Submitted by la-noche-viene t3_10nh77d in OldSchoolCool
[deleted] t1_j68ni44 wrote
z-eldapin t1_j68nngw wrote
What the fuck?
z-eldapin t1_j68npcr wrote
Nothing screams 1974 more than that outfit!
Love it!
SK8ERCRE8ER t1_j68p4gi wrote
Did he ever take his bike over any sweet jumps?
AnyUsernameWillDo10 t1_j68qneb wrote
Build her a cake or something
Greigers t1_j68r621 wrote
Vote for Pedro
The_Last_Mouse t1_j68tpnq wrote
He was a wild and crazy guy
PrinceVince1988 t1_j68tqa0 wrote
He looks like a serial killer
382Whistles t1_j68uvtl wrote
So, I can't vote for him?
JellyPast1522 t1_j68wi0m wrote
Leisure Suit Pedro
GetNicky t1_j68wp01 wrote
You should post this in r/estoration
Gringoxx79 t1_j68wq6z wrote
He looks like a mix of Raj and Howard from big bang theory.
[deleted] t1_j68xk49 wrote
Irate_Alligate1 t1_j68y96s wrote
Greatcookbetterbfr t1_j68yf7v wrote
He also has a sweet purple hand
WillyWumpLump t1_j68zlly wrote
Nailed it!
jerry111165 t1_j6914sy wrote
I loved the 70’s!
fednandlers t1_j6919hm wrote
Looks like Pedro and Napoleon had a baby.
StevenDangerSmith t1_j691vjm wrote
They didn't have couches in his home country, and he still doesn't quite know how to sit on one.
SarcasticQuote2891 t1_j691vmi wrote
I said good day!
Level_Watercress1153 t1_j693sal wrote
Lmao Damnit I was going to say the same exact thing 🤣🤣🤣
Fantact t1_j694qdk wrote
Looks like he is about to get a visit from a sexy pizza delivery woman, and doesn't have any cash.
[deleted] t1_j694s22 wrote
la-noche-viene OP t1_j694tr6 wrote
Thanks! I actually got his glorious hair. :)
enigmaroboto t1_j696u30 wrote
Sun_Devilish t1_j6980r9 wrote
Say hello to my little friend.
Bobofett69 t1_j699y3k wrote
elVic12 t1_j69cti1 wrote
He's like a combination of both Napoleon and Pedro
Validia45 t1_j69eg3q wrote
Napoleon & Pedro had a son
jayjayrodrod t1_j69g963 wrote
Indian McLovin, ladies and gents
pooptheresmybutt t1_j69j81k wrote
Vote for me
MurkDiesel t1_j69m8nf wrote
the Ice Cream Man, dude is fresh and clean stylin!
MagsWinchester t1_j69ne6e wrote
I hope he had a good time! People starting out in new countries at such a young age just impress the hell out of me.
Dr-Pharmadillo t1_j69nh9i wrote
-ThisWayUp- t1_j69pxpi wrote
He’s their son
Ithoughtthiswasfunny t1_j69r6v7 wrote
Bempet583 t1_j69sx5k wrote
Silk finish pictures
sergalahadabeer t1_j69t0ol wrote
Printed on an American football, as is tradition.
Myballsrblacknblue t1_j69vak1 wrote
Looking like a young Chico the man. 😂
light_weight_baby87 t1_j69vkyn wrote
I’ve never had, nor will I ever have hair that cool.
Unckle-Reg t1_j69xqom wrote
and went straight to Graceland?
princeofparmesia t1_j69ymys wrote
Charles Sobhraj!
scorpioinheels t1_j6a4u9y wrote
Spaniard roots? No pun intended lol..... but he looks like my dad and dang if I didn’t get his good hair, nails and teeth!
And those brown eyes for the absolute win!
la-noche-viene OP t1_j6a5963 wrote
Yes, you’re right! He is from Dominican Republic with strong Spanish heritage. I am a woman but look exactly like him with not only the hair, but the eyes too.
scorpioinheels t1_j6a6q5g wrote
Undeniably strong genes!
mattt1975 t1_j6aj1cf wrote
He has the peter la anguila style
hotniX_ t1_j6b0bll wrote
Bruh that hair flow and mustache combo. Epic!
Arthur__DigbySellers t1_j6bctdg wrote
Came here for this. Glad it was the top comment.
Itchy_Focus_4500 t1_j6bdj8d wrote
Holy CRAP! He looks so much like a friend of mine at that age.
TRDBG t1_j6bpic5 wrote
Your dad didn't arrive in the US, he MADE AN ENTRANCE in the US
Soraeon t1_j6bpqnc wrote
A true badass.
IcedTman t1_j6bvbea wrote
Those are my thoughts exactly!! 😂
creepyjudyhensler t1_j6ck9nb wrote
It would be cool if he still dresses like that.
dec1mus t1_j6cre6q wrote
He looks like Prince’s accountant.
Burning_Flags t1_j6czck3 wrote
He found a woman after this?
stewiegilligan t1_j6czqg9 wrote
When I drive and I am angry I Bangladesh LOL epic good 70's pic way better than my 90's ones
LittleWhiteBoots t1_j6gsrja wrote
With a pinch of Prince
Dokt_Orjones t1_j6gvobu wrote
Don’t you know you’re not supposed to wear white after Labor Day?!
wildadragon t1_j68nf5m wrote
Your dad was Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite?