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OrangeLoco OP t1_j3w7l4w wrote

Six year old me on Christmas Day 1977 with my Red Ryder bb gun. I still have that bb gun and both eyes.


gertalives t1_j3watpd wrote

Did you settle on a glass eye or an eye patch?


OrangeLoco OP t1_j3wc4el wrote

That cat only had use of three legs. And not because I shot it. We heard it meowing while in the drive-thru line at a Hartz Chicken. I opened the car door and it hopped in. We named it Gimpy.


guestpass127 t1_j3wdh79 wrote

Ah, Kiss’s “Love Gun.” The album I begged my parents to buy me for my eighth Christmas, 1982.. featuring such delightfully age-appropriate songs as “Christine Sixteen,” in which Gene Simmons tells an underage high school girl that he’s having a hard time not raping her


Lord-Velveeta t1_j3wdxh3 wrote

Had the same poster, BB gun and that amazing crane!


OrangeLoco OP t1_j3wfdxm wrote

Yeah, the crane was really cool. The rolled up green thing was astro-turf, which was for the train set that is in the boxes on that chest behind the crane. The yellow tin on the dresser is what the bb's came in. All Christmas day scores.


guestpass127 t1_j3wj5ri wrote

I mean, if they could have gotten away with calling the album “Penis” they wouldn’t have even bothered with the “Love Gun” euphemism

I don’t know if anyone has noticed this yet but Kiss was…kinda sleazy


gbethea1117 t1_j3wl0q7 wrote

And the kiss destroyer poster on the wall legend


guestpass127 t1_j3wm6yg wrote

Most Kiss albums were interchangeable but Christine Sixteen was definitely on Love Gun. Like I said I got that album for Christmas when I was 8, I vividly remember trying to understand all the weird dumb sex lyrics on this album at that age


CentralHarlem t1_j3wmaeq wrote

No Star Wars toys? What kind of outcast were you?


guestpass127 t1_j3wmp8m wrote

Well, most rock musicians of the past

Most rock musicians today are hobbyists and have jobs that support them because there’s no market for rock music anymore

That doesn’t mean they can’t also be sleazy, only that it’s a lot harder to be a sleazy rock pig on the level of a Gene Simmons circa 1977 when you’re broke, no women want to hear your music, and you can only play gigs locally, on nights when you don’t have to work the next day


Jsimpson059 t1_j3wnd7c wrote

Its crazy how long that design of bb gun lasted, I think every little boy either had one, or knew someone who had one since the 60s. I think they still sell them at walmart.


DavoTB t1_j3wo6rl wrote

Love Gun and BB gun! What could go wrong?


captainflowers t1_j3wp5qu wrote

And famously during that first Christmas after Star Wars was released there weren’t any toys. They sold cardboard boxes with images of the toys, and a certificate to take into the store to exchange for the real toys when they were finally completed and real to be sold.


deebosbike t1_j3wrqmj wrote

America may have peaked in 1977. It was a helluva year.


[deleted] t1_j3wv0dh wrote

I had that Kiss poster, in the early 80’s.


Dirk_Tungsten t1_j3wxrrj wrote

They do still sell them to this day! I've jokingly asked for one every Christmas for decades, and my wife finally got me one this year.

FWIW, I didn't shoot my eye out, but I am wearing my old glasses. Those icicles have been known to kill people!


DrRotwang t1_j3x35ih wrote

Good lord, I remember that poster.


wojo_lives t1_j3xaa6h wrote

I don't temper exactly, but I think only a few figures were available by Christmas '77, but you could order them and they'd give you a cardboard certificate of sorts that promised the toy was coming. Something like that?


aeondru t1_j3xiwes wrote

I've got posters on the walls...


nooshaw t1_j3xqb2x wrote

Great Scott! I had that same BB gun. If I recall you have to unscrew the end of the barrel and pull out the magazine to fill with bb's one at a freaking time. One day it got lodged putting it back in and it accidentally discharged with my had over the barrel. Had a black welt in the palm of my hand for a month.


OrangeLoco OP t1_j3xrwyh wrote

BBs were fed into that smaller barrel underneath the main barrel. You had to slide the lid to the smaller barrel off to the side, pour the bb's into it, and then slide the lid back to closed. A trick my dad taught me was to make a funnel with my hand by grabbing the top of the barrel with just my pinky and hand with the funnel top being between your thumb and index finger. You could pour the bb's into that part and they would funnel down through my hand and into the barrel. That way you didn't have to spill them trying to pour them directly into the system.


LurkysGoCart t1_j3xypiz wrote

Is that a Red Ryder carbine action 200 shot range model air rifle?


Mizzle6 t1_j3xz89l wrote

You probably also got Roman candles and lawn darts. LUCKY. That cat doesn’t give a FFFF


eqpmgr t1_j3y53fj wrote

Did you shoot your eye out?


groovemongrel t1_j3yeo8y wrote

We are probably the same age. I had a bunch of KISS stuff too.


HeartlesSoldier t1_j3yeu0z wrote

People today think that if you're giving a gun at a young age it means he'll shoot up with school when they don't realize is that that's always been a thing, the difference is the generation of people getting the guns


ShazadM t1_j3ymtom wrote

You’ll shoot your eye out kid.


Spudwrench77 t1_j3znuds wrote

How long did it take before the Gimpster got winged?


Tube72 t1_j3zqzuz wrote

You’ll shoot your eye out kid