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Huffy_too t1_j79cmnb wrote

I've spent a lot of time in Amish country. They treat their horses about the same way you treat your car's motor.


vectorizer99 t1_j79f2vl wrote

I get tired of seeing buggies in front of me on winding back roads when I'm trying to get somewhere.


mattd1972 t1_j79gxvc wrote

Out in Millersburg, OH, the Walmart has a whole parking lot row with a horse shelter.


Garmand3r t1_j79l8hb wrote

Haha I got yelled at for trying to take a picture of a buggy for a school project. They believe it steals their soul I guess?


notallwonderarelost t1_j79mng4 wrote

I mean they treat animals like property. Every farmer treats chickens about the same. Amish just happen to treat dogs like farmers treat chickens. Most people feel like dogs should get special treatment. Not saying I agree with them but they don’t treat dogs any different than any farmer treats chickens.


BelligerentSeaOtter t1_j79mzfb wrote

Not true. They just don't like to be photographed going about their daily lives -- especially when it's a photo of a child. It happens to them multiple times whenever they go in public, especially in the summer / tourist season.


JAS10489 t1_j79n1sx wrote

Bro it’s like 20 fuckin degrees out today take the horse home ffs lol


angeloistrash t1_j79qviv wrote

well i'm tired of it. amish are nasty weird people and shouldn't be allowed to abuse animals the way they do.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j79yi2q wrote

I've seen those 2 lb rolls of Amish butter in the grocery store and I get tempted to buy it bc of it's higher fat content, then I'm like mmm nope fuck that I'm not intentionally supporting the Amish. Sure, I understand "no ethical consumption under capitalism", but I still do my best to put my money where my morals are.


JohnStow1726 t1_j79ywly wrote

You would if you had any idea that they are super uber far right and voted fir Trump.


MrSchaudenfreude t1_j79zrrh wrote

Yeah, until you have somewhere to be and get stuck behind one.


what_no_ice t1_j7a9hlh wrote

I’m fucking tired of seeing their shit all over the road.. I’m also fucking tired of them not paying road tax and not cleaning it up.


RaceSignificant1794 t1_j7acysj wrote

It's a cult. They abuse the animals, women and children or are complicit. Nasty religious abusers.


DicksOutForGrapeApe t1_j7ajomo wrote

The horse and buggy are charming. So are the bonnets, beards, chainless kick cycles, and suspenders, but let’s not forget about the sister raping


googlebearbanana t1_j7aozav wrote

I find it interesting that these buggies are painted. In Lawrence County the Amish don't paint the wood on their buggies.


TheMensChef t1_j7aqtzu wrote

They are allowed to us public grocery stores? Isn’t that like against their religion?

And like shit do they pay taxes?


Southboundthylacine t1_j7au0dw wrote

I do, I drive a white mustang and I’m constantly cleaning horse poop off of it.


LillianH55 t1_j7azm7k wrote

A very accurate analogy. Some owners spend tens of thousands of dollars on a high end horse and devote lots of time and money to maintenance - chiropractor, massage, specialty diet supplements. Others run their horse ragged on minimal care and their horse is the equivalent to an '89 Chevy Cavalier. Some horses also just hold up better physically to the demands of the job.

Source me. I've been retiring and recycling ex buggy horses into new careers for over 20 years in central PA. There are good and bad in their community just like ours. Im not a fan of generalizations about whole groups of people.


Kindredmen t1_j7bbhjy wrote

But they're annoying when your car is cresting a hill and there's one in front of you going 15mph.


Taztiger72 t1_j7bh12z wrote

Amazing that means if they would vote they too believe Donnie is the Messiah What so do JWs! We are gonna have another great schism in Christianity one that stay Christian the other cold hearted scum.


Redlar t1_j7bh3dx wrote

The different groups have different rules, someone wants to do something different but their current group doesn't so they splinter off creating a group that allows the thing (sorry if you already know this)

For example, Ohio Amish don't have the same rules as Lancaster/PA Amish. How the buggies look is dictated by the group they belong to

Years ago I recall reading about a group in Ohio that's so strict about electrical use that they don't even allow electricity for a well pump, instead they use a horse hitched to a mechanical device to pump the water


DirtWizardDisciples t1_j7bhxv3 wrote

I recently watched the Mental Floss episode on Misconceptions about the Amish (YouTube) and it was pretty enlightening. It seems like if something may not be the Amish way but if it's a tool/resource that supports the Amish way, community elders/leaders may support its use in a proper capacity


Rmlady12152 t1_j7bl013 wrote

They way they treat the women and children is beyond disgusting. It’s deranged.


