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AlexOsoArrogant OP t1_ixszgn0 wrote

Ricky Lee is credited as the largely sole figure that changed Pac's entire wardrobe from sporty and street to luxury designer. Ricky Lee was different, and was wearing designer that hardly anybody was wearing at the time, such as Versace silks. Ricky and Jack didn't do Karl Kani, Dapper Dan, or none of the sporty fits that were popular in the early 90s; they were more ahead of their time. If you notice, the sweater that Ricky is wearing in this picture is awfully similar to the one Tupac wore in Diddy's birthday party, the night before the day he got shot. Tupac had his sweater sleeves rolled up in that party the same way Ricky had his sleeves rolled up here. Jack was the person who gave Pac his first Rolex, which you see in this pic along with Jack and Ricky's rolexes. The style Tupac learned from hanging with these guys rubbed off on him extremely, and when he got released from prison in late 1995, even though he became to be at odds with these guys, their style stuck with him, as in 1996 Pac became Versace'd out, with Gianni Versace himself taking notice and doing some work with him.

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AnarchoSyndica1ist t1_ixteqnt wrote

Got to admit Pac’s lyrics are rather camp when you think about it


Theiceman09 t1_ixtfe71 wrote

I thought jack set em up to be robbed?


Jawwaad127 t1_ixti1tv wrote

Pac’s persona changed once he went with Death Row Records. He wasn’t a gangster growing up yet portrayed one when got older. Here in Baltimore, he went to great middle school (Roland Park) and then went to the School of the Arts. The house he lived in while living here in Baltimore is up for sale. I think the listing is for $175k. I grew up around the corner from him and went to the same middle school as him but he was like 6 years older than me so I never met him personally but know older dudes that knew him.