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t1_j6o04o3 wrote

Kid with the purple second from the front making the face. Definitely got into a lot of shenanigans and was at times the ring leader.

The last Cub Scout towards the back (I think his hand is raised,) was definitely the “man I don’t think we should do this guys…” kind of kid and probably saved a lot of ass beatings lol meanwhile the smallest Cub Scout, had to always run to keep up, was always down as long as he was included and more than likely is the middle Cub Scout’s little brother.

Kid in the gray was the fighter. Lots of fights, lots of wins, and would be the first one you grabbed when another group of kids started something.

Kid in front, was the kid from the family barely scrapping by and usually had hand me downs. Everyone knew it, no one gave a hoot. Usually could be found in someone’s house eating a sammich.

Kid from second to last, was the athlete. Varsity jacket and all in just a few short years and might have went to college on a scholarship. Also, the ladies loved him. Unfortunately, he probably went with a different group of more jockish kids in just a few short years.

Kid on the end… may have had a tough childhood. Maybe the old man drank too much and was known for the brutal beatings he dished out to the poor kid. Which in turn, made the kid unwilling to trust anyone, partied his ass off in last years of high school. Wound up in jail in his 20s. Met a beautiful Christian woman, had a rough few years but eventually found Jesus. Had a couple kids, built up and owned a business that became fairly successful and now leads a youth group and works with troubled teens.

Or I’m completely full of shit and just judged and Stereo typed an neighborhood of kids lmao. Either way it’s fun to think of how their lives went and what they grew up to be