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Shoegazer75 t1_ixe8lcv wrote

An entire can of Aqua Net used to achieve that hair. I remember those days.


modern_milkman t1_ixgtrow wrote

As someone who wasn't born yet then: so I guess while the hair looks soft here, it was anything but? I've always wondered how those hair styles felt like. Probably very unnatural and hard?


injn8r t1_ixgxsey wrote

Yeah, there was no running your hand through a woman's hair back then, but damn it still works on me though.


Shoegazer75 t1_ixiq4mc wrote

Nuuuuupe. Google "mall hair" to see when the big hair trend peaked. My sophomore hs yearbook has pics of the girls where their hair takes of more of the frame than their entire face.


modern_milkman t1_ixjql0j wrote

Yeah, I know how extreme those hairstyles went back then. And I know they used tons of hairspray (hole in the ozone and all that).

But you know how some things look like they would feel very different from how they actually feel? It's a bit hard to describe. But I guess those hairstyles are like that to me. I objectively know they could not have felt soft with all that product in them, but somehow they still look soft to me (well, not all, but the one in this post for example). So I guess with my comment I just wanted to confirm that they were in fact not soft, but hard (or crunchy, or whatever).

And now I feel a bit weird having written so much about 80s hair...