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BFNgaming t1_j1tzx0h wrote

Wow! 32 years of service? That's insane. I hope he enjoys his retirement, he's definitely earned it.


Johnny_GazeeboIII OP t1_j1vvo9u wrote

He is! He’s gotten into acting and modeling now!


BFNgaming t1_j1wbws6 wrote

Ah, I thought he looked familiar, has he been in any major movies?


Johnny_GazeeboIII OP t1_j1wc4el wrote

Me and him both actually had some very “blink and you’ll miss it” background parts in a movie called “Cherry” starring Tom Holland. Other than that, he’s done a lot of local stage stuff around here.


BFNgaming t1_j1wqyzs wrote

Oh, that's awesome! I wish you two good health and hope your uncle goes on living his best life like an absolute champ.