Submitted by Phynomynon t3_y1oe34
Submitted by cfchio t3_yior6o
Submitted by DenseVoigt t3_11b53a4
Submitted by Ophelia_Y2K t3_119aa5x
Submitted by mollygwenandmoe t3_119l6it
Kazimierz Zeglen (left), Polish priest and inventor of the bulletproof vest, testing out his invention (1869)
Submitted by krFrillaKrilla t3_11co5xc
Submitted by jvirosique t3_10pvjfb
Submitted by Afoxnamedrhi t3_10juoj9
Submitted by AColdPimp t3_10pfiha
Submitted by So_Do_You_Like_Stuff t3_10lq9s7
Submitted by tattooedoptician t3_10m7xp6
Submitted by MikeyNapoli t3_zxmzkh
Submitted by jorjakelly71 t3_zyldpj
Submitted by Loose-Bus2035 t3_yy4lta
Submitted by wilsonreserve t3_ym479k
My Vietnamese parents at the Red square, Russia, probably 1986. They lived there while my mom went to med school.
Submitted by yttikat t3_z117hm
Submitted by saadatorama t3_yxx1pc
Submitted by P3akyBlind3rs t3_yd248m
Mom sent me this photo from age 15, circa 1997. I DJed in a breakdance crew back then and still DJ full time today. r/DJs told me to post it here. Shout outs to all the other Ravers out there. Never stop!
Submitted by illGATESmusic t3_ygjot9
Submitted by Meryhathor t3_yflxyp
Submitted by MikeyNapoli t3_1240p8r
Submitted by steroidamoeba t3_115fo94
Submitted by NormanRB t3_11av2lv
Submitted by Crayfish707 t3_10io8yn
Submitted by getbackzack t3_10pm2bq