Submitted by Girlygirlkittenlove1 t3_yibaoy
Submitted by kev45ert t3_1252crv
Submitted by notbob1959 t3_11asijg
Submitted by gdogg897 t3_10r1aj5
Submitted by YarraMates t3_zzgiln
Submitted by firefly99999 t3_zv16ot
Submitted by EnigmaticDaze t3_zygg9g
Here is a picture of my Great Grandpa(right side) who had just won a Rolls Royce for getting a hole in one at Harrah’s invitational in Lake Tahoe, 1966.
Submitted by tgurnea t3_zxqxbm
Submitted by hog_heaven_2000 t3_z3m4uv
Submitted by paralyse78 t3_z2zt02
Submitted by APleasantMemory t3_z1t4ll
Submitted by OblongPencil t3_z4u6lp
Submitted by NorthernJoey t3_yevm8z
Submitted by Twattire t3_ye9cbz
Submitted by brolbo t3_yfjnzq
Submitted by L0st_in_the_Stars t3_xsuk3l
Submitted by WhichNetworking t3_124e2ly
Submitted by arintj t3_1148gyy
My grandfather setting a speed record with his Lamborghini Countach at Bonneville Speedweek (early 1990s)
Submitted by JBBurtoni2 t3_10urydq
Submitted by oldschoolthepodcast t3_1003xr0
Submitted by madogblue t3_zxs307
Submitted by fanflv t3_z07spj
Submitted by Haratimundeo t3_z53bb7
Randy Rhoads (center), performing with Ozzy Osbourne, Atlanta, Georgia, March 17, 1982 (photo by Doug Banks)
Submitted by norrisrw t3_z5hrkc
Submitted by PurpleFlower99 t3_yhh6dl