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Travis123083 t1_j7e34vy wrote

Only if you want shot.


[deleted] t1_j7eervv wrote

I live in a bad part of philly. They’ll be fine. I also visited johnstown quite a lot when i was dating my ex and never felt unsafe there.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j7gb5if wrote

I have no knowledge of Johnstown, but I feel the "I live(d) in a bad part of Philly, so this other place is tolerable" experience lol. Have to tell my husband that frequently since he hates our current place in Hanover (can't blame him tbh). Just got done telling my maintenance guy how I had a hole in my wall in Philly from rainwater damage, and also raccoons in said walls. I noped out so fast.

On that note, hoot hoot to any other Temple grads.