Submitted by swishswooshSwiss t3_z7s3ol in OldSchoolCool
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy7utub wrote
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy7vtd7 wrote
Or he cod have been an undercover IM lol
LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iy7vusp wrote
This is the sequel to Top Secret!
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy7w4w6 wrote
Streng Geheim
mememan12332 t1_iy7yw8y wrote
Both are returning from a Rammstein concert
Marty_cone_ t1_iy81lkn wrote
Nick, that’s a nice name,where did it come from?
Thropedone t1_iy827z1 wrote
the punk is Sven Marquardt, a photographer and bouncer at Berghain.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy861cx wrote
Thank you!
gheiminfantry t1_iy86mfe wrote
Ha! I was there!
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy89azo wrote
Where you the Volkspolizist or the Punk lol?
gheiminfantry t1_iy89g54 wrote
Neither. UBahn rider.
lick_some_donkeys t1_iy8acn2 wrote
Is it just me or the Volkspolizei dude looks exactly like Valery Legasov?
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy8acyl wrote
You aren’t kidding that you were actually there when this was taken, right? 😅
1000Hells1GiftShop t1_iy8af66 wrote
The spectrum of cool in one picture. From punk rock to total dweeb.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy8ajg6 wrote
Looks very similar yeah
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy8anje wrote
I love how these two seem to blatantly ignore each other
1000Hells1GiftShop t1_iy8b28z wrote
They're from two different worlds.
If this were the 80s someone would pitch a sitcom about them being roommates.
Now, someone is more likely to ship them as "roommates".
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy8boxj wrote
Sad, but true. A forbidden rom-I mean bromance between an authority and an anti-authoritarian
gheiminfantry t1_iy8coyj wrote
I don't kid about screwing with Commies.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy8ek05 wrote
Wthq4hq4hqrhqe t1_iy8ihn6 wrote
one of these two has stupid hair, an outrageous costume and a bad attitude. the other is a punk
godumbledork t1_iy8q533 wrote
He looks like the guy on the bus in Star Trek 4
StephenHunterUK t1_iy8rgo1 wrote
The Volkspolizei ("People's Police") went with the GDR. You now have policing mostly done by the state police forces.
ProphetOfServer t1_iy8sw1d wrote
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
World-Tight t1_iy8vk93 wrote
And is the other gentleman his dad?
doveball t1_iy8wvwr wrote
The other is Joe Pesci.
Entire_Spare731 t1_iy8xs2t wrote
To the left: sven marquardt, doorman of berghain. To the right: genosse müllermeierschmidt
rostoffario t1_iy8zj5r wrote
Good ol' button fly jeans.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy923k3 wrote
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy9272y wrote
Lol thanks for 1k likes guys. Never thought i’d get this many
aCynicalMind t1_iy95wt1 wrote
He's pretty funny.
Shytog t1_iy960af wrote
He is the bouncer of Berlin's most famous club right now. And he has become some sort of a celebrity in itself
Beachdaddybravo t1_iy96tqh wrote
What do you mean funny?
Circ-Le-Jerk t1_iy9749h wrote
I miss when the counter culture was tough and bad ass... Today's young counter culture are more concerned with feelings and trusting the government institutions. It's so fucking weird. Are young Republicans the new counter culture?
aCynicalMind t1_iy976n0 wrote
You know...h-he's just funny.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy97h4p wrote
Counter culture has been replaced by cancel culture but let’s try and leave politics out of this.
the_pedigree t1_iy982l5 wrote
Basically the most famous bouncer in the world outside of Mr. T I guess
xoverthirtyx t1_iy997j1 wrote
Really though? Punk in East Germany was cracked down on HARD. I can imagine this scenario happening in ‘86.
[deleted] t1_iy9a2h0 wrote
d4nowar t1_iy9b4ox wrote
That specific button fly is working overtime.
globuZ t1_iy9bdmj wrote
Making a political statement and then cancel the discussion is a clever move. ;)
frankduxvandamme t1_iy9da72 wrote
Can somebody do some photoshop magic and exchange their heads?
