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AalamTaab t1_iy9f062 wrote

Ah yes us controlled good


dod2190 t1_iy9fc6m wrote

Fourth from the left, that gentleman's mustache is on point


Vaelin_Wolf t1_iy9mo3b wrote

I wonder if it's before or after the US overthrew the democratically elected government to install a corrupt puppet


FartPoopFartAgain t1_iy9pvsg wrote

I'm sure that this is a perfectly accurate representation of the majority of people in Iran at the time. A time where everyone was rich and thriving and no one was poor.


GirthIgnorer t1_iy9u4gc wrote

love how common this weird parenthetical is


GentleSaidTheRaven t1_iy9wfll wrote

When da booze was a flowing and the women were a plenty.


not_that_planet t1_iy9zzx2 wrote

USA looks on disdainfully: "Can't happen here..."


matskat t1_iya0qmn wrote

Religion really is the pits.


_night_cat t1_iya253p wrote

Persian women are gorgeous


Kipguy t1_iya2t04 wrote

There is s show on Apple+ about Israel spies in Iran. Pretty good really. Anyways the show depicts Iran as pretty westernized unless you mess up.


DanB65 t1_iya3ost wrote

The women look so happy to be there.........LOL!


x4ty2 t1_iya4ehl wrote

Gosh it looks like my Grandmas wedding


fatherbowie t1_iya8tmf wrote

I feel like the last part of that post title was unnecessary.


maizTuson9 t1_iyad72s wrote

Maybe don't overthrow democratically-elected, secular government? Not sure why you're on here running cover for the Shah's regime, it's fucking pathetic and gross


US_FixNotScrewitUp t1_iyadeiv wrote

Thank goodness they don’t have the US backed Shah anymore and enjoy individual freedoms now. /s


40calpat t1_iyagtzy wrote

Looks like Frank Sinatra might be singing at this wedding


Global_Damage t1_iyaiu4q wrote

A good friend of mine wrote “Titan of Tehran” about grandfather, who was one of the first executed when Khomeini took power. He had been on Khomeini’s radar because he was trying to modernize the country


ynazuma t1_iyajipy wrote

The only thing that is pathetic and gross is your misrepresentation of there being a "democratically elected government".

Mosaddegh manipulated elections to suit his needs:

The voting process was stopped by Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh after enough MPs were elected to form a parliamentary quorum (79 out of 136).[2] The decision is viewed as manipulation, because Mosaddegh meant to prevent opposition candidates taking seats from rural areas.[3

Hardly an icon of democracy...

Also, although I deeply disagree with rule by royalty, the house of Pahlavi were the legitimate rulers of Iran.

Mohammad Reza came to power during World War II after an Anglo-Soviet invasion forced the abdication of his father, Reza Shah Pahlavi.

Also, Reza was Shah while Mosaddegh was prime Minister. Mossadeh took power for his own purposes

During Mohammad Reza's reign, the British owned oil industry was briefly nationalized by Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh until an Army coup d'état supported by the UK and the US deposed Mosaddegh, reinstalled the Shah, and brought back foreign oil firms under the Consortium Agreement of 1954.[5]

Nobody was a white dove dude. Everyone likes to idolize these figures like they were great men. They were just as flawed and sometimes corrupt as today's politicians. Get your head out of your butt.


Electronic-Dog-586 t1_iyaliei wrote

Allow me to tweak the title a bit “ Mid 20th century wedding in Iran ( before the US backed a cu and installed a puppet dictator who promised Oil to the US)


MilhouseVsEvil t1_iyalok4 wrote

So this is your argument for when it's ok to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a puppet regime? The whole revolution was triggered by social injustice. Not everyone in Iran had the privilege to buy clothes from department stores and take photos.


maizTuson9 t1_iyals3j wrote

>During Mohammad Reza's reign, the British owned oil industry was briefly nationalized by Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh until an Army coup d'état supported by the UK and the US deposed Mosaddegh, reinstalled the Shah, and brought back foreign oil firms under the Consortium Agreement of 1954.[5]

Are you trying to imply that this was a bad thing? Because it was unequivocally good for him to nationalize oil. And obviously he isn't a "white dove", but he was still much better than what came after. Again, that you try and defend the Shah is gross af.


Berkeleybear70 t1_iyam4pf wrote

Iran was a great place before the islamists ruined it.


JustAnotherRedditAlt t1_iyanb0z wrote

The first lady from the left is looking at her husband.

The second (seated) man from the left is also looking at his wife.

The third (seated) man from the left is also looking at man #2's wife...


