Boris Karloff circa 1890 - The young boy who would grow up to play the greatest and most iconic movie monsters of all time.
Submitted by Kokibuchek t3_124zpoz
Submitted by Kokibuchek t3_124zpoz
Submitted by MyDogGoldi t3_1256mbz
Submitted by asmcleod t3_1248o18
Submitted by eaglemaxie t3_124hbly
Submitted by down_bears t3_12470p8
Submitted by MalibuHulaDuck t3_1240jk0
Submitted by MikeyNapoli t3_1240p8r
Submitted by steroidamoeba t3_123oc75
Submitted by Islandosprey t3_124q88z
Submitted by Djf47021 t3_12479eo
Submitted by WhichNetworking t3_124e2ly
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Submitted by chmaosealee2013 t3_1248vxl
Submitted by vexedwaffle t3_1240kwr
Submitted by HarshlyWrangle370 t3_124gret
Submitted by Salem1690s t3_123inf6
Submitted by MrPicklesGhost t3_12353ux
Submitted by Gentilelepus t3_1240lmp
Submitted by Jumpy_Kick t3_124pt3y
Submitted by PianoMike74 t3_1245egh
Submitted by GlitterPinkBoa t3_124o2ei
Submitted by Str33twise84 t3_124jkvv
Submitted by jawnstein82 t3_123sonz
Submitted by throguauiey t3_12449zz
Submitted by steroidamoeba t3_124gfns