Submitted by [deleted] t3_12510aa
Submitted by SerpentKing1987 t3_zx1afg
Submitted by M0t0rh3ad t3_zyg563
Submitted by BL0odbath_anD_BEYond t3_yu8m46
Submitted by Laliza t3_z3x8aw
Submitted by es_mo t3_yg3m0y
Jean-Claude Van Damme on the set of PREDATOR (1987), in the original Predator suit design before he was unceremoniously canned and replaced by the late Kevin Peter Hall
Submitted by vexedwaffle t3_1240kwr
Submitted by eaglemaxie t3_120sw7b
Submitted by oldschoolthepodcast t3_12771a1
Submitted by BelligerentHorticult t3_z23rpy
Submitted by windmilljohn t3_ye5rh7
Christopher Lloyd and Christopher Walken in the stage production of Macbeth at the Lincoln Centre, New York, 1974.
Submitted by _EuXioM_ t3_126pjey
Submitted by lilBob1989 t3_125tlhw
James Hong with director John Carpenter, from behind-the-scenes of "Big Trouble in Little China" (1986). Hong just recently celebrated his 94th birthday.
Submitted by MulciberTenebras t3_11a8wzf
Submitted by GirthWindNFire t3_ztggit
Submitted by notpynchon t3_zz9kbj
Submitted by StayAtHomeDrinker t3_z6hrth
Ted Koppel, 1980. Nightline started as a daily update during the Iran hostage crisis. In the decades after Walter Cronkite retired, Koppel continued the practice of thorough, factual reporting.
Submitted by L0st_in_the_Stars t3_yg4cyz
Submitted by anxiety8805 t3_ycifr1
October, 1978. 14 year old me in the passenger side of my dad's brand new '78 Trans Am. I was a pretty awkward kid, but this is the car I learned to drive with.
Submitted by DistantKarma t3_xt3hxt
My great aunt is selling her house, the one I grew up in. It’s falling apart and she has to move. Today is a very hard, sad day for me. I found this picture of me in the front yard with our old mustang in the 90s. I’m in tears.
Submitted by Life_Roll8667 t3_122r604
Submitted by MikeyNapoli t3_z3t49l
Submitted by mynameisnotsparta t3_ycrpib
Submitted by Str33twise84 t3_yasxfh
Submitted by damonian_x t3_11c3kl9