FIJAGDH t1_iy9dfgi wrote
Punk is packin’
Joe_The_Volcano t1_iy9ed1z wrote
Not having lived in East Germany (I spent the 80s in New York City), would the police have cracked down on punk or dressing up like this? Can't imagine the government was too thrilled.
GoGoCrumbly t1_iy9fuzi wrote
Noticed that, which makes me wonder if these are genuine Levi's 501 jeans or a People's Revolutionary Pants Factory knock off.
Fun aside: I know a woman who grew up in the Soviet Union, her dad was a big deal in the Red Army and brought her all manner of otherwise forbidden stuff from France and W. Germany on his embassy visits. She didn't get in trouble for it, but would get comments from her school teachers. Of course, they knew better than to do anything about it since, duh, her dad was a big Red Army deal.
ForgotToDieYoung t1_iy9g29o wrote
With an umbrella to make sure his spikes don't get ruined...
GoGoCrumbly t1_iy9ggbl wrote
You mean funny like he's a clown, he amuses you? He makes you laugh, he's here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is he funny?
[deleted] t1_iy9h55i wrote
Toronto_man t1_iy9hntv wrote
I like the button fly. That is one place on my wardrobe I do not need sharp interlocking metal teeth. It's like a mink trap down there.
AndrewLucks_Asshair t1_iy9hz1r wrote
John Jacob Müllermeierschmidt, his name was my name too
aCynicalMind t1_iy9ilfv wrote
.....I-I don't know, what do you want me to say? He's just...he's a funny guy, you know?
McFeely_Smackup t1_iy9jxr4 wrote
Someone should colorize the photo...what with there apparently being no color photography in the 1980's
far2common t1_iy9k437 wrote
I love the contrast in posture, it really gives this photo another dimension.
acenightcreeper t1_iy9l52e wrote
Robert smith?
World-Tight t1_iy9lu3t wrote
I think he means Volkspolizei were just naturally hilarious S.O.B.s
[deleted] t1_iy9mu3p wrote
lazyrepublik t1_iy9nwpc wrote
I wish I had some money because that’s gold.
AristotleRose t1_iy9p0a1 wrote
harglblarg t1_iy9pfdc wrote
Kein Kommentar.
GoGoCrumbly t1_iy9ptdo wrote
^(shh, it's all lifted from Goodfellas. Save your gold for the writers, Nicholas Pileggi and Martin Scorsese.)
LittleKitty235 t1_iy9qfwh wrote
It is color film! No one could afford actual colors in soviet russia.
Jigglelips t1_iy9r2pa wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9rj8h wrote
montanunion t1_iy9s6jb wrote
At least in East Germany, it wasn't that rare to have Western jeans, since many if not most people had family in the West who regularly came to visit and/or sent packages. With the rest of his outfit, I'd be surprised if those weren't "real" jeans, since he's obviously using clothes to make a political statement.
Milesaboveu t1_iy9s93k wrote
These fucking a.i bots are scaring the shit out of me.
somedudefromnrw t1_iy9sapb wrote
Yesnt. They kept an eye on it and it certainly was controlled but outside of definitely having your face in some government files you wouldn't have been arrested as long as you didn't draw any attention (eg. political activism) to yourself. They were more concerned about so called anti socials and troublemakers and trying to hold their state together
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy9sp4h wrote
This was taken in the GDR not the USSR
montanunion t1_iy9teej wrote
It really depended on the circumstances. Being punk itself wasn't forbidden (though it could get you in trouble with schools or employers since in many contexts the look was still a very scandalous thing). Generally, in the mid-late 80s, in the whole East German system became a lot more lax, they also started easing up on travel restrictions at the time, so a lot more people got to travel into the West for example, there were big concerts by Western artists like Bruce Springsteen etc.
