saint_Stephen420 t1_iy86w7w wrote

Your ignorance of the cultural impact of Brass Monkey on middle schoolers in the 2000’s is intolerable


sean8877 t1_iy9bqr9 wrote

Intergalactic is universal


Gargenville t1_iy9ero4 wrote

Yeah I have a zoomer brother I can test this stuff out on, Intergalactic definitely still goes.


31_hierophanto t1_iyaxom0 wrote

Yeah, they decided to rap as a joke..... and then actual rappers thought they were unironically good.

Thank Rick Rubin for that.