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parasocialdude OP t1_iy2daxn wrote

I mean I got over 100 upvotes on this puppy - so I am overachieving hard here.


dreday67 t1_iy2dirj wrote

Proud of you bro! I had that Bart Simpson shirt with that quote and wore it proudly. Don’t have a cow man


parasocialdude OP t1_iy2dmbx wrote

Huge milk drinker, so were I to own a cow, I wouldn't be so much in the red due to all the milk purchases. So, in other words, would love to have a cow.


KR1TES t1_iy2l43q wrote

I had the same shirt and wore it with pride too! Did you ever read the Simpsons comics?


SniperFrogDX t1_iy3cfi4 wrote

And now look, 1800 up votes! You continue to succeed.