floydwebb OP t1_j6av35g wrote
I was running with Dudu Mukwana, Louis Moholo, Mongezi Feza hanging at the 100 Club on Oxford Street near the station.
amaquinadeuoberro t1_j6avmxm wrote
It must have been mad times... with all that creativity... and Space (like Sun Ra understands it)
floydwebb OP t1_j6avz4t wrote
I was one of Sunny's followers when I was 7, listening to him talk pyramids and spaceship at our speakers corner in Washington Park, near the Science Museum and the Oriental Institute.
amaquinadeuoberro t1_j6aw7h5 wrote
You still think he is somewhere out there? ;)
floydwebb OP t1_j6b0vol wrote
On the edge of Io!
[deleted] t1_j6avfeq wrote
Whateveryousaydude7 t1_j6awon8 wrote
This entire everything is pretty much cooler than I have been, or ever will be.
amaquinadeuoberro t1_j6auwai wrote
I read free jazz, london, 74 and i unconsciously think of Chris McGregor Brotherhood of Breath. Nice photo.