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Boognish84 t1_j1upu6a wrote

Somebody needs to reinvent these. I feel like they could be the next craze.


Knightoforder42 t1_j1urm3s wrote

Definitely getting "the wheelers" from "Return to Oz" vibe off of these.


TorsionDifferential t1_j1uxqse wrote

Same style and several variations are still available today. The hubless type caught on for awhile, and I saw them on college campuses in the US pretty regularly, maybe ten years ago.


Knightoforder42 t1_j1uzi1k wrote

Well, it is just a clattering, cacophonous, collection of junk!

My husband always mentions the wheelers, and how much they scared him as a kid. They creeped me out so much. However, think I see where they got the idea from, so that's cool!


flurdterguson t1_j1v3jr5 wrote

Reddit is just reposts of reposts of reposts churning endlessly toward entropy.


Streetvan1980 t1_j1vcwrr wrote

They actually look like they might work better if designed right. Like a bigger wheel like that you could go faster on roads. I remember when roller blades came out. They were the biggest change to happen in roller skating in a century. They made it possible to play street hockey in your actual street. But still a pebble could cause you to fall.


UndertakerApe t1_j1wee6q wrote

We should all wear suites again for no reason.


Banana-Oni t1_j1wfw2i wrote

That energy is balanced by all the Redditors clicking on stuff theyโ€™ve seen before so they can complain about reposts in the comment section.

Such is the balance of nature ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Œ


johnmarkfoley t1_j1wrc6a wrote

does anyone know what these were actually called?


paullandry1958 t1_j1x0uti wrote

These look like fun! I know what my next project will be. Already have the wheels!