Submitted by bartarton t3_10j1rhf in OldSchoolCool
Moonhunter7 t1_j5hxb83 wrote
Yeah, he’s just standing there. Maybe the boxes are invisible, and those are special glasses that allow him to see the boxes???
aarrtee t1_j5hxhqs wrote
Gabba gabba hey
Egomzez t1_j5hye8x wrote
Look at my uncle! I found this when I went through some old boxes.
Zeke_Stagnant t1_j5i04m8 wrote
Wasn't he in Steppenwolf?
recognizedauthority t1_j5i2t6w wrote
Your uncle was Joey Ramone?
Everyusernametaken1 t1_j5i6usz wrote
I don't see any boxes
flamingpillowcase t1_j5i9dc7 wrote
He’s not going through boxes in this…
FartingKumquat t1_j5i9yn2 wrote
Joey Ramone's stunt double
Notch99 t1_j5iaoq1 wrote
Chuck E Weiss vibes.😎
Spaventoo t1_j5icbyf wrote
Very misleading title. Joey Ramone isn’t OPs uncle. Joey Ramone isn’t going through any boxes. Joey Ramone was this age in the early 80’s.
phlavehay t1_j5ics5y wrote
Is there a bad title grammar Reddit sub?
phlavehay t1_j5icv10 wrote
Just back from the wig shop, looking fine.
[deleted] t1_j5idbgv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5idfc7 wrote
boing757 t1_j5idfsf wrote
I don't see the boxes.
wishfulthinker6 t1_j5ik631 wrote
Now he resides in a red headed killer doll
Paulutot t1_j5in3cw wrote
Grandfather Ramone
kwjyibo t1_j5jcfph wrote
Far out man.
EnvironmentalDeal256 t1_j5jh926 wrote
They meant to say detox. Damn you autocorrect
RoyOfCon t1_j5jhwc9 wrote
Hey! Ho! Lets go!
imveryproudofya t1_j5jm8zk wrote
Maybe he just came out of an old box that’s just out of camera shot.
slo196 t1_j5jnmyy wrote
Do you remember back in 1966?
Southall1960 t1_j5jqb9d wrote
is that Ozzy's older 'drunker' brother?
ZebraBorgata t1_j5jqz95 wrote
Maybe you need to be wearing a special pair of sunglasses in order to see the boxes.
Glendel66 t1_j5jz1a0 wrote
He appears to be leaning on a fence.
[deleted] t1_j5k5ikn wrote
CareerMicDrop t1_j5k6v3q wrote
Looks like a guy who would tell a girl to put the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.
[deleted] t1_j5k7hcu wrote
Sassybeagle t1_j5k87zv wrote
Looks like Chop Top before he was sent to ‘Nam (bonus Sonny Bono wig)
cramboneUSF t1_j5kb3ox wrote
“Sharon?!? Where are the kids?”
BowwwwBallll t1_j5kbqb0 wrote
Ohhh oh oh, berries and cream! I'm the little lad who likes berries and cream!
deepsea333 t1_j5kc8ux wrote
And Patti Smith?
cYberSport91 t1_j5kcgeo wrote
but ariel pink got canceled
81rennab t1_j5kg5az wrote
Kind of looks like high school Ben Stiller from There’s Something About Mary
Significant_Radish86 t1_j5kkf8y wrote
lightsaber_lobotomy t1_j5klah6 wrote
Looks like hes sitting on a fence or something to me
[deleted] t1_j5klxne wrote
linksawakening82 t1_j5knimg wrote
Predecessor to Joey Ramone.
wooody_alien t1_j5kpnmw wrote
And Howard Stern?
comcam77 t1_j5kruh2 wrote
Joey Ramone is that you ?
Cat-Curiosity-Active t1_j5lc9sf wrote
The Ramones First Cousin.
Mushyrealowls t1_j5lmtng wrote
Uncle, sans boxes
olddogmine t1_j5lu05i wrote
Steven King
RodCherokee t1_j5lvqey wrote
Is he still around I hope ?
DWright_5 t1_j5mdnqj wrote
Come on. That’s Ben Stiller. Gotcha
DarkQuiz t1_j5mo13p wrote
He has seen things
tpproberts t1_j5sahnu wrote
I heard it on the “X”
slo196 t1_j5ti9vj wrote
My favorite song by the Zs.
bubzy1000 t1_j5hwsqs wrote
But there’s no boxes?