Submitted by Horrorlover656 t3_zxd518 in OldSchoolCool
RamsDeep-1187 t1_j1zk8b3 wrote
Completely believable
Cadiz1664 t1_j1zkgof wrote
Is Ed Gein lurking about?
echodotexe t1_j1zlshy wrote
finickyknickers t1_j1zmutz wrote
He looks well.
notume37 t1_j1zn90n wrote
He looks like his own prototype for Norman Bates.
ComprehensiveHavoc t1_j1zogf5 wrote
It was an autobiography. 🤔
darkorex t1_j1zonux wrote
Caroline's dad
Malfase t1_j1zphyn wrote
Dude looks like DJ Qualls
qwertyhell01 t1_j1zpij1 wrote
And was asked to rewrite everything like 50 times...
ThanosWasRight161 t1_j1zpt6c wrote
Jeez I really don’t miss typewriters. Absolutely hated doing papers on the those things. I was correcting more than writing. Word Processors were my salvation
MonkeyChoker80 t1_j1zugts wrote
No, it was the biography of his Mother
MonkeyChoker80 t1_j1zun4n wrote
A Bates-a-pus?
(puts on dress)
Norman the Bates-a-pus!
BostonUniStudent t1_j1zyf7k wrote
Something tells me Alfred Hitchcock directed this photograph.
BarbequedYeti t1_j1zzidf wrote
white out. type over it. white out. type over it. white out. type ov.. hole in paper. Start all over. White out. type over it.. white out type over it. head ache from all the white out fumes. rinse and repeat for every paper due.... ugh..
zg6089 t1_j201rpl wrote
He looks as expected
Cat_lover54467 t1_j203pxo wrote
fermat9997 t1_j206ijf wrote
Can anyone see what's he's drinking?
goodshout t1_j2071s0 wrote
Then: what kind of person comes up with a character like that?
Now: ah yeah that makes total sense
SeesawMundane5422 t1_j207s1y wrote
Just for an interesting conversation… you notice how novels have ballooned in size since typewriters went away? I feel like tracing the Harry Potter books is an illustration of this. Something like 200 pages for the first one in the early 90s to 800 by the end. (Too lazy to actually look up page counts).
Illbetheluckyone t1_j20c8hd wrote
He looks like that one Coraline's dad meme
Skydogsguitar t1_j20ie2h wrote
Hell of a good short story writer.
FridensLilja t1_j20jc3v wrote
Is he ok?
loquacious706 t1_j20klde wrote
If they'd cast him to play Norman Bates there'd be no mystery.
Yeah, that guy did it.
lemursuisse t1_j20qmxa wrote
Karl Lauterbach
Sweatytubesock t1_j20xj22 wrote
Hell of a writer, aside from Psycho.
speedcunt t1_j212epa wrote
"The author of, psycho Robert Bloch, writing at his desk. (1950)s"
JTanCan t1_j2168la wrote
He's been dead since 1994 so ...kinda.
PepeMoli t1_j2173yd wrote
He kind of reminds me of Coraline's dad
burrbro235 t1_j217qei wrote
Is he related to Nigel Bloch?
Cjlaw72 t1_j218vtx wrote
[deleted] t1_j21dnua wrote
[deleted] t1_j21nqg0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j21nw9p wrote
respectthegoat t1_j21ter9 wrote
Wasn’t it inspired by Ed Gein
ResidentTreacle6053 t1_j220sqq wrote
Definitely a survivor...
laser_red t1_j221tbw wrote
Name sounded familiar, had to look it up. He wrote some episodes of Star Trek, TOS.
KingofBread t1_j221x0a wrote
ThanosWasRight161 t1_j2223dc wrote
Yup. That was me every damn paper. All hail the digital age
psuedonymously t1_j22bk3t wrote
Two pretty lousy ones, Psycho was a lot better
Ckigar t1_j22en84 wrote
“I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my shelf.”
Robert Bloch
Iferrorgotozero t1_j22jxd3 wrote
That's him officer
Horrorlover656 OP t1_j22jxwk wrote
Definitely underrated! If you can, read The Scarf(basically where the seeds of Psycho came from). It's about a post world war ii serial killer who strangles his victims with a scarf and is a writer by daytime.
Horrorlover656 OP t1_j22k6p0 wrote
Funny you say that. Around the late 40s, he published a novel by the name of 'The Scarf'. It's about a writer who moonlights as a serial killer who strangles his victims with a scarf. Do check it out! It has the seeds for what became Psycho.
SignorAlberto2022 t1_j23161h wrote
Shoulda featured himself in the movie.
[deleted] t1_j239ipc wrote
Horrorlover656 OP t1_j24ajts wrote
Hope somebody isn't into taxidermy as a hobby...
RepostSleuthBot t1_j1zjzl8 wrote
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