Submitted by getdemsnacks t3_zzso1z in OldSchoolCool
navierb t1_j2dctbe wrote
Tom Waits waits
[deleted] t1_j2ddik2 wrote
ericisshort t1_j2de2g8 wrote
What’s he Waiting for?
Ginkgo78 t1_j2deg6o wrote
Mule Variations is a masterpiece.
jgilz t1_j2df3md wrote
I was always partial to Bone Machine - both the Tom Waits album and the Pixies song
TorsionDifferential t1_j2dfmi9 wrote
Looks like his piano's been drinking.
No_big_whoop t1_j2diaqz wrote
That’s what a genius looks like
getdemsnacks OP t1_j2dloep wrote
A masterpiece, as with many of his albums. Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis is a professional lesson in storytelling.
getdemsnacks OP t1_j2dls3e wrote
And the jukebox has to take a leak.
inkofilm t1_j2dmrjc wrote
on this weeks "hoarders"...
getdemsnacks OP t1_j2dnhgd wrote
As with many things, a man before his time.
getdemsnacks OP t1_j2dnlgs wrote
To find out what he needs to build in there.
GarretBarrett t1_j2dq6h6 wrote
Jesus. Now I've got to stop what I'm doing and listen to that one. That's been my favorite song for a decade lol
TheFrontierzman t1_j2dtczq wrote
Waits waits.
RunMurky886 t1_j2duxav wrote
After watching Elvis, I have an inkling that there’s a correlation between musicians being holed up in Vegas hotels for these long term residencies and some unhealthy coping choices. I know it sounds crazy.
1000Hells1GiftShop t1_j2duzm0 wrote
What's he waiting for?
Jb_indaSky t1_j2dxm2q wrote
WarHorse94 t1_j2dyvtc wrote
He still waiting?
WarHorse94 t1_j2dyx9p wrote
Legend has it he still waits
mrf87 t1_j2e5yn3 wrote
The piano has been drinking not me
[deleted] t1_j2e7moy wrote
Lukealloneword t1_j2eaq66 wrote
I read it at first and was like "what is Tom waiting for?" Lol
Vernon-T-Waldrip t1_j2ecf3v wrote
It's a 10
[deleted] t1_j2eek8b wrote
Duck_Size t1_j2ef4io wrote
He has no friends, but he gets a lot of mail.
nowlan101 t1_j2ehfxo wrote
Tom looks like he’s in a little better shape
HanMaBoogie t1_j2ehu54 wrote
And the carpet needs a haircut.
HanMaBoogie t1_j2ei4ej wrote
I love every second of it, but it was regarded at the time (1999) as kind of “meh” by the critics. I still think of it as “new” Tom Waits.
HanMaBoogie t1_j2eij3q wrote
Swordfishtrombones and Rain Dogs are also for you, then. It is my favorite era, though I love every album and every style he’s performed.
HanMaBoogie t1_j2ein92 wrote
I love the twist ending.
tomwaste t1_j2ejhqh wrote
This was actually in Santa Monica and he didn't have a residency. Tom Waits lived there.
jgilz t1_j2emav1 wrote
For sure. Tom Waits is a national treasure
kstinfo t1_j2eqxj4 wrote
I remember reading an interview where he said on his tours he stayed at a national chain, "Rooms To Let".
RunMurky886 t1_j2f0481 wrote
There’s a Tropicana hotel in Santa Monica?
tomwaste t1_j2f0hoy wrote
I have no idea if it's still there but he lived in a hotel by that name in the seventies.
getdemsnacks OP t1_j2f20wx wrote
And you won't believe what Mr. Sticha saw.
[deleted] t1_j2f3fq1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2fe9uv wrote
medieval_mosey t1_j2ffs80 wrote
Legendary. I wish the hotel was still there.
peaeyeparker t1_j2fj29j wrote
The of the coolest humans to ever exists.
ThrowedOutBack t1_j2fmez8 wrote
🎶Way Down in the Hole🎶
PedanticMath t1_j2dckxq wrote
Blue Valentine soon to follow.