MilhouseVsEvil t1_iyann7o wrote

Yeah the individual freedoms of the elite and urban class were all that mattered and that's what brought the Shah down. You think the farmers and working class care about individual freedoms when they are starving and burying their children? The Islamic Revival got a free pass to victory.


kiranhi t1_iyanyv6 wrote

Damn dude what a ripping hot take Lmao . Yes. Obviously. I thought we were discussing the historial implications of US intervention in a sovereign nation in the 50s not whether a religious theocracy is bad. Lmao. Goddamn you’re stupid.


Jjabrony t1_iyatkri wrote

I hope Iran becomes a normal country again soon.


AgentProvocateur666 t1_iyau1pi wrote

Fun fact. This was also the first picture(that I know of) with a cell phone on the table. Ms is looking at it realizing she forgot to put it in her purse(normal in Iran back then) and will be captured in the lone picture taken of their table that night.


BrillantPebbles t1_iyawq4z wrote

Burkas are not Islamic and it's current rulers are practicing a satanic version of Islam.


Federal3 t1_iyb2037 wrote

I like how the chauffeur is also working as a waiter!


Tigers19121999 t1_iyb7f56 wrote

If you understand history this period was also very oppressive. There's a reason there was a revolt.


Tigers19121999 t1_iyb7yd0 wrote

Ask any linguist and they'll tell you understandability matters more than technical correctness. Everyone who reads the comment will be able to understand it even though there's an error. With that being the case there's no reason to correct the mistake other than to shame the writer.


Not_as_cool_anymore t1_iybn7kk wrote

They beat the US by ~70 yrs, but our bullshit Christian theocracy is coming. Feel bad for my kids


x4ty2 t1_iybnei8 wrote

Like, I'm not Iranian, I'm Yugoslav. The humanizing of these oppressed people cannot be over done. I see my family in this photo, figuratively. This isn't a revelation, but a reminder.


Unable-Ladder-9190 t1_iybohs8 wrote

Before the Islamic Republic, the US backed Shah was not an elected leader, nor was he friendly to freedom. The U.S. spurred the overthrow of the legitimately elected leader in the mid fifties and placed the Shah in power. The Islamic Republic is awful but don’t pretend “everyday” Iranians were free during the Shah’s reign


x4ty2 t1_iybuc4q wrote

No, that they are at a party in a b&w photo having fun and it's a few decades old. They are all appearing with consent and not being displayed as terrorists/survivors/victims or anything associated with violence. This kind of photo could be in many people's albums.


grettp3 t1_iyc1kxc wrote

Oh yeah we forgot the US totally didn’t orchestrate a coup to oust Mosaddegh. That’s totally not like verifiable history or anything. You fucking moron.


PrinceVince1988 t1_iycdv2w wrote

Imagine that todays people would go back to living in a cave… it’s exactly the same but on a different scale


x31b t1_iyco01a wrote

You’re the moron. Mossadegh was ousted in 1953 for trying to overthrow the king.

This picture was taken in the 1960s. Well after that. Not before.


Dash_2 t1_iyct2s1 wrote

It ain’t even that bad if you legit read the book. Bro there’s a reason Jefferson had his own specific Bible. Too many fanatics will use the word for oppression. It’s used for liberation, and sadly as humans and brothers we don’t want each other liberated. It’s truly sad after 2000+ years we still at odds with ourselves. I feel bad for our kids because of that. Stay well and blessed, too many fakes out here trying to tell y’all what to do and how to feel.


Cloverhonney t1_iydburm wrote

They have missing that lifestyle for a long time.


Jjabrony t1_iydn6nt wrote

Without getting into a whole geopolitical discussion, I simply meant a government run by & for the majority of its citizens. Theocratic & Monarchical rule serves only a small minority of parasites.


Substantial_Okra_632 t1_iydodf6 wrote

You mean after the US did the coup? There are only two period since 1950 in Iran. One is after coup caused by US and resettling up of puppet monarchu and 2nd is after islamic revolution.


mhptk8888 t1_iydy9ud wrote

Islam destroys.

NEVER submit.


Greasedick69 t1_iye61pm wrote

I hate to break it to you but the extremely conservative cleric regime does represent the interests of a gigantic slice of people. You just don’t see them because they live outside of Tehran and thus outside the apertures of western cameras.


Tigers19121999 t1_iyek250 wrote

The Islamic Republic is not ISIS, it's not even comparable.

The Pahlavi Dynasty, as backed by Western oil interests from The US and English governments, were arguably just as oppressive. That's the important history that Islamophobic posts like this purposely leave out. The Iranians of this time didn't have freedom either.