But obviously, punkness often comes along with a general fuck-the-authorities attitude and that in turn made punks more likely to be controlled (kinda like even today a police officer will be MUCH more likely to search a punk for drugs compared to a suit-wearing banker). In general, the government was not too thrilled about that attitude.
This specific guy was an artist/photographer who at the time did photography for an East German fashion magazine, so he had more leeway than most.
Source: both of my parents were punks in East Berlin and my aunt actually knew this guy quite well
[deleted] t1_iy9ub5r wrote
LittleKitty235 t1_iy9ukjk wrote
I know. Still in the soviet zone and behind the iron curtain.
KeyofE t1_iy9urax wrote
Have you tried underwear? Game changer.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iy9wmrq wrote
Ok, doesn’t make your statement accurate. This was Germany.
LittleKitty235 t1_iy9y3rc wrote
I would have thought the inaccurate part of my statement was that colors didn't exist under communism. Seemed clearly a joke to me.
andyschest t1_iya1k6f wrote
Uh, Patrick Swayze?
HeebieMcJeeberson t1_iya3jrm wrote
Uniform is surprisingly WWII-ish even after 40 years.
HeebieMcJeeberson t1_iya3ysw wrote
Like little pants, that protect you from the big pants, and vice versa!
Sgtcalza t1_iya69gx wrote
I love this idea, mostly because it can be pictured as true
MarlonBrandoRules t1_iya7xn9 wrote
I hate to break it to you, but no counter culture is not supporting government institutions. And Republican’s are the exact opposite of counter culture, supporting the capitalist status quo.
Young people today are not supporting the system, they’re advocating for a new one. They are growing more and more anti-capitalist
Circ-Le-Jerk t1_iya9nng wrote
Man, watching Reddit sound like Koch brothers whenever it comes to "corporate rights" when the free speech or deplatforming topic comes up sounds weird. The blind trust in anything and everything the government and big pharma said surrounding the pandemic was really really weird. And now suddenly the "anti war" left, who used to be non interventionalists, suddenly ALL IN on funding Ukraine to the bitter end, nuclear war be damned, has completely knocked me off my rocker. I have no idea what happened to the counter culture, but it sure as hell isn't on the left.
The most "counter culture" I see, is obsession over gender pronouns and frustration with capitalism.
MarlonBrandoRules t1_iyaabgf wrote
Ukraine was invaded by Russia and people support Ukraine in their fight back, regardless of opinion on Ukrainian politics.
It’s the same as the anti war movement following the American invasion of Iraq
ClarenceCrocodile t1_iyaawun wrote
That was very confussing for a moment there, I'd read it as Putin sitting next to the police officer and thought- WTF?
Circ-Le-Jerk t1_iyabusj wrote
I don't think you understand what anti-war means. It doesn't mean "Only supporting wars abroad when it serves our geopolitical interest". Vietnam was also about "stopping the bad guys". So was Korea, and a countless number of them.
Anti war, means ANTI WAR. It's pretty simple actually.
LeZarathustra t1_iyac5rg wrote
My father's cousin grew up in West Berlin (I think he was 5 or so when the wall was built around him). So he grew up to be an anarchist and punk. He spent the first 30 years or so of his life inside that wall.
Nowadays he's in his late 70's or so. He keeps his hair short and beard trimmed, but still wears the classic leather jacket and boots.
My german is so-so, and he doesn't speak english or swedish (which is my mother tounge), so it's a bit difficult to hold conversations, but this picture made me remember the one time he said something in english.
He was driving me and my dad around Berlin, giving us a bit of a tour, when a patrol car passed us. He makes a rude gesture and loudly exclaims "Fuck the police!".
I've only ever heard him speak german before and since, but I love that he still keeps it real after all these years.
lazyrepublik t1_iyadqk3 wrote
Well, you still get some cred for spewing that verbatim and making me chuckle.
