Anne Murray at the Troubadour “right in the middle of these guys who were totally all three sheets to the wind” 1973
Submitted by eaglemaxie t3_10pdn96 in OldSchoolCool
On November 21, 1973, Richard Creamer took this photo of John Lennon, Anne Murray, Harry Nilsson, Alice Cooper, and Mickey Dolenz at the Troubadour.
If Harry Nilsson was there, you were going to drink, do drugs and not sleep for days. It was almost inescapable
Harry Nilsson was the first artist whose album I listened to on repeat until I had it memorized. I was three or four and the album was The Point.
Which explains a lot about who I am as an adult lol
hell yeah!! one of his great albums. I fixated on this artist for a little while, I have a box set with something like 23 albums. His early albums are all excellent, then he shot his voice in a yelling contest with Lennon, then his voice wasn't quite the same but there's still excellent gems here and there on his later albums and he died waaaaay too early
"Pandemonium Shadow Show" and "Nilsson schmillson" are excellent
A point in every direction…is the same as no point at all.
When I was in high school we had an art assignment to illustrate a song and I chose Think About Your Troubles.
It's still my mental go-to when I'm having a shit day
Still one of the best half-hour cartoon "specials" ever to air on American network television.
There's still debates among animation fanatics whether the best narration is Nilsson's ( the Soundtrack album), Dustin Hoffman's ( aired for the original broadcast only) or Ringo Starr's ( the one on the commercial distribution). I have both the latter on VHS, & the Soundtrack, & Nilsson's is close to my heart, but Hoffman's is pretty terrific.
I had no idea there was an animation of it until at least high school in the late 90s when I was telling a friend about The Point and he said "that weird cartoon narrated by Ringo Starr?"
The youngest brother from THE BRADY BUNCH is the voice of Oblio. Worth finding, it's a gem.
My dad recently unearthed his copy of The Point. I had never heard of Harry Nilsson before- you better believe my dad fkn jumped at the chance to introduce me to his stuff. So we spent some time listening to the album with Dad reminiscing about his teen years :)
I told my mom we had listened to The Point and her response was "Harry Nilsson... that weirdo." Lol
It was pointless.
He must be here now
No, it turned out he was right. He couldn't live.
Hard to imagine Anne Murray joining in...
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