Submitted by parasocialdude t3_z6meqf in OldSchoolCool
luffliffloaf t1_iy28c0n wrote
Cowabunga man!
ninjachortle t1_iy28j8i wrote
Runner up? The kid that won must have had jaundice.
TheUpperHand t1_iy294p5 wrote
Sorry that other dude looks just like him
bartontees t1_iy29lgu wrote
You do look pretty like him. But who's the kid with the skateboard?
parasocialdude OP t1_iy29nye wrote
Ha! You sir know how to bring the funny.
ianmoone1102 t1_iy2bljv wrote
I don't care what anyone says, life was better in the 90's.
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2bx12 wrote
It had innocence and neons, I will give it that!
phuzzy1deep t1_iy2c780 wrote
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2clfv wrote
Ha! Nope - That there is the real Bart - He even signed my skateboard.
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2daxn wrote
I mean I got over 100 upvotes on this puppy - so I am overachieving hard here.
dreday67 t1_iy2dirj wrote
Proud of you bro! I had that Bart Simpson shirt with that quote and wore it proudly. Don’t have a cow man
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2dmbx wrote
Huge milk drinker, so were I to own a cow, I wouldn't be so much in the red due to all the milk purchases. So, in other words, would love to have a cow.
ChicagoDogEater t1_iy2e702 wrote
My son is also named Brot
AcidTWister t1_iy2e8o2 wrote
It's the overbite that really sells it.
Yes_I_Fuck_Foxes t1_iy2e8wq wrote
Say the line, Bart!
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2ehbt wrote
My top teeth are way cooler than my lower teeth and demand to be seen and heard first.
Queeb_the_Dweeb t1_iy2f3xm wrote
What a sentance
parasocialdude OP t1_iy2f8sc wrote
Sometime ya gotta string words as such.
ProgandyPatrick t1_iy2focg wrote
Eat pant
sassybeotch2 t1_iy2hbqw wrote
tbb2796 t1_iy2hify wrote
hands look weird too
MCKBLAKE t1_iy2hjtd wrote
Kid parents paid off first place
dannkherb t1_iy2icmb wrote
Woozle Wazzle?
KR1TES t1_iy2l43q wrote
I had the same shirt and wore it with pride too! Did you ever read the Simpsons comics?
T4N60SUKK4 t1_iy2l8k2 wrote
Eat pant
lotsanoodles t1_iy2svhw wrote
How's your 'Bart Dance' game?
dreamboat_king t1_iy2wqxy wrote
charo-lastra_charolo t1_iy2xp6f wrote
Bort Sampson
PassengerSame5579 t1_iy30mdw wrote
intdev t1_iy31j76 wrote
If only he’d worn an orange T-shirt, he’d have had it in the bag.
KiwandaCampari t1_iy322zc wrote
Brot Simpson.
Earth_W0rm-J1m t1_iy347vy wrote
FantasticAttitude t1_iy36mom wrote
Such a great photo! I miss 90’s era. PEAK
AlfaBetaZulu t1_iy37i6u wrote
This is actually pretty cool compared to most just random photos people post.
hobbes_shot_first t1_iy37qs1 wrote
I don't think the real Bart Simpson wears a plastic smock with a picture of himself on it.
"On Halloween he would!"
Supertrucker82 t1_iy38xlv wrote
Anyone remember the song Deep Trouble? I think it was the follow up to Do the Bart man. Bart spits bars on that shit.
majorjoe23 t1_iy395ip wrote
“I don’t think Bart Simpson would wear a shirt with his own face on it.”
“He would at a costume contest!”
SniperFrogDX t1_iy3cfi4 wrote
And now look, 1800 up votes! You continue to succeed.
trees_pleazz t1_iy3dd28 wrote
It was Bort! Lol
Demo_Scene t1_iy3ddhd wrote
The winner vs you
the3rdconchord t1_iy3dp6t wrote
nnosuckluckz t1_iy3f65o wrote
"Dedicated to: Lester and Eliza for making all this possible"
Tecknishen t1_iy3hmmi wrote
I too owe many thanks to Lester and Eliza. This is a great vindication for anybody who was ever taking a bath, went to get the paper, fell down, and had the door slam behind them and the doorknob break off.
schroedingersnewcat t1_iy3jjgr wrote
Yorktown... in Downers?
ForsakenExercise9559 t1_iy3l12q wrote
That's why bart is giving the finger...
Cuz you lost
RedStarNova2 t1_iy3o0zf wrote
I like how the shirt only shows simp lol yes i know it's the Simpsons
Stalinwolf t1_iy472a8 wrote
Bro, you were really him. Did you also have bruises around your throat?
MetroDetroitGaming t1_iy4esy8 wrote
If you're not 1st, you're last
RaptureInRed t1_iy4jejz wrote
Nah. We just didn't have to confront what was fucked up because we were too young.
I got lost in my nostalgia, and looked up the problems of the time. It was a real eye opener. Glad I did it.
Don't fall into the nostalgia trap, or 20 years from now, you'll be cursing the kids and ranting about "The Good Old Days".
Gojirakrissen t1_iy4kdfu wrote
Take it to the bank boys, this one is just like Bart.
FridericusTheRex t1_iy4nsu7 wrote
Damn if you're second place, who got first?
OffendedByMyInnuendo t1_iy4r592 wrote
Has someone eaten your shorts yet?
Jackamalio626 t1_iy4trnw wrote
Bart sees himself in the mortal plane
he screams, for he has lost his identity
meltdown537 t1_iy4wfx5 wrote
I used to have that exact shirt when I was a kid.
RabackOmamaGoesNbr2 t1_iy4x4ex wrote
You look like your name is Ryan.
uqde t1_iy4xp0f wrote
Four fingers each!!
Alabrandon t1_iy511rk wrote
Fred Savage? Is that you?
ApprehensivePea8567 t1_iy51hol wrote
This makes me feel so old
BlackSheepRanch t1_iy54sfv wrote
Good ol'days
classicgirl1990 t1_iy57425 wrote
schroedingersnewcat t1_iy57j3a wrote
Ueah it's right on that line, I forget where the line is. You're right, it is Lombard though.
RestEnvironmental991 t1_iy58ney wrote
You Bart than that costume does
bassplayah72 t1_iy5l4jk wrote
Yorktown Mall in Lombard outside of Chicago?
krametthesecond t1_iy5rztx wrote
Say the line bart
parasocialdude OP t1_iy6455r wrote
Nope. I go by Joey Joe Jo Shabadoo.
BeyondInfinity73 t1_iy6nx9x wrote
Pictured with the winner I see.
UpsetDay351 t1_iy279r6 wrote
Do the Bart Man!