PianolinSerific t1_j7bmalr wrote

Whats with these comments? All the amish and mennonites I know are good people. They work hard and live for family and community. Some bad apples which are seen in the news but those are everywhere.


webauteur t1_j7brc32 wrote

At least they are saving a lot of money since they don't need to buy gas.


starion832000 t1_j7btgfo wrote

You'll notice he parked his buggy right in the middle of the parking lot. This is a perfect metaphor for all Amish.

Lived in Berks county side by side with these guys for a decade. Can't say I left with a positive impression of the Amish. They're a cult that are treated like some tribe of indigenous white people.


Hugsie924 t1_j7bumu4 wrote

There is an ex-Amish guy named Eli Yoder who does some shorts and videos on youtube. He describes what it's like in "old order" Amish. I know it's one guy, but he includes other ex Amish. He talks about lots of things, good and bad, but mostly bad, lots of heavy stuff.

Does it mean they are all pieces of 💩, no, but they certainly aren't special..if anything, they are just like regular society, but they wear funny hats....


Hazel1928 t1_j7byarr wrote

There is a horse shed at the Walmart in Parkesburg. I see lots of Amish shopping there. Teenagers, presumably in rumspringa, dressed in Amish clothing, but buying video games. And other ages too. I feel a little disillusioned when I see Doritos and cookies in their carts, I thought they made everything from scratch. But I am definitely fascinated with them and admire many things about them. The Amish population in the US is growing very fast. They have an average of 6-8 children and 85% stay Amish. So they have started new settlements in some rural areas in the US and even in South America. I hope they can keep their culture and not lose it due to fast growth.


CocoaMotive t1_j7c15d9 wrote

People aren't dumping on that at all, they're not saying it's wrong to enjoy seeing the Amish, they're making the observation that they tend to have a terrible reputation for the mistreatment of their animals. You can appreciate the photo and still understand they're a community with plenty of flaws.


sevenicecubes t1_j7c3hoj wrote

They use power tools and cell phones, this shit needs to be left in the past.


Hazel1928 t1_j7c4w6i wrote

You are both wrong. They believe that humans are created in the image of God and that it is wrong to make “graven images” so they don’t agree with photos or drawings of people, and their dolls have blank faces.


PantsAre4Squares t1_j7c6uro wrote

I sure get tired of running over copious deposits of horse shit all over the roads. Nevermind what those wheels do to the already weather-stressed PA asphalt.


BelligerentSeaOtter t1_j7c815y wrote

No, I'm not wrong. I'm ex-Mennonite with Amish family. Their dolls do not have blank faces. Maybe the extreme white toppers, but not the conventional black toppers. You're right that they're biblical literalists though.


davyncarulli t1_j7cecn4 wrote

I've only known 1 Mennonite family, but also a whole lotta amish. The Mennonite family actually drove their own cars and didn't really live on a farm, they did have a huge garden though. Amish usually always live on a farm, and pay the English for rides or use the horse and buggy.


LOERMaster t1_j7cfy0a wrote

Every Sunday morning there’s dozens driving past my house on the way to church.


_dontgiveuptheship t1_j7chhyz wrote

Berlin (that's BER-lin) is also home to the Behalt Cyclorama, a 10'x265' painting depicting the history of the Amish and Mennonites :

and the world's largest Amish buggy (

Not to be confused with the world's largest Amish horse and buggy ('s%20largest%20horse%20and,2300%20board%20feet%20of%20lumber.) in Mesopotamia.

Or the world's largest Amish buddy that also happens to be an ATM (,definitely%20off%20the%20beaten%20path.&text=The%20horse%20and%20carriage%20is,ground%20and%20the%20fiberglass%20horse.) in Wellington.


anuhu t1_j7clewm wrote

Not really. It's very, very rare. Sometimes the "English" will get a former plow horse as a pasture ornament/steady eddy type for kids/visitors to trail ride. And sometimes regular/non Amish farriers don't want to work with the big drafts who aren't as good about keeping their hooves up for farrier work so in those cases I suppose someone might use an Amish farrier with stocks. And I suppose some people who like driving horses might get harnesses from the Amish harness makers, but very few non-amish drive horses.

