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phadrus56 t1_j20qcld wrote

I'm sure we all want to comment about dad's smile, but are trying to be polite.


[deleted] t1_j20qw0v wrote

If you're going to have a Shirley Temple in your lap, better the person than the drink!

But seriously - was it usual for your dad to rub elbows with celebrities?


REO_Studwagon t1_j20y2kr wrote

If you sit on my lap today, a kiss a toy is the price you pay.


Sundance1908 t1_j2133i5 wrote

No one would have known she was on his lap.


nellie_1017 t1_j22z4s9 wrote

A Pertinent Question: If he gets a boner, would she be complimented or disgusted??


pitziebat t1_j244b6o wrote

Why would this young girl be sitting on an old man’s lap?