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AlphabetSoup51 t1_iw822y6 wrote

r/agedlikemilk LOL! Times have sure changed!


crappotheclown t1_iw85so2 wrote


Also, Salems.

Salem, Mass. Known for witch history. Halloween costume. Lol.


LegendOfBobbyTables t1_iw87wa6 wrote

The fact that we all know smoking is terrible aside, that is a very well put together costume. Someone put a lot of time into making that. Neat look at how much times have changed.


BADTLC t1_iw886cx wrote

OMG I went as a pack of Marlboros.


World-Tight t1_iw8ec5i wrote

Going as the number one killer in America - spot on!


kickspecialist t1_iw8rzb4 wrote

In the 70’s I’d be surprised if there was any unacceptable costumes.


FineLiving4988 t1_iw8vasw wrote

Me and my 5 friends went as a 6 pack of coor's light in the early 80's. All the moms sewed us the costumes to fit over our snowsuits. Had a tinfoil covered pull tab stitched to our toques.


MyPunchableFace t1_iw8w7rg wrote

That is one of the best 70s homemade costumes I’ve ever seen! Puts my robot costume I was about to post to shame.


Shnuggy67 t1_iw93v0b wrote

This is a really cute costume 😍 💕.


PhilTrollington t1_iw9ifhr wrote

I went to that cigarette factory on a field trip in second or third grade. Greetings from Winston-Salem!


ogfuelbone12 t1_iw9lm22 wrote

I went as a pack of marlboro reds 5 years ago. What a blast.


makesyoudownvote t1_iw9lpm2 wrote

It was so cool when there were more than 5 acceptable Halloween costumes. When Halloween was a night for freedom of expression, when you could be mildly offensive, and at least partially free of judgment. That's what Halloween was all about. That's why less conservative people could express themselves, like LGBT people. It's really a shame and hypocritical that they basically shut the door behind them.


adavi608 t1_iw9p49z wrote

You're a peace pipe. I get it.


tnguy931 t1_iw9uaam wrote

My parents smoked Salem my entire childhood, and I believe that is why we were hardly sick... or why I have a cough today...


SaraAB87 t1_iw9vjvh wrote

I am pretty sure kids went dressed up as the camel at some point


SpaceDogUSA t1_iwa22t5 wrote

It’s totally acceptable now too


FnkyTown t1_iwa9uih wrote

Salem cigarettes are named after the city of Winston-Salem in North Carolina. You can probably also guess that Winston cigarettes are named after the same.

Winston was founded on a hill and the neighboring city Salem was founded on top of another hill, and eventually they grew into each other, but the hills earned the city the nickname "The Camel City", which is where Camel cigarettes gets its name.

Reynolds Tobacco was founded and is still headquartered in Winston-Salem. Krispy Kreme, Hanes and Sara Lee were also founded in Winston-Salem and are still headquartered there.


rededelk t1_iwaxbvj wrote

My granny smoked them, guess what my first cig was in the 2nd grade?


Reign_n_blud t1_iwb2ftt wrote

Crazy how times change. I remember my inside of malls having ashtrays as well as people smoking in restaurants, fast food and otherwise in the 80s


GotMoFans t1_iwbewdu wrote

That costume is squares.


Ghost_Drank_My_Beer t1_iwc7who wrote

My father pulled up to the store, gave me 4 quarters and told me to get him 2 packs of the ones with Camels on them. A machine was right there when you walked into the store.


newmyy t1_iwcawps wrote

I was going to say… this doesn’t seem particularly offensive to me. The kid could go as a “serial killer” and parents would probably get a kick out of it. Hell, I know I would.