Submitted by Mick_Stup t3_10f77fl in OldSchoolCool
CornmealGravy t1_j4v1z28 wrote
Maybe he’ll get put on the Supreme Court
jjj49er t1_j4v29lc wrote
He looks like the antagonist in an 80s teen movie.
ZenSeaker t1_j4v3730 wrote
He’s packin’
Outrageous-Bake1074 t1_j4v3to4 wrote
😂😂 i clicked comments hoping someone said something 😂
boondoggie42 t1_j4v4c40 wrote
His name is Todd and he's clearly into sailing.
buster23459 t1_j4v5242 wrote
Is it ok for one to repost a picture of someone else’s father when they do not know the original poster? Seems to be a pathetic karma grab.
Cool_Dark_Place t1_j4v7kqy wrote
We're gonna have to really train hard to defeat him!
- que up training montage music
BaluePeach t1_j4vb4xb wrote
I’m pretty sure his name is Chip or Dale and he’s a corporate financial planning lawyer.
ProfessionalBed1623 t1_j4vd65q wrote
Actually he is a ‘felon’ he has Coors in his hand, and I don’t know where he is but I think those were still illegal in most states because the beer was not pasteurized or something like that.
People would drive out there to get it and smuggle it back.
However, I am appalled at the nasty comments, he looks like a guy doing his part in life. I was an SAE at USC Delta at that time - and fraternities were nothing like the movies. It was fun, no one got seriously hurt while I was there. Lifelong friends doing everything from manufacturing Screen Tite systems, to owning Shakespeare Fishing until sold, to being the largest log home manufacturer in the southeast, to 3 guys that became long range stealth jet pilots.
So as usual generalizations are generally…
Petunia8796 t1_j4vdehw wrote
pzpsdad t1_j4vfmmo wrote
Get an upvote from me because of banquet beer alone!
texas-playdohs t1_j4vgzgl wrote
Don’t generalize my generalizations.
CareerMicDrop t1_j4vildu wrote
Who can afford coors banquet beer in college. Damn bouggie ass yuppies. Yuppy ass bouggies.
Mybenzo t1_j4vnunx wrote
Give him a long thin cig and Uncle Duke lives from Doonsebury!
stonabus t1_j4vrin4 wrote
What college “kid” had posters of sailing in his dorm room? Wtf.
AVBforPrez t1_j4vtgbw wrote
Your Dad looks like he's fucking 35 here, he's a sophomore in college?
AlienAmerican1 t1_j4vvqtd wrote
Did he go and beat up Daniel Larusso right after this photo?
FeSpoke1 t1_j4vyvrs wrote
I played lacrosse and was in a frat. Hey, wait a minute….
bustedaxles t1_j4w0pp0 wrote
...fifty-thou a year will by a lot of beer...
collapszar t1_j4w12qe wrote
Where it all started for Lt. Dangle
thunder1967 t1_j4w26hg wrote
Back when Coors was considered quality beer.
FD4L t1_j4w2j65 wrote
Push it to the limit....LIM-EHHHHHHH
yamaha2000us t1_j4w7umv wrote
Grandfathered into the 18 drinking age.
screamlikeapanther t1_j4w8ha7 wrote
Cropped out the junk.
GTOdriver04 t1_j4wa0xp wrote
He looks like Marcus Ericsson! A high compliment!
seahorseMonkey t1_j4wdj3n wrote
Stand back everyone, he's pointing directly at that beer!
Adult-Beverage t1_j4wf4k8 wrote
Undercover narc busting kids for underage drinking.
Curtainmachine t1_j4wh7j4 wrote
I mean, he’s so excited to have the one, he’s taking a photo displaying it. There’s two cases of much more reasonable natty light literally right behind him.
Killowatt59 t1_j4wiw9l wrote
Why does every young adult pre 1995 look like they are 40-50 years old when they are like 20?
tikifulwood t1_j4wmgpt wrote
He looks like “Guy who just bought a boat on SNL.”
randomdude5566 t1_j4wo2ae wrote
Nice! Not many Doonsebury references these days!
tripp_hs123 t1_j4wos6c wrote
Is your dad Colin Cowherd?
Dylsnick t1_j4wutuu wrote
Goose! Where's your tasche?
Emotional_Area4683 t1_j4wvjmv wrote
The era where Coors was the mystical good beer only available West of the Rockies. Someone bring a case back from out west as something special?
mcshanksshanks t1_j4wyo66 wrote
Careful, he’s known to sweep the leg
Lanky_Day5566 t1_j4x5b6a wrote
When Coors was the real deal lol
Lanky_Day5566 t1_j4x5jon wrote
Every generation gets younger - really crazy to see same age 1940s-1960s lol
Lanky_Day5566 t1_j4x5t3y wrote
Yeah it was a really good brew until they started messing with the recipe - nothing could beat a cold Coors (in a can!) back in the hot days lol
LazyZealot9428 t1_j4x91os wrote
So…did your dad graduate and go on to proclaim “Greed is good”?