Gnerally the non-Amish in southern chester county are looking for a much, much higher quality of care than the amish provide.


anuhu t1_j7cmfpo wrote

Good people who have a higher than average incidence of incest and sexual assault? Good people who run puppy mills, breed dogs into the ground and then let them go roam free to get hit by cars when they're done breeding them? Good people who destroy their road horses' legs and dump them at new holland for a slaughter broker the second they can't manage the miles as easily? Good people who ignore fishing and hunting regulations, and regulations about not burning toxic trash?


matilda314 t1_j7co5gp wrote

Amish are the lowest life form on the planet. Abuse anything that isn’t a human male.


AsBadAsAWetShit t1_j7d1dis wrote

I’m not trying to argue, as I’m sure you’re closer to the plain folk than I am, but is it a fact that Amish “usually always live on a farm”, or do we just associate them with farming work? Land for farming, even in PA, can be very expensive. I doubt these communities are full of wealthy people waiting to bestow farming money to their 13 children when they all reach adulthood. There are a ton of Amish carpenters, craftsmen, and various other occupations. I’d say it’s actually quite more likely the majority of the Amish are not farmers. I’m little just talking out of my ass while eating ice cream, so I’m probably wrong.


Similar-Roll5056 t1_j7d2qug wrote

The majority of amish in lancaster county are farmers. They are self sufficient and have knowledge of many different skills. The farms have been handed down for generations. Both amish and mennonites are ridiculously wealthy but are obviously very modest.


Plastic-Lawfulness55 t1_j7dgkho wrote

posing for photos is "proud" and generally they won't do it. not saying all Amish follow the same hard and fast rules. my son in law saw an Amish woman in a train station and was surprised she was carrying a handbag! I told him of course she had a bag, was she supposed to carry all her stuff in her hands?


Hazel1928 t1_j7dmtkf wrote

I live just south of Coatesville and I have a daughter in Hockessin and a daughter in Wilmington. Plus two on call jobs in Wilmington. So I drive through the horse farms and just general beautiful landscape and very old houses often. Such a lovely drive. We (my husband and I) call it our Jane Austen land. And consider these two daughters used to live one in Manyunk and the ither close to the art museum. So we were on the Schukyll to visit our grandchildren. But new jobs, both sons in law ended up in Delaware within a year of each other. One is a lawyer and the other is a scientist. So lots of business in both those fields in Wilmington.


hufarted-me t1_j7duprm wrote

There’s even buggy parking at AutoZone in Lancaster.


ewcheyenneeliz t1_j7e4ty9 wrote

i grew up in lancaster county, pa. for people to find this funny or odd seems so strange to me, im so used to yelling being stuck behind 2 buggies while another one is coming in the opposite lane 🤣🤣🤣 my grocery store growing up (and where my parents still shop) is entirely amish owned and has a huge buggy parking section.

they make good food. and good milk. but they can’t fricking drive!!!!!

the best is 2AM hearing them pass by your house on the road blaring black eyed peas and various voiced shouting the entire way.


No-Setting9690 t1_j7fuqot wrote

Brother posted a pic on Facebook. He lives just outside Lancaster. The buggy had a dominos logo on it.


Hazel1928 t1_j7g5n3n wrote

But if you have 6-8 children, and 85% stay Amish, you can’t hand down the farm to all of them. I live in Chester County, which adjoins Lancaster County. There are still plenty of farmers, but there isn’t enough land to keep up with the growing Amish population. So I don’t think a majority are farmers. Therefore of them have businesses doing carpentry, building and selling furniture, operating stalls at markets (where they sell fruits and vegetables, baked goods, wooden handicrafts, fabric handicrafts, homemade candy, fresh squeezed lemonade, soft pretzels, and more). We had an Amish guy install hardwood floors and he referred us to another Amish guy that built our kitchen cabinets. Everything was done to perfection, and we really enjoy it.

And in Lancaster County, there are many tourists, so the Amish provide services to the tourists: buggy rides, stores with Amish baked goods and handicrafts, tours of Amish farms.


CocoaMotive t1_j7hn9m1 wrote

If it's a community well known for it's terrible treatment of women and animals, yes. If you're looking for only nice things to be said about people, the internet is the wrong place for you.