Submitted by famouscaseyx t3_z6568w
Submitted by GoldenChinchilla t3_10hb6p0
Submitted by swishswooshSwiss t3_z7s3ol
Submitted by SprinklesandBeer t3_z5o5bo
Submitted by P3akyBlind3rs t3_ycfhcm
Submitted by steroidamoeba t3_123oc75
Submitted by lostacoshermanos t3_z1of6g
Submitted by So_Do_You_Like_Stuff t3_11apu5j
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yak8wz
Submitted by Ssj2luffy t3_yijavi
Submitted by LookAtThatHotTurtle t3_z81p5s
Submitted by OrangeLoco t3_1095vuy
Submitted by eaglemaxie t3_125l9g0
Submitted by Djf47021 t3_10p18ov
Submitted by Read_Icculus_ t3_yflkdk
Submitted by hankmeisterr t3_z3r4km
Submitted by animal_wax t3_z7t88i
Submitted by XaltotunTheUndead t3_zze2xb
Submitted by fingerfunk t3_115j384
Anne Murray at the Troubadour “right in the middle of these guys who were totally all three sheets to the wind” 1973
Submitted by eaglemaxie t3_10pdn96
Submitted by can1exy t3_ycc9ds
Submitted by PajaroDeBasura t3_126n9zm
My great-grandfather, Paris (circa 1930) posing with the carriage and the horses that would drown him in the Seine.
Submitted by thoxo t3_10oy3kr
Submitted by AccomplishedCry2020 t3_z71t0s
Submitted by DickSandwichTheII t3_ybuhu1