Submitted by Kingubarnet t3_yd1rw8
Submitted by blackbeardslim t3_125dis5
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11bdr38
Submitted by indikacat t3_10ocltj
Submitted by factotum4stu t3_1272vp7
Submitted by ThaBlackBeacon t3_10igi4l
Submitted by Mick_Stup t3_10f77fl
Submitted by turbocharged_autism t3_10ofvtc
Submitted by dutchiedudeguy t3_yeiqid
Submitted by r_sharon t3_yy81nh
Best bud and I in 1976 on a road trip. Some fancy club in New Orleans for a bit of day drinking. We’re still best friends to this day, although our hair is less and our weight is more.
Submitted by dontlietomeagain t3_z14vbw
Submitted by kangadog t3_ybeq17
When I was a little girl, I used to obsess over this photo of my Grandma from 1950. No one could ever be more beautiful than her in this photo to me🤍
Submitted by Severe_Ad336 t3_11tcs2z
Submitted by fenton7 t3_11aab07
Submitted by Woodrow268 t3_117g4k6
Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono embrace, following his "letter" to welcome John Lennon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1994
Submitted by norrisrw t3_10ghyw2
Submitted by electricmastro t3_z687qa
Submitted by R0osteryo t3_yg9tcu
Bill Murray, Jane Curtin, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, John Belushi and Laraine Newman on SNL ~ November 12, 1977
Submitted by gregornot t3_1254a91
Submitted by Cowhampshire t3_10uqshm
Submitted by ROUNDHERE75 t3_11c7j9n
Submitted by fingerfunk t3_127gg4b
Submitted by Repulsive_Reply_956 t3_yo9ynb
Vasili Arkhipov (1960's). During the Cuban Missile Crisis a false alarm of nuclear war almost made a Soviet nuclear submarine near the U.S launch it's nukes. However the order for a launch needed 3 approvals and Arkhipov refused.
Submitted by AdAway2224 t3_11xubfk
Submitted by StreetTacoNamdDesire t3_12330pd