Submitted by thespiritualones t3_108onxj in OldSchoolCool
Travis_Maximus t1_j3tpd58 wrote
Waterworld was awesome. I didnt know he was in it
zealousreader t1_j3u4kdn wrote
California......knows how to party
[deleted] t1_j3u4vmt wrote
Land of wano
moecurlythanu t1_j3u8emx wrote
Tupac Adayman Shakur RIP.
PaperLioness t1_j3uexa2 wrote
This whole time, damnit...
J005TAiN t1_j3w8kbt wrote
My mind goes to gladiators putting this on him and throwing him in the arena to watch him fight lions for entertainment.
apittsburghoriginal t1_j3tkfmf wrote