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Purple_Pieman t1_j2e35d3 wrote

You look like you are on your way to the dojo to fight Ralph Macchio.


nastyfoo t1_j2e3fqc wrote

For Christmas in the 80s, I got gray parachute pants & and a black Member's Only jacket. I was cool and cold. I lived in Michigan.


Perfect_Camera3135 t1_j2emb9v wrote

I begged my mother for a pair when they were popular. I got them (black) about a year after they went out of fashion. Wore them once, my mom washed them, with other clothes. Ruined. Color faded and seams tore. She blamed me for tearing them up at school and wasting her money.


dubiousadvocate t1_j2eyqjt wrote

I asked my mom for parachute pants for Xmas 1980. And that’s what I got, real honest to gawd military surplus parachutists pants.