Submitted by Retro_Cryptid t3_zwhlxm in OldSchoolCool
tedead t1_j1uqwsb wrote
I just came here to say the same thing! Why are these not a thing in 2022?!?!?!
Knightoforder42 t1_j1urm3s wrote
Definitely getting "the wheelers" from "Return to Oz" vibe off of these.
MOS95B t1_j1uszcp wrote
Me too!
I have a piss poor sense of balance, so I'd just hurt myself. But I can't believe these aren't a thing still/again
pm_me-ur_vulva t1_j1utj6b wrote
You can't talk about that movie here! People hate Tick-Tock on Reddit
Fairuza Balk's crazy eyes going huge-wide in fear instantly came to my mind, too.
TorsionDifferential t1_j1uxqse wrote
Same style and several variations are still available today. The hubless type caught on for awhile, and I saw them on college campuses in the US pretty regularly, maybe ten years ago.
Knightoforder42 t1_j1uzi1k wrote
Well, it is just a clattering, cacophonous, collection of junk!
My husband always mentions the wheelers, and how much they scared him as a kid. They creeped me out so much. However, think I see where they got the idea from, so that's cool!
kynthrus t1_j1v0cmf wrote
Watching how the dudes are rolling around on them they're basically just heelys
OkNectarine3105 t1_j1v1igx wrote
Any brakes? Imagine racing down a steep hill!
flurdterguson t1_j1v3jr5 wrote
Reddit is just reposts of reposts of reposts churning endlessly toward entropy.
Dapoopers t1_j1v6fip wrote
Better learn how to do the Akira slide.
poudreriverrat t1_j1vb1c3 wrote
Looks like a ankle destroyer.
Streetvan1980 t1_j1vcwrr wrote
They actually look like they might work better if designed right. Like a bigger wheel like that you could go faster on roads. I remember when roller blades came out. They were the biggest change to happen in roller skating in a century. They made it possible to play street hockey in your actual street. But still a pebble could cause you to fall.
MaFugginJesus t1_j1vfvoj wrote
Dunno about those...but I used to bomb some massive hills on my skateboard...hitting 50+ mph, with no stopping at those speeds! Lol "Death Wobbles" were exactly what they sound like!
ValyriannairylaV t1_j1vot7a wrote
Wyldfire2112 t1_j1vp0a2 wrote
Yeah, but can heelys do offroading?
Negentropius t1_j1w4tbp wrote
These are basically heelys
UndertakerApe t1_j1wee6q wrote
We should all wear suites again for no reason.
Banana-Oni t1_j1wfw2i wrote
That energy is balanced by all the Redditors clicking on stuff theyโve seen before so they can complain about reposts in the comment section.
Such is the balance of nature ๐๐
johnmarkfoley t1_j1wrc6a wrote
does anyone know what these were actually called?
USMNT_superfan t1_j1wt26a wrote
These need to make a comeback
paullandry1958 t1_j1x0uti wrote
These look like fun! I know what my next project will be. Already have the wheels!
toastspork t1_j1xcizf wrote
Are there any brand names that you can recall?
Abacabisntanywhere t1_j1xgnt5 wrote
This is great. An Olympic sport if ever.
Boognish84 t1_j1upu6a wrote
Somebody needs to reinvent these. I feel like they could be the next craze.