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drxdrg08 t1_j6skdx4 wrote

> because the ability to know how to prevent further escalation involves an understanding of the cause to know how to interact with that person first

I don't want to call this a nuanced analysis of reality, because it's much closer to common sense than nuance coming from a professional, but this is very accurate.

Sounds like your ex noped out of a hypothetical situation where they go out to 911 calls. Even EMS doesn't come on scene until it is secured by people with guns.

This idea that mental health professionals should arrive first at 911 calls is asinine. Not only would nobody want to do that, but any that did would quickly replace Alaskan crab fisherman from the #1 spot as the most dangerous job.


hahahoudini t1_j8sxrf5 wrote

Except other countries are already responding to emergency calls with mental health experts and it's going well. Also your crab fisherman comment is pure fantasy, cops don't even make top 10 for most dangerous profession. You should write the next game of thrones spinoff, you've really got a mind for fantasy.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j6tg695 wrote

> This idea that mental health professionals should arrive first at 911 calls is asinine.
