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RepostSleuthBot t1_ix6g36o wrote

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65022056 t1_ix6g8py wrote

His lemonade is awful


dwilli10 t1_ix6mq6f wrote

Put this pic on the sauce bottles.


savemoney_god t1_ix6ru64 wrote

this should be on Calvin Klein forepage


r0botdevil t1_ix6t5z6 wrote

Paul Newman was an almost impossibly good-looking motherfucker.


Cichlidsaremyjam t1_ix702c3 wrote

"ITS PAUL NEWMAN HE'S BACK FROM THE DEAD...I love you as doc Hudson in cars. "


crystalek412 t1_ix73o1c wrote

This picture looks like it smells good


Pexd t1_ix73tkw wrote

I like his pizzas


NerdyDan t1_ix7gxef wrote

Fuuuuuck he’s so hot


VBlinds t1_ix7lbjj wrote

I still remember a story about how Paul Newman was chased down the street by a prostitute saying "I'll do you for free"


Ewwww_David t1_ix7qymm wrote

The jewelry is the tipping point for me. I mean damn.


thecuntofmontecrisco t1_ix7sxpo wrote

Bro Paul Newman just single-handedly made me gay. Would’ve been nice if he used both hands, but whatever, it’s Paul Newman.


iNeedPhotos t1_ix7tlih wrote

A smoke show with a heart of gold.


Mobely t1_ix7xj48 wrote

Now give us a pic of randy Newman in the 60s


foundsomeoldphotos t1_ix81nh0 wrote

Growing up I always saw the old Paul Newman in films and couldn't understand why so many women loved this I see why. Very handsome dude.


Nkmxn t1_ix84cu3 wrote

I watch his movies for the plot 👀


weltvonalex t1_ix8bgot wrote

I am not gay.... but damn Paul Newman is hot. Was and is still attractive.


Joshua-Tyler-Berglan t1_ix8f9dh wrote

Old school Hollywood is the Era of cool. Those days are gone now but the one thing I think is awesome about today is that is it easier than ever to be in film, TV, shows, radio etc. The internet has given us all a shot at achieving our dreams.

That's kind of f ing cool.


wdwerker t1_ix8oc0u wrote

Got to meet him at a distance one night after a race in the pits. He was sitting around a fire with all the track crew telling racing stories . Then an idiot kept asking about movies and couldn’t take a hint to quit so Newman quietly left.


vshawk2 t1_ix8t8a5 wrote

once engaging in a threesome with [James] Dean and another Hollywood heartthrob, Paul Newman. “That time back in my dance studio ranks as one of the most celestial experiences of my life, Those two beauties transported me to heaven. I never knew that lovemaking could be so beautiful.”

-- Eartha Kitt


ribspreader_ t1_ix8vcfc wrote

Quand j'ai le temps!

-Reggie Dunlop


HeinzeC1 t1_ix92bnq wrote

Looks like dr mike from YouTube. From this angle anyways.


JayneDoe6000 t1_ix93u26 wrote

Such a beautiful human - the right combination of muscle and lean.


jquest303 t1_ix9dfnh wrote

“I’m such a badass I shave with scissors”


boxer21 t1_ix9omev wrote

My favorite leading man


IlJMFlI t1_ix9p25l wrote

Should be illegal.


uninvitedfriend t1_ix9rh60 wrote

Unbelievably hot and a genuinely good person from all accounts. Also his salad dressing is bomb.


Twinkletoes1951 t1_ix9un0z wrote

Finished his memoir 'The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man' a few days ago. He was terribly insecure of his talents and abilities, except on the racetrack. He thought he'd been given everything because of his looks and his looks alone. His mother and father were ill suited to be parents. His mother was particularly horrible, deriding him at every turn, and yet he was her 'favorite' of her two children.


pecuchet t1_ixa06rs wrote

Is it me or does that look like Sammy Davis Jr?


bucknaked67 t1_ixb0rhb wrote

Luckus Jackson = cool hand Luke


weltvonalex t1_ixbgtjf wrote

Yeah whatever floats your boat. You seem very obsessed with gayness and your mind is set so why waste time. If you think i am gay, okay nice for you. For me it has the same meaning or weight like being called gay in an online game..... about zero value.

I will not respond anymore to you


weltvonalex t1_ixbh242 wrote

So in your world everyone is gay? Na Bro sorry, most people are straight, sorry.

But if it's helpful to you to think that, nice what ever makes you day easier. You are gay, he is gay, flowers are gay, I am gay, your father is gay everyone is gay.