Submitted by JSimmons6703 t3_zztjdi in OldSchoolCool
Forthe49ers t1_j2dk18t wrote
Do you still own that car?
kracer20 t1_j2dlv9l wrote
I have always been a fan of the 442, great looking car you had there!
isecore t1_j2dn1o5 wrote
Did you have a bocephus sticker on it, or light up the tires just for fun?
backroadtrucker t1_j2dnzxx wrote
Love those cars do u still have it
Guavab t1_j2dp9g2 wrote
Is your name Jerry? And where is your “Bocephus” sticker?
calguy1955 t1_j2ds821 wrote
The fancier GTO. I always wanted one of those.
johnnyutah30 t1_j2dtdoh wrote
That’s a bad ass fukin ride man
bretdoom t1_j2dtlxm wrote
Jesus man save some woman for the rest of us.
Trackmaniac t1_j2dzyyv wrote
that looks like what I imagine is the real rowdy.
fuelvolts t1_j2e05av wrote
I can’t tell you the disappointment that filled me when I was young and learned that the Olds 442 didn’t have a 442 ci engine.
TheWausauDude t1_j2e0qu1 wrote
I wish those cars were as easy to come by as they were 25 years ago. You could get a lot of car for a few grand back then. Lot of overpriced plastic junk today.
VividLifeToday t1_j2e0scc wrote
Doesn't get more Old School Cool than this. Cherry ride.
zenwren t1_j2e1iqp wrote
Definitely look like a small town drug dealer. In a good way I mean.
Throwmeawayinaustin t1_j2e3fn5 wrote
Was Josh Hartnett's character in The Faculty modeled after you? Spot on
KillHipstersWithFire t1_j2e3r80 wrote
Everyone loves their dealer.
Until you find out theyre dealing to your ex and giving discount prices if she lets him suck her toes. Thats where you draw the line.
cordova1912 t1_j2e5o6u wrote
cordova1912 t1_j2e5yzh wrote
Was it helpfull with the girls
Sigma--6 t1_j2e6nz7 wrote
AU_Cav t1_j2e7b85 wrote
That is an ass-kickin’ 442.
I slid through a stop sign in one with the tires locked up. Flat spotted them. Great ride as a passenger.
sangvert t1_j2e7f7h wrote
I was even more disappointed when I found out the newer ones weren’t all 4 barrel carburetor, 4 speed and dual exhaust
[deleted] t1_j2e9c7x wrote
ellamaybe77 t1_j2ebh32 wrote
1998 me would have found 1998 you and your 1972 Olds well-nigh irresistible; this aesthetic was exactly my jam. By any chance did you drink cheap scotch and smoke filterless Marlboro Reds? Or read Bukowski and Hunter Thompson and listen to Joy Division and Aztec Camera incessantly? Because if so - RAWR
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2ee3b3 wrote
Unfortunately no, ended up selling it and buying a 95 Thunderbird with the 5.0
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2ee62h wrote
You're absolutely right.. Was a little tipsy and half awake after a 12 hour night shift!
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2eeeyl wrote
Definitely didn't hurt! I remember the back seat being quite bouncy...
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2eei65 wrote
I was never the dealer! But I was a regular customer!
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2eek1f wrote
Would be a lot cooler if I did..
TheRealRacketear t1_j2eg28r wrote
Looks more of the clove cigarette, and drinking coffee refills st 2am at Denny's
ellamaybe77 t1_j2ehbz3 wrote
That was my jam also! Bonus points if they wrote poetry or made pen-and-ink or charcoal drawings; extra bonus points if they only used fountain pens and idolized Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan
RyanSmokinBluntz420 t1_j2eisr5 wrote
Good taste
RyanSmokinBluntz420 t1_j2eivki wrote
If you had a 95 then you had a 4.6L. Unless the 5.0 was swapped. 1993 was the last year of the tbird with a 5.0
JSimmons6703 OP t1_j2ejbn8 wrote
Must have been 93 or older then.. I remember it had the 5.0 in it
RyanSmokinBluntz420 t1_j2ejig1 wrote
I love those cars. I had a 94, 95, 96 with the 4.6L. Also got a 92 3.8L for my sister's first car.
[deleted] t1_j2emofz wrote
bobledrew t1_j2f42h8 wrote
You look like the bad guy in a Stephen King novel!
typhoidtimmy t1_j2f5vkp wrote
One of the last of the old Detroit big blocks. Man, I can literally hear the ‘cachunk’ idle in my head.
RoadToSurfdom t1_j2fdhhh wrote
Let's just hope it's not wrapped around a telephone pole.
arlenroy t1_j2ff55h wrote
I had a 92 Anniversary Edition Cougar, with the 5.0 but it wasn't the HO. It was like a strip model Lincoln Mark 8 with Mercury badging, it was pretty ragged out when I got it. But new it was probably something to behold.
Sigma--6 t1_j2ffgce wrote
Some had 455s other 400s depending on the year.
Desperate_Brief2187 t1_j2fk0ya wrote
I had a red ’72 with white interior. Definitely a panty-dropper.
Hattix t1_j2dhkoe wrote
"Yap, she could pass anything on the road, 'sept a gas stop"