[deleted] t1_j4xarsy wrote
broadenandbuild t1_j4xaumi wrote
I’m convinced all dorms look the same
jamiekynnminer t1_j4xawvl wrote
Does your dad still look like James Spader
WhippetRun t1_j4xf59z wrote
He *really* looks like Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) there!!!
[deleted] t1_j4xflwz wrote
duderonomy12 t1_j4xmyx5 wrote
Is your dad named Bret or Chaz??
NJdeathproof t1_j4xpadd wrote
That was Crockett's partner before he met Tubbs
crazyasusual t1_j4xq0b4 wrote
Looks like dad had some shit !! Just sayin 😛
ex-big_bag_of_dicks t1_j4y30xg wrote
Fuck. I came here to say that.
T-MinusGiraffe t1_j4y7egb wrote
I'm confused by this as well
Tenaha t1_j4yflf8 wrote
Maybe had the same shirt, we drank them new Silver Bullet’s!
p777s t1_j4yhsdj wrote
Tuck with no belt? Bold.
Turbulent_Explorer50 t1_j4yk52d wrote
Dude, your dad will definitely call the cops
solvent825 t1_j4yqoit wrote
Dad looks like he’d be friends with James Spader in a movie.
nurupartnerhtx t1_j4yt7mp wrote
Lots of Coors comments, but no one mentions the cases of Natty Light?
CommunityOk4646 t1_j4zao79 wrote
Talk to me Goose..... *
Ricky_Rollin t1_j4zme5w wrote
Smoking, getting beaten by their parents causing large amounts of stress, breathing in lead air and a complete lack of respect for skin cancer caused a lot of them to age prematurely. The thinning of the hair only added to their look.
i81u812 t1_j4zxdhx wrote
It's not their dad, they legit grabbed a photo of someone else's dad from a similar sub and just posted it here. This place is gettin' cringey. It is from r/TheWayWeWere and it is basically what this sub used to be. Actual old school stuff.
AH - that also reminds me..
cheyennevh t1_j50j22f wrote
This is actually my dad! He wasn’t in a frat, he played basketball, and even at this age, he spent his Saturdays volunteering at charities and helping with the Special Olympics. He married the nerdy accounting girl, and lost his hearing in his left ear after he saw a guy trying to force himself on a girl at a party and the dude clocked him on the side of the head. Around the time I was born, he had actually qualified to sail in the Olympics, but he didn’t go so that he could spend time with me. He taught me how to sail instead, he carried me around in a little backpack, and because I was adopted from a Creek reservation, he made sure to teach me my culture every chance he got. He was an amazing man through and through. Oh, and his name was Mike lol
cheyennevh t1_j50j82j wrote
This is actually my post, it’s weird but I’m cool with it
cheyennevh t1_j50jeqw wrote
This is my dad! He was an avid sailor, he actually qualified for the Olympics but he didn’t compete because I have amazing timing and was born right after his last tryouts lol
cheyennevh t1_j50jujs wrote
He graduated and taught me that hard work and dedication was key. He also taught me that kindness and empathy should be placed over everything else. He grew up in a blue collar family, and even though he built up this huge company before he died, he never forgot where he came from. He actually didn’t make any money for the first 10 years because he wanted to make sure his employees were getting paid what they deserved. We lived off my mom’s wages
cheyennevh t1_j50jxky wrote
He taught me that snitches get stitches lmao
buster23459 t1_j50mk2a wrote
Yeah, cool picture. I found it funny someone else would repost your picture as if they knew you or your dad.
cheyennevh t1_j50mn2a wrote
Daddy issues are crazy these days lmao
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j5190r8 wrote
The requisite, white and blue striped shirt and tight jeans with a conservative side comb. 1980 to a T.
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j519at6 wrote
I think partly it’s the clothing that we associate with older people and with this guy in particular, he has a receding hairline.
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j519hcp wrote
Only if he was raping girls, only to lie about it in the future
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j519s3s wrote
Well, there weren’t many choices back then. It was Miller light, Bud, Coors, and if you wanted to get fancy Heineken or Becks.
thunder1967 t1_j51xmkm wrote
Or Lowenbrau.
Tonite, let it be Lowenbrau.
Alonso2991 t1_j534rum wrote
Looks more like that guy who still hangs around and graduated a decade ago
IllustriousArcher199 t1_j53qpzk wrote
Haha. Yes. That was around. Never got a taste for it.
my_name_is_forest t1_j4uzyty wrote
He was definitely in a frat and he looks like an 80's asshole who played tennis or lacrosse. I'm guessing his name is Brice? Hope he grew out of being an asshole for his kids sake.