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RepostSleuthBot t1_j23az9w wrote

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DavoTB t1_j24fkxf wrote

The single was entitled, “Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?” This photo was the flip-side to the US version of the single, shot by photographer Jerry Schatzberg, who famously shot the Dylan “Blonde On Blonde,” LP. He later became a noted filmmaker.

In the UK, the song reached #5, and reached US #9. It also reached Top Ten in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Ireland and The Netherlands (#2).

Two 1966 promo films were recently released on the Rolling Stones website. One featured the group as they appeared on the New York- Schatzberg shoot, and the other from a live Royal Albert Hall performance in London.


Its_Just_A_Typo t1_j25ilax wrote

Kieth and Bill could pull it off - surprisingly better than Mick, but Charlie . . . not so much LOL.