MarlonBrandoRules t1_iyafdt5 wrote
I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand. People who are anti war are almost always, against pointless wars and ones that are fought for power or money. Notice how the heavily protested wars are against the ones that were unjust, like Vietnam and Iraq. They opposed them because the US had no right to get involved in Vietnam at all, and Iraq was a completely unjust invasion.
Notice how people didn’t protest fighting the Axis in WW2?
Circ-Le-Jerk t1_iyag4u3 wrote
People were against WWII. A ton of people were. Anti war means “don’t get involved with wars that have no threat to the country”. Some anti war would argue war in Europe involved is indirectly because it could bleed into the USA once we found out Germany allied with Mexico in secret.
But I don’t get what you don’t get with the term anti war. It literally means against war. Not just “against starting wars” but against all wars. Not just “wars fought for money” but all war. Anti war. Not, anti profiteering war.
Also if you think the war in Ukraine is being supported by the USA for purely moral and ethical reasons I got a bridge to sell you. It’s entirely about geopolitical reasons. Tons of natural gas and strategic points next to Russia. If the USA cared about the ethics and morals of a “justified war” there are 2 of them right now we’d also be heavily involved in. Turkey is about to invade Syria. You don’t see us mounting a defense against Turkey lol because it has no geopolitical importance.
Regardless. Anti war means anti war. It means you don’t support war, full stop. And you’re a perfect example of what I mean by the left taking some drastic turns over the last decade.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iyahu6f wrote
That was done on purpose. The GDR wanted to present itself as the “real Germany” and opted to keep the old military uniform look, while the Bundeswehr did their best to Americanise the way their army looked. In the early years this was also a likely consequence of superfluous amounts of uniforms and a limited budget.
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iyahvt5 wrote
swishswooshSwiss OP t1_iyai6ya wrote
Actually that’s not quite true. The only U-Bahn station in East Berlin was Linie E (Tiergarten), opening in 1973.
HeebieMcJeeberson t1_iyajo74 wrote
I get it. Still the uniform in a modern setting reminds me of Val Kilmer's movie Top Secret.
Buckfutter8D t1_iyajx3d wrote
He's the cooler.
GoGoCrumbly t1_iyal03q wrote
I cut/pasted from IMDB, since I knew I could only paraphrase at best.
I am a worm.
The51stDivision t1_iyapyc9 wrote
Fun fact: the first row of rock concerts are usually reserved for the police (to maintain order). Just 1980s communist world things.
yousyveshughs t1_iyaq8w6 wrote
I tend to agree with you, good sir. The world is a twisted place these days. Not that it wasn’t always, just seems more bizarro world than decades ago.
snifferpipers t1_iyarb2b wrote
Wtf are you even saying right now? Punk is not dead and is alive among the younger generation
JDP87 t1_iyatrym wrote
Mildly Interesting Facts: Star Trek punk was Kirk Thatcher, a producer on the movie, who wrote and performed the song he was listening to, reprised the role recently in a Star Trek series episode, and is about 11 days younger than punk in this picture Sven Marquardt.
31_hierophanto t1_iyawv42 wrote
What's name of the sitcom? All Cops Are Neighbors?
31_hierophanto t1_iyawzj6 wrote
>My father's cousin grew up in West Berlin (I think he was 5 or so when the wall was built around him). So he grew up to be an anarchist and punk.
I'm guessing he lived in Kreuzberg?
1000Hells1GiftShop t1_iyaxgl8 wrote
Oi & Oink.
Guilty_Pleasure2021 t1_iyayksi wrote
Man I want to go to Berghain before I get too old
Hopefully_moreUnique t1_iyb0xwx wrote
Pic goes hard
WelcomeScary4270 t1_iyccgks wrote
In my experience underjocks are more useful incase of accidentally sharting.
SomeConsumer t1_iyceiah wrote
Don't turn around, oh oh oh
RangerNi33a312 t1_iye1zx7 wrote
GDR was not communist, It was socialist but ran by a one party state aka the communist party or the SED trying to achieve communism. I don't know much about color picture though
RepostSleuthBot t1_iy7uq03 wrote
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