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wittiestphrase t1_j53d0wb wrote

Is this real? It looks like someone tried to draw them from memory.


bernieburner1 t1_j53dnb0 wrote

Anyone know where I left my velvet baby t?

Which one?

The ruby red, size small.

It’s over there by the axe body spray and 10k gold chains from Jared’s

Thanks, Emilio Estevez

No problem Justin Timberlake after he was bitten by a vampire bat.


5050Clown t1_j53eyt8 wrote

This is back when Fatone wasn't the fat one yet.


OIAgent t1_j53kukj wrote

Looking like the Hardy boyz .


KingSystem t1_j53nesa wrote

I don’t remember Edie Falco being in the group then again this was 26 years ago


spottydodgy t1_j53qyji wrote

This was the worse era for fashion ever


Dolorisedd t1_j53znw5 wrote

Justin looks like Ruth from Ozark in this pic.


TheFrontierzman t1_j5408qf wrote

It's weird that no one is mentioning Justin Timberlake looks 12.


KEC603 t1_j541frx wrote

Still as fugly now as they were back then!


Philoctetes13 t1_j5430tz wrote

I didn’t know Tim Roth and Sacha Baron Cohen were members

EDIT: Top left - Chris Kattan


EPreddevil88 t1_j5437ow wrote

My favorite men. 😍😍😍😍😍

Shout out to sexy JC! ❤️


ggRavingGamer t1_j54dh5z wrote

The guy on the bottom, is almost textbook guido.


GleemonexForPets t1_j54h2xg wrote

"How is it that I can have so much straight sex while two dudes are oppressed (not gay) For having sex (not gay)"


Cmdr_Rowan t1_j54kinc wrote

Jeans were really comfy back then. Still regret throwing out my pair. Like wearing a denim cloud.


Squiggy1975 t1_j54v7vx wrote

Scuba shirts and baggy jeans….I remember those days.


dickeatingamoeba t1_j555mxi wrote

I thought Justin Timberlake was the cutest guy on the planet in the 90s. Let’s just say that I did not remember him looking like that. Nor did I remember the whole band looking so odd. 😂


lou1uol t1_j5580p8 wrote

Tight from the waist up, Baggy from the waist down


Charliereavo t1_j55anue wrote

This is back when Paul Rudd was in the group. (Top left)


Brokenose71 t1_j55brfj wrote

Ha ha those stupid pants, they get me every time


sp222222 t1_j55ez3g wrote

No comments on the mysterious left hand holding up an album cover on the righthand side of the pic?


baldas_23 t1_j55lw84 wrote

Since fashion recycles every 20-30 years these awful jeans are going to be a must the next years. What a decade we livin. The punches just dont stop coming.


pseudocultist t1_j55mav9 wrote

I spent 2 hours in a police station before being released. It was only midway through that I reached deep down in my right pocket and felt the 8th the officers had missed during several patdowns and reach-ins. Got real nervous after that. But they let me go and I smoked that 8th.


moal09 t1_j55nr79 wrote

I don't think I've ever seen Joey Fatone that skinny


MagicalMysticalMyth t1_j55nydy wrote

On a serious note, this is what they all looked like in the Tearin' Up My Heart music video.


vocabulazy t1_j55s6ke wrote

This is how all the teenage girls are currently dressing at the high school I sub at the most often.


kie7an t1_j55wfa2 wrote

Is that Russel Howard


bobledrew t1_j55z6vz wrote

You could make a tent with all that extra denim.


sebeku2 t1_j55zxx9 wrote

Joey Fatone was really skinny back in the 90s


Googoo123450 t1_j562rh3 wrote

Man the Cheerleader affect worked wonders for these guys.


Youralgebra3 t1_j563dkc wrote

Omfg those shirts just made me cackle 😂😂.


jaysin1983 t1_j567zdx wrote

Those jeans could’ve been donated to a third world country to make warm clothing for 100s of people!


CallMeRawie t1_j568bdr wrote

Save some JNCOs for the rest of us boys!


MayIgniteIfLit t1_j56984e wrote

Jncos to skinny jeans… inflation is even hitting the denim industry hard.


SandysBurner t1_j56aj92 wrote

Justin Timberlake doesn't know shit about fuck.


Optimal_Mention1423 t1_j56dl4g wrote

L-R Jason Manford, Henning Wehn, Russell Howard, Joel Dommett, Holly Walsh


SweRakii t1_j56hd4i wrote

I still like my jeans loose fit, but why the fuck did we wear THOSE?


32K-REZ t1_j56i3sg wrote

looks like a picture from a camp for kids with adhd


a-vibe-called-quest t1_j56ic97 wrote

You’re not gonna sit here and tell me that lance bass isn’t coach Gordon Bombay


An_Anxious_Yeti t1_j56ii55 wrote

Shit, I didn’t know Tim Roth and Ellen Degeneres had a lovechild.


DuvalHMFIC t1_j56jrur wrote

I can’t believe I lacked self confidence in high school when my competition was dudes lookin like this. What the hell was I thinking?


stevet85 t1_j56kln0 wrote

Whoa! Joey was the skinny one


Sarato88 t1_j56nrf2 wrote

I like the band Nsync. My favourite member is Harpo.


Sayoria t1_j56ptuh wrote

Joey Fatone is literally everywhere that the odds of him reading this comment is probably 100%.


simulet t1_j56uspv wrote

I had forgotten that Jnco’s existed


NeroForte-InMyPrime t1_j56x4yt wrote

When jeans were that baggy, nobody would know if you skipped every leg day and Justin still had skinny arms. I looked exactly the same at the time… but just saying. Haha


vNerdNeck t1_j56yukh wrote

I now understand why my parents hated Jncos so much.


GimmeAMalt t1_j5732c6 wrote

I was a freshman in high school in 1997. I def remember the baggy jeans but not the XS men’s shirts lol


where-is-my-mime t1_j5752u9 wrote

From left to right. (Back row) Chris Kattan, French Stewart, Emilio Estevez, Doogie Howser. (Front row) David Schwimmer


astronaut_tang t1_j57cg5b wrote

I see Justin on the right… i also see Emilio Estevez in the middle… lol


Plague_of_Pazuzu t1_j57djbh wrote

my pick for the gay one ended up being wrong. i never figured it would be lance.


mrhuggables t1_j57fwya wrote

when I look back at jeans throughout history, from the 60s 70s 80s and most of the 90s, it's like yeah you can tell what decade theyre from but vast majority of them don't look ridiculous... but the super baggy for men and super low rise for women trends that came in the 00s is just still so awful


Deej1387 t1_j57lln9 wrote

Man, this took me right back to middle school, damn.


MsMeMow t1_j57pyen wrote

God JC was so freaking handsome. What a hunk


Gurthy_Lengthiness t1_j57r4fc wrote

There’s enough denim to make jeans for two boy bands. Those were the days 🤙


Verumero t1_j5cefxh wrote

Looking back, all the over 18 year girls i knew that had crushes on jt were hella sus